What mode is this, Jow Forums? How to achieve?

What mode is this, Jow Forums? How to achieve?


Attached: 1546967622392.png (1080x1920, 986K)

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dios mio

creationist still say there is no missing link

La creatura...

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (660x439, 66K)

is that even human?

Attached: abzv4Yr_700b.png (601x601, 455K)

El chupacabra

most brazilian looking "person" I've ever seen

Several generations of mutt inbreeding mode.


one race - the human race

Is it unethical to do tests on this guy? Like he literally looks like a missing link

dios mio!!!

Of course it would. He is a humam like you and me

and I thought la creatura was just a meme
looks straight out of a horror flick

Looks like a future engineer or doctor to me

He has microcephaly

Attached: la creatura.png (575x1060, 584K)

Attached: 1510408659403.png (423x330, 53K)

typical brazillian mode



Attached: 1510383364850.jpg (900x683, 149K)

>national geographic determined what americans will look like in 2050
>and it's beautiful


El Demonio Siempre Negro
El Señor de las Tinieblas
El Fin de los Tiempos
La Venganza de Dios
El Señor del Averno
El Señor Tenebroso
El Rey del Averno
El Duende del 56%
El Agujero Negro
El África Humano
La Monstruosidad
El Señor Oscuro
La Abominación
El Chupacabras
Materia Oscura
El Destructor
Las Tinieblas
La Aberración
El Roba-almas
El Anticristo
La Maldición
La Oscuridad
El Tenebroso
Paco Johnson
La Calamidad
La Maldición
La Criatura
La Mutación
El Leviatán
El Monstruo
El Renegado
El Demonio
La Mancha
El Goblin
El Oculto
El Orco
El Ser
El Fin

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Poor monkey was having a great time until that roastie showed up. LEAVE THE MONKEY ALONE.

everybody stop laughing for a second
>mfw might actually be a caveman living amongst us

No one ever said the tests would be unethical themselves retard. General DNA and MRI testing with compensation would be interesting if this dude really just like glitched out and was born with a 4000 year old biological code but it’s probably just some birth defect from poor nutrition during pregnancy from living in a third world shithole country.

Homo Erectus mode

>this dude really just like glitched out and was born with a 4000 year old biological code

Attached: 1532241125415.jpg (258x195, 11K)

>roiding for this
>a solid 8 in brazil


Jesus, we live in a world where parasites are allowed to flourish. As a Persian, Hitler and the Nazis were fucking right. Someone really fucked up that chance

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yo yo yo hold up this is beyond racism, hes not even black. Its a literal caveman, how the fuck does this not have a billion views and isnt on the news?

Jesus... that thing'll tear you apart

Literally looks like an early hominid

I actually feel bad for this dude, but can someone explain -- medically -- what's wrong with him? He legitimately looks like what I imagine the first humans looked like. Can any med students explain?

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oh man this country is the gift that keeps on giving

This looks exactly like Azzo Bassou, a strange north African man from the early 20th century.

and yet he's still hanging out and listening to music with the opposite sex. More than most of Jow Forums and Jow Forums can say hahahahahahahahha fucking christ

Yes, this is what is called a "La creatura" or "Brazilian" for short. It is caused by generations of race mixing leading to severe degradation of DNA. Many cases are known.

Attached: 1525819008608.webm (368x640, 1.85M)

What am I supposed to be looking at? Looks like the standard American male

This look like a breed between human and chimpanzee. Maybe a genetic experiment that escaped?

Not watching this because its just too disturbing, but this deformation is from polio. Anti-vaxers are trying to stop us from keeping this shit out of the human species.

[citations needed]

Attached: vac.png (942x757, 202K)

This webm is the first thing that came to my find when seeing OPs pic

it's what some refer to as "Brazilians"

Attached: 1474238678893.gif (238x178, 1.64M)

Lmfao at all the poltards, this ain’t really a racial thing. That absolute specimen has Zika.

is this the missing link?

Attached: ahh.yes.jpg (655x527, 36K)

Came to post this

Mirin this monkey aesthetic

He went full chimp mode

Fuck off, Jow Forums is a right wing board

its not race or inbreeding, his mother had the zika virus during pregnancy and his father probably had it during insemination.

I’m right wing, doesn’t mean poltards aren’t cringe


What the mother fuck?

what the actual fuck
is this cgi or a real fucking monkeyman

>right wing
>shill for racemixing
Sure you are, go take your hormone replacements faggot


That man looks like he is in his thirties. Zika only arrived in brazil about 3-4 years ago, after the WC. It literally did not exist here before that. It can't be zika.

>Object Class: Keter

what the fuck poor dude was having a good time and the bitches make a spectacle out of him

Goliath online

Easter Island mode.

Attached: aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzAyNy81NDYvb3JpZ2luYWwvZWFzdGVyLWlzbGFuZC1oZWFk (660x578, 121K)

That’s why you don’t fuck with no monkey soup

Here's a pic of a white guy with Zika. While the traits look similar to OP the monster in OP is clearly caused by more than that. Race mixing caused OP's appearance just so much as zika. Dont give people with zika such a bad name by comparing us to creaturas

Attached: 328B5B3F00000578-3509204-Daryle_Koltay_19_has_microcephaly_a_condition_where_babies_are_b-m-2_145891 (306x457, 38K)

more like 200 000

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>all systems nominal.webm

yeah that seems to be it.
does it cause intellectual impairment? how much do you lift? how did you find Jow Forums?


>4000 year old biological code
>implying we were literal monkeys 600 years after the Great Pyramid was built

You guys are way off. He has microcephaly, just to a very bad degree.

He did not choose to be born like that.

Attached: 1438514714949.jpg (396x385, 71K)

Honestly wish I had a zika-tier skull shape
t. a megamind xenomorph

Nope. Coincidentally one of my very good friends has it. But nothing compared to this guy.

Obama mode?

>caused by generations of race mixing
>Race mixing caused OP's appearance

The shills are really active tonight huh?

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whatcha doing rabbi?

how much are you being paid to post here?

You’re a glow in the dark nigger, fuck off

Actually curious too about this guy's background and the context. Guess its better to just don a an anime profile pic and spout 4chanisms

Perhaps Trump was right... we really do need a wall.

the shilling never stops

They look just like early homo sapiens. I wonder if the zika causes certain genes to be expressed, and suppresses others. Could we fill whole city with them? What would happen? Are they intellectually impaired?

Holy fuck I’d like to mix races with her, IF ya know what I mean.

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>entire thread making fun of race mixing and abominations it produces
>enter you
>hurr durr you’re all racist shills
Serious kys, fit is a right wing board

>fit is a right wing board
you sound desperate

You make no sense tranny, I’m informing you of facts. You seem to be the only butthurt one here

Attached: 2D584A46-8D7E-477F-A2F7-4A0305D3DCD8.jpg (509x672, 44K)

>You seem to be the only butthurt one here

Yet you keep replying to me. Get a real job shill

Go back to >>>/reddit/

>that comment section
>tfw you realize having an all white friend circle was a mistake after all

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Again you make no sense, just know that you can never change Jow Forums so you might as well go back to where ever the fuck you came from

looks like those pictures of Zika babies but grown up desu

Blacks know they are beneath whites
I switched my name on Grinder from Dom4Sub to Dom4Slave and the amount of blacks who message me tripled lmao

whatever helps you sleep at night Jow Forumscuck

nice fanfiction