>he doesn’t keep one of these near his bed for sleep gains
He doesn’t keep one of these near his bed for sleep gains
get on my level satan
It's like five steps to the bathroom dude..
>what’s that a milk carton? you filled it with lemonade? bro let me take a hit I’m dyin’ of thirst
Why is the devil hospitalized?
I remember nurse showing this shit down my dick after my pectus surgery, thank god I was zooted as hell
Damn, I used a wide mouth Poland spring gallon
i was in a bad car wreck, got one of them put in me at the hospital, and when the nurse yanked it out it was some of the most intense pain i've ever felt.
Yeah bro, I legit have PTSD from when they pulled that shit outta my dickhole after a surgery
They threatened to catheterize me after appendectomy surgery if I couldn’t pee on my own. I sat on the toilet for hours and finally pissed my way out of urethral torture
If my wife dies or leaves me this is the first thing I'm getting. I've had one in my Amazon cart for years.
>Not going for the obvious solution
Student nurse here. I feel for you fuckers everytime we have to do it. The look on dudes' faces as we shove a tube down their dickhole is one of pure horror and betrayal.
My penis is actually reacting while reading this.
what if i get hard while they put the tube in?
would they think im weird?
Kek. We are everywhere
There is practically 0% chance you would get hard. If for some reason you did, then yes, we would just quietly think you're weird. Especially because I'm a guy, you homo.
how the FUCK do they make sure it doesn't go down the other path
my penis went back in my body
does getting up to piss in the middle of the night waste gains? what am i missing here?
Diaperfags get the rope after footfags
The other path only opens when you’re about to cum. If you’re getting catheterized that shit is probably shut TIGHT. Also they cover the hose in lube.
I use this
>jerk off while they stick it in you
>clear path opens up to your
Never mind I can’t fucking write this I feel sick
Based and NEETpilled
I'm not a footfag but you're an actual fag if you dont kiss a girls feet while having her on her back with her knees behind her head. I miss her boys...
imagine the smell
Shit dude my dad had a stroke and he is recovering but I literally have to clean his stupid Boomer ass piss bottle
this is one of the many ways that getting a gf kills your gains
can't piss in bottles anymore
My grandfather had surgery right when his dementia started to set it. He ripped his out a few times and it would be bloody.
I've had to get two cystoscopy on the last few years. First time the doc offered ativan, second time he offered but I said fuck it because it's like a minute and a half compared to being fucked up half the day. That was a mistake.
reporting in
>being fucked up half the day
Lmao lightweight.
>improved c o l o r s
Oh shit you convinced me
lol MURSES have to touch dicks. what a faggot job.
>t. de-gen drug addict
I sleep naked with my window open and the winter cold in my room (I sleep better that way) and because I don't want to climb out of my nice blanket-nest and walk to my bathroom I just piss in an old Powerade bottle and empty it in the mornings.
It's a disgusting habit I need to kick but since I'm fighting some bad times/bad feels right now it makes me happy not having to freeze my ass off on the walk and back.
I'm wondering as well. There's probably no real benefit but I'd like to know the explanation
I just wanna sleep through the night like I used to >:(