Order66 on kinobody... GO

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I only take orders from the true pisslord, not some nig larping faggot

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>I only take orders from the true pisslord
you are the lowest form of faggot

Says the dude unironically following muscular men on social media


It sick bro prolly 13% body fat tested last week bro WHOOOOOO CAAAARES all right pissoutbye

Its kinda weird when men act like women but don't also dress like them. Whoever made this post should definitely got on HRT and start wearing dresses.

maybe you could give some pointers? faggot.

nice projection faggot, and on top of that you are the one following a literal retarded homosexual

Yeah just keep posting weird gossipy shit and making drama. It really helps with the whole "acting like a woman" thing. Next you should start complaining about the lack of women in something that pays well.

its Jow Forums moron. not your group therapy positivity session. kinocuck get OUT

>literal homosexual
Keep being wrong, lad

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nice projection faggot

Shut up nigger.


hes butthurt cause probably unironically gay for kinobody

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What does order66 mean?

basically trolling someone’s social media. look up “jason genova order 66” on yt


whoooooooo caaaaaaares

Wow Skywalker sure has been a faggot recently

>His entire story is reaffirming, unaccepted messages from nut hugging DYEL fans

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It’s fucking order66 you cookie cutter

>taking orders from a vain chink who’s buttmad over stupid shit
Literally pathetic