My gf is about to leave me because I’m a low energy fuck who can’t get his dick up because he’s too tired and low sex drive. I don’t even know when or how this happened to me but it’s been a few months now. I can’t get my dick past grade 2 lately. I did nofap for 3 weeks and feel the same. Should I just buy some viagra or something off the streets or will that just fuck me up? The issue is my energy and drive I think not circulation. I feel dead tired all the time and I hate it. Please help a nigga out Jow Forums
My dude you have classic low T symptoms, tell your doctor and get your levels checked. At your age its almost guaranteed to be hormonal and not blood flow.
Jace King
Supplement ZMA before you sleep everyday
You'll have your morning boners back along with your sex drive
Trust me, I'm 30 years old and I still get morning boners, sex dreams, and jack off 1 or twice everyday thanks to ZMA
If that shit doesn't work, try out stuff like horny goat weed or Maca. Maca makes you flush with heat though.
Cardio and a fucking lot of it. Secondarily don't fucking worry about this bitch, focus on your own shit. If she was gonna leave, she'd be gone. Fix your problem and ignore her bullshit.
Jace Roberts
The boner game is a head game, fren. Could be mental exhaustion. Fix that before you pop pills
Thomas Baker
You should find a hotter gf
Jayden Carter
A 1998 study was undertaken on NCAA football players during an 8-week spring training program. The control group was told to cease taking any nutritional supplements. Those who took the ZMA tablets claimed greater increases in muscle strength.[5] This study was funded by SNAC Systems Inc, the intellectual property right holder, and one of the study's authors, Victor Conte, has ownership equity in this company.
In 2004, a study funded by a research grant from Cytodyne (another supplement producing company) with 42 resistance trained males showed that ZMA supplementation had no significant effects on total and free testosterone, IGF-1, growth hormone, cortisol, the ratio of cortisol to testosterone, or muscle and liver enzymes in response to training. No significant effects were observed in changes in strength, upper or lower body muscle endurance, or anaerobic sprint capacity.[6]
In another study done in 2006, a team of German scientists conducted a study on the effect of ZMA and testosterone levels in the body.[7] The result showed an increase in zinc secretions in urine making it much darker like blood, but no effect on the level of testosterone in the body.
Evan Ward
I would think so too but I have a deep voice and a lean body while barely working out. And I used to have a super high sex drive that just disappeared overnight. Maybe you’re right though. I don’t want my parents to find out I had that checked though they still get my medical bills because I’m on their insurance plan.
I’ll look into all of these thank you. I don’t give too much of a fuck about side effects I just want my vitality back
Joshua Perez
If your gf announces that she plans on leaving you then she isn't worth it
Blake Watson
Yea seriously try ZMA, what boner pills do is they dilate the blood vessels to increase bloodflow. It doesn't do jack shit unless you're a smoker, an alcoholic, or old.
I've also tried cialis before but that's the same shit as viagra. Just stick with ZMA. If they don't work try horny goat weed or maca.
Ian Harris
Anyone have any ideas why horny goat weed and yohimbe do nothing to my libido or erection quality?
Colton Gonzalez
What everyone else has said plus vitamin d and enough sleep.
Cardio, vit d, sleep, zma, good fats and intense excercise are the main things. After completeing the 10,000 kettlebell swings challange I could fuck for hours. Daily kegal excercise is another thing to look into.
Whilst waiting for all those other things to take effect you could try some herbal viagra. Iv tried a few and they do work.
Daniel Lopez
>30 years old and I still get morning boners, sex dreams, and jack off 1 or twice everyday
Isn't that normal without taking shit for it? 36 here and never had any dick trouble except the odd instance of just being too drink to fuck.
Chase Roberts
You're just over the vanilla porn phase
It's time to get into hardcore fetishes my boi
Nicholas Wright
Yea but ZMA gives you crazy vivid dreams, which I am addicted to. What a trip every night.
Eli Perez
Thank you. Yeah I just really want to fix myself man. See but I sleep plenty and I’m not stressed. I thought it might be a seasonal thing because it’s gray every day but there’s no way to know. She hasn’t said anything like that but I can tell she’s getting frustrated. We haven’t fucked in over a month despite trying. My dick just doesn’t get hard enough and I just want to fall asleep after 30 seconds of foreplay. Thanks man it’s good to have people who actually know what these things do. The extent of my knowledge is “pill gives boner” I’m going to try this stuff i think
I envy you. I feel like such genetic trash having these problems at 19. I look so healthy in every other way is the thing too
Brandon Perry
Had the same problem, but at 32. Low-ish T. Doc prescribed me Viagra immediately and then on the next visit prescribed my T injections. Sex life has been great since
Zachary Thompson
Could be low test I'm 19 too but I have uncontrollable boners especially when women get too close to me and fap 2-3 times daily sadly I'm a khv tho
I think supplements will help with your ED because they increase blood flow:
>Panax Ginseng >Arginine/Citrulline >Tribulus Terrestris >Maca >Tongkat Ali
Jaxon Murphy
>having these problems at 19
You mentioned trying nofap. By any chance were your masturbation habits prior to that on the excessive side (more than once a day) and exclusively to porn? Have you tried just jerking off to imagination/memories?
