How the hell have I never heard Jow Forums talking about SARMS? If I'm understanding this correctly, they're basically steroids you don't have to inject and they're legal.
And Jow Forums never talks about them? How am I only finding out about these now? Are they bullshit or something?
You guys stand in a cold shower eating a bag of onions to "boost test" but don't talk about something like this, pls explain
You get almost no real benefits compared to just doing a healthier lifestyle and the dosage at which you.will see thr same magnitude of effects as regular roids, youll likely cause.much worse damage. Im mk user (mk isnt a sarm but does boost GH like an extremely mild hgh shot) and thus far my experience with mk (3Weeks in, need to buy again) has been going good, the christmas break really made me put on the lbs, but I certainly didnt shift as much as last year despite eating more (I was heavier last year too).
Nicholas Lee
Hey so I have no idea what the fuck you just said but do I buy this product?
Jonathan Allen
Can you also post a Link to the MK thing you're using.
Kayden Martinez
>willingly being a gerbil for future generations
Cant wait for you all to develop turbocancer and die
Alexander Cruz
its called mk-667
David Evans
These anons are clueless.
Depending on the particular sarm people add significant pounds of lean body mass and lose body fat in many clinical trials. So they do work. The problem is that you never know if you are getting the actual chemical and/or the full dose because they come from factories in China. Even the so-called 'legit', 'third-party tested' sources were found to be severely underdosed by chemistry nerds on reddit. You will only know what you're getting if you test your batch yourself but that is obviously expensive.
Elijah Thompson
This user knows what's up. Sarms also have limited clinical trials. It's hard to 100% know they are safe. Honestly if you're looking for a boost. 500mg test e a week. Do your research and you'll see how safe it is.
Tyler Wilson
>not as effective as steroids >almost as harmful as steroids >poorly researched Jesus fuck just roid if you don't want to stay natty. Sarms are to roids as vaping is to smoking
Benjamin Gomez
But from what I've read and heard is that it's safe if you are planning on taking mk677 to heal joints etc. and not to gain tons of mass. It could truly be a positive for oldfags like myself.
Caleb Hall
Yeah mk is great. It's not a sarm. Just often sold from the same vendors
Angel Lopez
Not sure if this is advertising or just a decent shitpost but SARMs are complete shit and only a fuckin retard would waste their money on them.
Jordan Williams
I've sprained my right ankle 3 times pretty badly while playing sports. I had to get crutches and was off the leg for weeks each time. Now my ankle gets kinda sore when I'm on it for a while so I was considering getting mk to try and help it a bit. So has anyone done it purely for the healing properties and what kinda success did you have?
Oliver Cruz
Cold showers and not jacking off though, that’s going to put on slabs of lean muscle, get you laid, and make you immortal.
Ian Peterson
MK2866 AKA OSTARINE is the fucking GOAT , good for cutting , keeps ur strength levels SOLID
Isaac Miller
They're better combined with test, LGD "amplifies" your test dosage. Ostarine at 50mg healed tendons and IT band in a quick amount of time etc.
S23 is supposedly stronger like a winstrol that can build some mass - I would do it with test def not stand alone.
Ryan Ward
Sarms are good, I stick with LGD, Ostarine, and RAD 140. I also use mk677. I have a bottle of toremifene just in case, but I haven't had to use it.
Henry King
Any significant gains been made?
Nolan Reed
>Almost as harmful as steroids
Toppest of keks
Samuel Rivera
Hey user, I will be buying some MK too, to see if I can squeeze out a few more cm. Unless you are an old fart, could you please let us know if you get any height gains?
Adrian Torres
Manifestly far from true.
Carter Evans
What no one seems to understand is these actions themselves are completely fucking irrelevant, it's the mindset of people who naturally do such things that one should look to emulate, logically speaking.