Oh no no no no no no Jow Forums btfo

How does Jow Forums explain this anomaly?

>According to The Journal of Sexual Medicine, shorter men have more sex than their taller counterparts. More specifically, in a study with 531 heterosexual guys, “coital frequency was higher among men with a height of less than 175cm” (just under 5’9”).

>This seems to go against everything we have (perhaps unconsciously) learned about stature and men: That height is a genetic indicator of physical fitness and, therefore, attractiveness.

>Most of the findings were pretty predictable: The most sex was reported by men ages 25-29, men less than 172 lbs, those with a normal BMI, those with a normal waist circumference, and those without any cardiometabolic diseases. Essentially, the younger, fitter, and healthier men are the ones getting laid the most. That’s not too surprising, since we know age and health can affect a guy's sex life.

>But here's the clincher: Guys shorter than 5 foot 9 inches actually reported having more sex than the taller men.

>“Coital frequency was higher among men with a height of less than 175 cm”, contrary to popular belief.

>Study: Short Men Tend To Be Better Sex Partners Than Taller Men

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Probably because taller men have longer lasting relationships.

>longer lasting relationships.
wouldn't that mean they are having more sex? or is their wife cheating with a shorter man?

As a fellow manlet i can asure you that there is a study that claims that X is better than Y

for every topic imagineable

>Guys shorter than 5 foot 9 inches actually reported having more sex than the taller men.

They all probably had 12 inch penises too. Never trust a manlet.

>coital frequency

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Because insecure manlets definitely tell the truth

imagine being this triggered lanklet

lanklet: career, family, early retirement
manlet: wage cuck, thots and suicide

Years of emotional abuse and neglect cause the manlet to seek compensation in every part of his life, this includes lying about his sexual partner count

This, Manlets try to over compensate for everything so they put on a tough guy act. That’s what insecurities does to people.

>According to The Journal of Sexual Medicine, shorter men have more sex than their taller counterparts.

If you thought every meal might be your last, you'd make the most of it too.

Athletic girls keep harems of small men to lick the sweat from their asscracks when they come back from tournaments.

ITT: coping lanklets

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Now this is coming from a 5’10er but I’ve noticed over the years that a lot of tall people act arrogant towards shorter guys with women. They think that being tall makes you automatically the better mate. In reality most girls only care that you are at least a couple inches taller. Except thots that want a 6’5 tan sugar daddy. I’m probably not gonna get a 6’0 or even 5’10 tall, slender beautiful white girl but most women are 5’6 or under.


Shorter dudes try way harder.

I'm 6'1 and I hear the girls at work gossiping about how short some of the guys are
I thought you guys were memeing but they bring it up a lot

>self reported

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>5'10 and identifies as a manlet
I fucking love what this place does to people's self image.

Idk where I live I’m shorter than all of my friends. And it feels that the more attractive women are my height or taller

What's it like up there? Does the pussy smell fresh and sweet.
>tfw 6'0" manlet
>tfw I can never make it

live a good life, user. do it for those of us who will never taste success

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Dominance is a better predictor if sexual success than height

Dwarves (not manlets) are usually more aggressive than taller guys


Cool story, could use a vampire though

>a 6’0 or even 5’10 tall, slender beautiful white girl
>white girl

When will they learn?

Short guys lie?

I'm 5'6'' and I'm not getting laid. I don't know any other short guys getting laid either. So I'm assuming my fellow manlets lie like mad on these surveys.