Got any insecurities Jow Forums?
Got any insecurities Jow Forums?
everyone has some
being 5'11
Difference is Greg O'Gallagher is natty, unlike that disgusting road-kill haired mutt. Change my mind.
I usually don't mind Skywalker but he has been such a tool lately
Mild gyno and hairline. I'm probably ot going to be completely bald for awhile since no one in my family did till they were 45+ but I'm already nw2.5 at 24 and it sucks
>FOOT taller
Skywalker is 6'10"? Big if true.
kinobody is legit in the sense he preaches leangains since martin berkhan quit.
Also the fuck is wrong with bodybuilders trying to act like "ill slap" ? youre training in the gayest sport lmao
My body is head to toe insecurities.
I lift so I can flex my physical strength, idc about being attractive.
Being nearly bald at 23. Oooooof
Hasn't happened yet, but I'm about to only have one testicle
Same here user same here.....
Lol Johnny sky walker is unironically an insecure bitchboy, he blocked me because I called him out, and he can’t take criticism . Dude ain’t it
>height shaming
I thought it was exclusively a Jow Forums thing.
Fucking hell Skywalker is rattled
Yes. I unironically can't be myself bro. In real life i try to act calm and quiet and come off as shy, but my actual personality is a loud, obnoxious douchebag, but for some reason i just can't let it out bro...fuaaaaark... time to get the rope brah FUCK IT IM GONNNA DO IT RIGHT FUCKING NOW
smol calves.
When my arms are pumped they're nearly three inches bigger than my calves.
Based greg
Stop paying attention to girly shit, Jow Forums. You don't want to have that normalized in your world.
That's not normal behavior for men, nor healthy behavior for that matter.
My gyno and acne ridden chest
lmao jon is such an insecure faggot does he actually expect someone to believe what his ex said and curving someone cus of a small dick
Haven't had a gf... and I'm 23.
how would she know greg has a small dick before fucking him at least once? like cmon did she curve him or not? what are these fucking preschool roasts lmao
I'll be your gf
This. Snap out of it lads.
one of my closest friends is 28 and a virgin
plenty of time before it because pathetic
>she curved you because you had a little dick
lmao if he actually believes that she curved him
Cringing at him trying to sound like a nigger so much
bodybuilding is not a sport lol
same boat. lot of luck involved, right place at the right time etc
>aayyy weed lmao
>busted car lmao
>roids lmao
>injuries from ego lifting lmao
>buy my shitty jewelry and stupid gay-ass stringers lmao
>buy all these shitty products I always sling on my stories lmao
This goblino fag is insecure because his whole life revolves around vanity and his entire being hinges on the needle he sticks in his ass. Pathetic.
I just got my first one 5 months ago at 24 and I'm 25 now. Don't worry about it so much
I like how he made his picture resolution bigger than greg's to exaggerate the height difference.
I don't know who these two are, but the fact that this skywalker dude is getting this mad over a simple comparison pic screams insecurity.
i cant talk about my problems or emotions to anyone, it feels like im constantly lying because i cant show vulnerability to anyone
who the fuck does this fucking nigger think he is trying to order 66 anyone. only the sithlord janoy can do that
I wonder how kino can have that physique with simply lifting 3 times per week plus fasting/shitty meal timing which is detrimental to muscle protein synthesis
bruhs roiding, skywalker walks but that dude is open about it and also funny as fuck, go watch his "interview" on youtube laughs guaranteed
>having emotions
Haha seriously? Just wait til you’re in your 30s all that shit just goes away basically and time just passes
same here, it's hard to compensate for being 4" too short
Hey Skywalker how does it feel knowing someone natty is as big as you? Does it hurt having shit genetics?
>that post
Pick one.
kek he does have shit genetics i agree
had a tequila blind taste in the morning and a rum one just a while ago so yeah
I'm a chad on paper, tall handsome come from money etc etc but I had to homeschool 11th and 12th grade because of health issues
I got depressed and didn't bother with my old friends who were all still in school having a great time
Mommy footed the bill while I self-isolated and lost all my social skills as things got worse
Didn't really want to kill myself so decided to turn it all around and now I'm doing so much better but I'm a manchild and I'm embarrassed to put myself out there
imagine liking either one of these two
These two pictures are an excellent example of the natty Chad vs the virgin rider. Look at the paper skin and dryness on the right vs the fullness and ripe fruit muscle mass of the left.
So, that bitch was in a hotel room with Greg, dude took off his pants and had a small dick and she said "oh shit, ive got a job to do, brb"
Sounds legit.
I'm 5' 11" and have a shorter girlfriend, never been called short when being fucked with. Then again I weight 270 and work metal all day so nobody really wants to sumo wrestle a fucking redneck.
coming from money isn't chad
Exactly. This shit doesn't happen and Skywalker just admitted things got at least as far as her being in a bedroom looking at his dick.
cancer? Which one is it going to be?
Meh jawline. Nothing horrible to look at, but I just wish I had a chiseled jaw.
Also have mild rosaceae
Found out the girl im seeing had an ex with a massive dong, but other than that nah.
Thinking you're a female doesn't make you a female. Sorry to burst your bubble bro.
show us your dick sissy boy
>tfw you bang someones ex and now they salty
kinonigger is a fake natty cunt fag, skywalker is a juicy cunt but at least he's honest about it
I like both of them for different reasons. I've met both of them and they are good dudes but i feel like jon is just jelly tha greg hooked up with his ex and used the constant insta ads popping up from greg as an excuse to call him out. I feel like it backfired tho
The dude brought her to the hotel in a lambo. Greg showed proof on inst but mightve took it down by now.