Fair enough.
Grayson James
ZMA Horny Goat Weed Ashwagandha Yohimbine
Jaxson Watson
I used to jerk off twice a day to insane fetish porn.
I’ve cleaned up my act about a month ago but I still have these issues.
Lucas Hall
Change your diet and leave your gf. If she has this feeling about your dick and willing to give you up because of it, it's not worth it.
Tyler Jones
your blood flow is all fucked up. stop smoking, drinking and eating like shit (if any apply). try cold showers, dropping porn and taking a look at your diet. Finally, and this probably wont apply, i went through a time where a close friend died and i started taking anti-depressants -- my dick was rope tier, couldnt get hard to save my fucking life.l
Jack Martin
Eat her out whilst stroking your cock. Get her to suck you off. 69 her. You’ll get hard. You probably have a burn of performances anxiety and it should wear off.
Angel Martin
Thanks, Wikipedia Pubmed or fuckoff.
Austin Nelson
Which kinds? Asking for a friend
Nathan Gutierrez
Tried this. Got hard but would go just slightly soft at the moment of penetration and couldn’t get it in. Embarrassing and I want to be rock hard before I try again. Incest rape type shit srs
Nathaniel Murphy
Could be you're just not into the chick. I either couldn't get it up or couldn't get off until i met my now fiancee.
Ryder Johnson
Performance anxiety almost certainly. Your dick is fine but your mind isnt
Eli Ward
lol, you should definitely just go see a doctor. The best Jow Forums is going to do for you is either nofap or low test. Even though low test isn't a solution its still one of the 2 answers given here for any health related issues.
I know but my parents see all my medical shit and if they suspect I’m having premarital sex I get like cut out of the will srs lol
John Peterson
Just start shooting black market test bro. You wont regret it
Lucas Martinez
Sounds like you've got some based parents. Have you considered not being a degenerate fornicator?
Christian Lewis
Having a deep voice and being lean doesn't mean you don't have hypogonadism. It's a pretty rare condition though so I still would be surprised to hear you have it. Either way you should get checked out by a doctor asap
Aiden Edwards
Sounds like bait to me. You 19 now. Not 12. Your parents can't see shit unless you tell your doctor they can. Also, get a job. Sounds like you can't afford this on your own.
Parker Jones
>I thought it might be a seasonal thing because it’s gray every day but there’s no way to know. Try vitamin D
Connor Hughes
>gf about to leave me >couple months
What a fucking bitch dude lol. Is no one else amazed at this
Nolan James
I was at 2 when my girlfriend broke up with me, used the anger as motivation to start exercising and lifting again, now I've gotten to the point where I can hang a we towel from my dick. Start doing things to increase your testosterone.
Henry Watson
On tge bigger tablet i can hit tge 4 grade....didnt know we can get that hard naturally. Even as a teen 3 was my best an im skinny
Ayden James
Your dick is not working my guy. The only thing that makes you and your partner feel physical pleasure. Arguably the easiest way to form a connection and show affection for/with someone. The thing that enables your reproduction. Reproduction being the sole purpose of all life.
Somehow you didn't notice. Then, after your girlfriend noticed/got sick of it/decided to actually tell you, you waited for some weeks until you finally... made a shitpost on Jow Forums
Sounds like a grave case of retarditis, I should know.
Oliver Scott
>I’m fucking 19 btw become a cucked trap
or you can start taking; >l-arginine >l-cartinine >ginseng works wonders
Xavier Edwards
Unironically the best advice itt.
Alexander Richardson
Seconded. A lot of people just think they have low test but you might actually have it. Nothing wrong with getting on TRT if you need it. If your parents have health insurance, you're under 26 so you can fall under them. I'd get it checked. What does your body look like? Do you have trouble building muscle mass? The low energy all the time isn't going to be fixed with viagra. Also are you a porn addict?
Leo Morales
This. Your dick knows what it wants, and it’s not your current gf.
