Is honey anabolic?

My brother has been eating 800 calories worth of honey every day for the past month and he's been making gains like crazy. He was recently able to 1rep max 175lbs overhead press at 160lbs

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>does honey have calories?

Yes. Food is anabolic user.

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Some food is catabolic. Processed food like white bread.

Are you retarded

>what is an ENERGY SOURCE, Alex?
Small possibility it's having some antiinflammatory effects that are speeding up recovery.

What's his bf% like ? Super flat stomach or has a small gut ? Because usually fructose in high dose can cause the gut.

honey is literally GOD TIER FOOD
cures all kinds of shit lasts forever
as long as its unprocessed
I used to literally bathe in the stuff when I lived with my parents
(they had a friend who owned beehives)
honey transcends all known logic just like the little faeries that make the stuff

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show me his teeth

lmfao brainlet

>be me
>eat 800 cals of honey every day
>make gains like crazy
>start eating more honey, probably like 1200 cals of honey now
>lifts skyrocket, getting bulky af
>read that processed honey isn't as healthy as raw honey, factories add other sweeteners and shit like that
>start buying organic, RAW honey
>full on strongman lifts at this point
>barely managed to grow a beard before, now I'm covered in hair like a turkish guy, have to shave every week.
>test thru the roof
>have started bending barbells with the sheer weight I'm repping
>gym manager pissed
>have to pay for damaging equipment
>organic honey is expensive AF, but I need my daily fix to keep these gains
>start foraging for PURE NATURAL HONEY in the wilds to save money
>eating around 20k cals of honey daily now
>raiding beehives like an animal

I'm finally bearmode

>now I'm covered in hair like a turkish guy
hi I'm Turkish and I can confirm I'm hairy :)


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If bugenbeta is to be believed, yes. Mix it with chocolate

top zozzle

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>No garlic
>No raw onions

what are you even trying to do?

Man I miss honey. Last time I had some it gave me outrageous searing heartburn instantly. Hurt so bad I puked and my stomach was burning for a whole day and couldn't eat. I'd eaten honey regularly before that, and always went for raw honey too. I still don't know why it happened, but I'm terrified to try it again.

post pics of your brother haha

Sounds like you ate a bee and it stung you

Honey is Bugenhagen approved.


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>800 calories a day of honey for a month

1Tbsp of wild flower honey is 60 calories, which translates into 17g of carbs in the form of highly dense sugars.

Your brother has been eating the equivalent of:
>13.33 Tablespoons of honey


>226.67g of carbs of highly dense sugars

PER day


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Such a massive shame that climate change is decimating bees populations worldwide. Over the course of the next 50 years, the price of honey is going to fucking skyrocket.

I was thinking about creating my own beehive. How hard would that be?

You're fucking retarded. Wild bees and small-scale hives are not doing any worse than they have been for the last few thousand years.

honey if unheated/raw has an insulin like substance, so it is extremely anabolic

my brother always eats the raw and unfiltered stuff.

Don't beelieve this user's lies.

this reads like an r greentext story

Beekeeper here, there's nothing in honey that's going to help you make gains more than any other calorie source. Bees eat two main things: nectar and pollen. Pollen is their protein source(making more bees), nectar is their carb source(energy for flying and other activities). Bees then digest, regurgitate and dehydrate nectar to turn it into honey, allowing it to remain edible indefinitely.

So when you eat honey, you're eating sugary bee puke that gives you a lot of calories with almost no protein. It's like drinking a soda with health benefits, you may get a boost to your immune system or skin or some shit but you're not gonna make more gains than you would eating those calories a different way.

isn't entirely wrong, it's too complex to get into detail but you could find better food than honey for gains.

Not too hard. Find a mentor in your area, mentoring is literally the only way to successfully learn beekeeping. You'll only spend about an hour per week for each hive(less when you know what you're doing) but the startup costs may be prohibitive(easily $150 for the queen and starting colony alone, and unless you buy local you WILL be scammed with bad genetics). But it's seriously one of the best decisions I've ever made, once you get into it beekeeping is a blast, and decently profitable for something you do for fun.

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That's a wasp. Wasps don't make honey.