Jon's supra has nothing on Greg's lambo bitch wont give a lambo up
Gregory boi sure as hell gave her the billionaire treatment
Do it
I am insecure about my weight issues.
Mainly, when left to my own devices, I will lose weight very quickly. I was in the third percentile for weight at one point for my age. Many people don't take my problem seriously because they would love to be able to drop weight, but it is a curse. I am rarely hungry and do not look great even though I have been exercising for around a half year, I just look quite average, which is actually a huge milestone for me. I am on a 3000 calorie diet right now and am around 145~. About 17 pounds above my lowest I've ever seen myself.
My sister was even anorexic at one point. I never had the mental issues she struggled with, but being underweight is something we both have issues with. I just wish people knew that I probably plan out my diet even more strictly than people who need to lose weight.
On top of this, as a guy it is far less attractive to be underweight than it is to be overweight.
My goal is to hit 155 and cut back down to a semi muscular 145, rather than the average looking 145 I'm at now.
If anyone is interested I could post my diet. It is quite cheap and if my calculations for calories and protein are correct, it is about 3000 calories a day with 160 grams of protein. I probably eat about 2700 of them on an average day due to my small apatite. It is not a fun diet.
Are you people being upset that you're 5'11 memeing, or has this board actually fucked you up? You're not short. You're average if not slightly above. Hell, I'm 5'10 and people have called me tall. Most of those people are fat and short but the point is that if you take care of yourself and have good posture, you can have a strong presence without being a giant.
Suh Jow Forums, Skywalker here. Dubs
>the day jon went ghetto gay
Last time I heard someone talk like that, it was a black drag queen, drunk on the train.
5'11-6'4 is the perfect height though
cringing so hard at you faggots using "curve" unironically and chiming in at 2 other faggots bickering at eachother. i can't imagine how you guys are irl. probably weird as absolute fuck.
My nose, hairy feet, fingernails and toenails I excessively clip short until they bleed, and tummy chub
i take that back. youre probably all Mexican. all 5 of you. it would make total sense. using gay lingo. caring about pointless retarded celeb shit.
>I had sex with your girl in these locations
jon drives a busted-ass 350z or maybe it's a 370
You mean 6'5
Manlet looks better. Guy on the right looks like a clown with that afro. Needs to do something with that trash hair, also lose the multiple chains. Looks stupid wearing five fucking gold necklaces like a gigolo. If he lost the jewelry and changed his hairstyle he'd be a 10/10.
I'm 5'10", and people who happen to be taller don't bother me at all.
It must suck to be so god damned insecure about height
90% of lifters have this same problem. Is tough, run up hills a bunch.
Only if you're buff.
>people actually talk like that
You can take the animal out of the jungle but never the jungle out of the animal.
>probably mexican
Why do you assume all posters are from the USA?
Anyway, I only vaguely know who either of these faggots are, and only know who kinobody is because he did that american psycho parody or whatever and you faggots posted it here. It's very obvious that this skywalker fag is a pathetic fraud, very similar to our very own masT.
If you are so above this then why are you here chiming in on people chiming in with negative opinions on el goblino there? If you really didn't care you wouldn't have even opened this thread and you certainly wouldn't have replied to 5 fuck posts lmao. unironically kys desu desu senpai
You don't have to use coping strategies like lifting when you're that tall. It's just life on easy mode. As long as you socialize like a normal person, girls will constantly hit on you. Now if you want a really hot girlfriend adding muscle on the frame will certainly help.
Except you have no choice but to lift unless you wanna look like a skeleton.
>I'm natural
Receding hairline and gyno.
Lmao both are incredible faggots
Lol I know a 6'5 guy and he gets dates JUST because he's tall, like girls literally tell him shit like "oh I've never been with someone so tall before haha I had to try you!". One time we were out a girl randomly approached him and kissed him without saying a word. She later said it was for a "bet". She was hot too. They dated a bit after that.
That guy doesn't exercise at all. He's fat, and his ass/hips in particular are out of proportion and not manly at all.
Like I said, lifting is OPTIONAL.
I'm an indian manlet.
163 cm at 19,
at least I'm not fat
Lifting is never optional though
chew a lot of gum
worked for me
I have about 15 pounds left to lose after losing 25 and my chest is starting to look more and more like gyno than just chest fat. Very self conscious about my puffy inverted nipples.
happiness is just a simple surgery away
Face and height are over 90% of what makes a guy attractive so I disagree. The only exception would be being really fat and that's only because it makes your face look less sharp.
Jesus fuck what shitty neighborhood are you from brah?
>$3000 to make your nipples look a little bit better.
And I'm retarded enough to do it, too
There is this brown spot on my upper thigh about the size of a dime. Kind of afraid of getting naked in front of a girl and having her see that. Have lots of acne scarring, redness, face craters. Lots of ass crack hair. Can't grow a full beard. Sweat from my pits easily. Also 29 and still a virgin and never had a gf. Also pic related.
I didn't spend my youth playing video games and watching anime. I spent it being morbidly depressed and miserable.
My height, I cant tell if people are making fun of me or not
I had a body count of 14 girls since i was sexually active at 15 but i didnt get an actual, real official gf until i was almost 26 so dont worry about all that desu man
same, but going on 28