Easton Diaz
27 year old boomer here. Ive lost all desire for sex and rarely get boners. Im pretty sure its due to old age.
things you need to address and ask yourself before jumping to some low T medical condition.
1. what time do you sleep and wake? if you're not sleeping before 10:30pm you should shut up right now and get that sorted
2. what is your diet like? you need CARBS, despite Jow Forums and the rest of the health industry bastardising them, they are important for Test production and glycogen for your energy
3. in line with carbs, what kind of vegetables and fruits are you having? are you getting your 5 servings of vege? if not go do that before having a cry. some western diets lack any kind of vegetables.
4. are you getting enough sun? low vitamin D is a major cause of depression and low libido, furthermore melanin has more of a impact on sex drive than testosterone. remember Test doesn't cause sex drive it only correlates with it.
5. how much porn are you watching, alcohol are you consuming and weed are you smoking? you may have depleted serotonin and or your dopamine over time. sleep will be biggest help, but also reducing porn, drugs and computer games will help.
stereotypical a 19 year old would sleep shit, eat shit, and get stuck on the computer, watch porn and not go outside because its too cold outside.
once these issues are addressed then we can start experimenting with supplements/ drugs/ possible medical conditions
Carson Hall
Do HIIT cardio. 6-10 sets of 100m sprints, walking back to where you started as a rest. Coming back home after those and my dick is hard as steel for like an hour, I sleep better that night and the next day I'm horny as fuck too. Also do daily mindfulness meditation, 20 mins a night. It decrease cortisol and activates the pre-frontal cortex all while reducing amydgala activity (responsible for fight or flight response) It also makes you really present and gives you heaps of energy. Trust me brah do those two things and you will be looking for ways to NOT be hard all the time. Stick with the nofap if you can, you're probably flatlining aka going through withdrawals but after a month or two is when the benefits really come through. Also lift heavy compounds and get enough healthy fat in your diet
Sleeping right and eating right at 75% of healthy right.
Robert Martin
Send her my way senpai
Alexander Scott
I appreciate this detailed post so much man really thank you. I go to sleep at like 2-3 am every night so that’s probably contributing. I told myself it was fine because I still sleep 8 hours but when the sun goes down at 4 pm it’s not a good combination. I’m also gonna start supplementing vitamin d because I live in Seattle and never see the sun this time of year. And coincidentally this sort of fog I’m in started late autumn or so.
I’m going to try all of this. The sprints I especially am excited to try. I feel like getting my blood pumping has got to help right
Thank you so much brahs srs I’m determined to escape this pit I’m in, and all I could find on reddit and just googling was “just nofap broooooo”
Justin Hernandez
ZMA doesn't help with like a decade of porn addiction. That said though, it DOES help with increasing sex drive--but most importantly, it helps with regulation of sleep and hitting REM.
ZMA is fucking amazing if you want to dream.
Jordan Parker
It doesn't have to be running. Any form of moderate to high intensity cardio will do: 45m on the bike doing HIIT, running, elliptical, or the stair master. As long as it is of a length greater than 30m and gets your heart rate above 135 for 50% of the duration of the exercise. It increases testosterone in your blood, which is what ultimately makes you horny.
Lifting is great for building muscle, whilst HIIT cardio is good for shedding fat and increasing your primal drive. In the case of ZMA, as mentioned by another user further in the thread, its two primary components are magnesium and Zinc. Zinc has properties that are often used in medications to treat sexual issues like ED and related. Magnesium on the other hand is really just for sleep. Ideally you should eat more foods rich in magnesium instead of relying on supplementation--but pills are easier to swallow then spending tens of dollars on variety of goods to eat over the course of the day or plan out with meals to meet an equivalent dosage.
Landon Hall
I have the same problem as OP but I know my T isn't low, it's about 640. Could it be caused by depression?
Also, how much D3 can/should you take at a time with dinner? I usually take 3-5,000 IUs but I know some people on here take 10,000 and up some days if not every day, which sounds fucking retarded but I really don't understand the logic behind it.
John Anderson
It’s very difficult to get TOO much vitamin d so just take a fuck ton desu
Logan Garcia
Some people are just miserable what the fuck man
Jordan Martin
where does the binge effect come from?
I think you all been through it at sometime, u stop doing something that u think is hurtful to u, u successfuly stop it but then u start craving the shit out of it and next thing u know it ur binging the shit out of this thing, the binge may continue for weeks
in this case were talking about fapping/porn
Anthony Brooks
I'm literally at the same exact position as you except I'm 24.
Asher Nelson
Watch Nina Heartley's cunnilingus instructional video. Take saw palmetto.