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To be clear, I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from eating honey! It has many health benefits and is by many standards a miracle food. But for the most part it's not going to make a meaningful impact on your gains.

you're a beekeeper, not a nutritionist or a biologist. even those mentioned people don't know all the benefits of the unique enzymes in raw honey, which have been proven to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. nobody knows really, except that it's great for you.

I'm sure they make something tasty.

It's really not. It's a slightly healthier version of sugar.

What does decently profitable mean? Is the price of honey on the rise because bees are on a decline? I’ve thought about brewing mead but the cost of honey was too much to do for shits and giggles. How much can you make off a standard box sized hive?

> (You) isn't entirely wrong, it's too complex to get into detail but you could find better food than honey for gains.

actually i'm not wrong at all but thanks.

the key is it has to be unheated which is hard to find.


You're alright

( ・ㅂ・)و

Replace milk with söy


You really don't understand at all do you?

There has been honey found in tombs of ancient Egypt, from thousands of years ago that was still completely intact, clean, and edible. That is not physically possible with something like sugar.

>t. monsanto
get fucked

what does 800 kcal of honey even look like?

I eat a teaspoonful of mad honey before every pr

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>some food is catabolic
jesus christ

wouldnt it be possible if no oxygen was present?

based hunter gatherer poster

What's special about mad honey?

lol this nigga a beekeeper like nigga what even is your job ahaha u a clown

t. bee

It makes you hallucinate. And possibly get MAD

It was in a pot, not a hermetically sealed vacuum, user.

Youre thinking of hornets. And no they dont make anything tasty char- user

>take bath in honey
>plumbing becomes fucking solidified

oh yeah and cum is anabolic as fuck it you do it the should be done right thanks

>is sugar anabolic
>is insulin anabolic

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is he still doing that? how's it been going?

include me in the screencap

somebody upload this to r/Jow Forums quick

He hasn't posted an update, so I assume it's going well.

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>eating pure sugar

I think my profitable he might mean that you could eventually produce enough to be able to sell it at your local farmer's market and turn a nice little profit for the level of effort and cost involved in running your own small hive.

Pure honey is legit amazing and people are more than willing to pay top dollar for that if given the opportunity. I wish my backyard was a full on backyard instead of a tiny townhouse space. I'd totally setup a mini hydroponics facility to grow my own herbs and foods and maybe even learn how to handle my own hive to produce honey. Then every harvest, bottle it up with my own logo and sell it at the Farmer's market for anywhere from $6-12 dollars a jar, depending on the size.

>Here, the honey is cultivated in rhododendrons and azaleas.

Both flowers together lead to a honey that has hallucinogenic properties.

It's MAD expensive, $1 per gram of it. But it can make you trip balls and lead to some wild experiences, supposedly. I think it's worth buying just 1 jar of it for having it and tried it--but is not something you should pursue unless you're making 6 figures and can throw around that kind of money over a 100g jar of honey.

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Ain't nothing wrong with munching on a piece of sugarcane user. Equally, ain't nothing wrong with having a teaspoon or tablespoon of honey. Processed sugar is unironically worse than eating honey.

That said, eating anything in excess is bad for you; jackass.

WTF, thanks bros!

The site in question has the documentary on how the honey is acquired. It's only ~23 minutes long but its really REALLY worth the watch. I hope the culture and people who harvest it maintain their tradition forever. Mad Honey is legit.

But it's also really dangerous. The recommended serving size of it is 1/2 teaspoon per day. Up to 1 teaspoon and there's a good chance of you getting sick and beyond that, you're playing russian roulette with your life. Especially to people like us, who haven't lived in and around such a honey for years and generations.

1/2 teaspoon is enough to get you high with the potency of a good quality blunt.

>Monsanto haha

>actually i'm not wrong at all but thanks.
You sound like a passive-aggressive plebbitfag, and yes you're partially wrong

>the key is it has to be unheated which is hard to find.
>unheated is hard to find
t. city retard

I haven't noticed a change in price but I don't have a commercial operation, I just do it as a hobby. Some friends of mine say it's been rising. We like to pull off 25lbs a year, but so many factors can change that. If you can keep a hive alive then you can split it for more, getting new colonies which you can sell and so on. I'm more in it for the fun rather than the money though. says it really well.


Beekeeping and lifting are my two main hobbies, my job is related to business and economics, without going into boring detail.

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fuck off reddit

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