Who here gym bully?

Who here gym bully?

There's this skinny brown guy who powerlifts, pretty strong for his size. He's ugly and has a scowl on his face most of the time. I have zero respect for him and I try to fuck with him when I can ("how many sets do you have left?" Then just stand next to him and give him pressure. He always ends up rushing his sets). What an overcompensating manlet lol.
On the other hand I get along well with the muscular easy going guys who have confident expressions. Body language and facial aesthetics really is everything.

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Other urls found in this thread:


post your body

I like to bully the manlet twinks at my university gym especially this one fag who I saw browsing Jow Forums one time on his phone. I also asked him what he listens to at the gym so he gave me his ear bud and it was playing a fucking anime song like wtf.

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>post your body
I'll humour you even though you're probably a powerlifting Redditor new year's resolution faggot. Here's a tip. The gym isn't your safe space. It's just another place with distinct social hierarchies.

Bonus: beta guy is in the background in orange

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You're never gonna make it.

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Based manlet btfoing the lanky niggers

You are weak.

fat and a manlet. lol rip have fun

are you standing up in this picture?

>bully victims

>Blind insecure bully victims
>Don't take extended rest breaks sitting on the bench to shit post

Yup I'm a 181cm 85kg overweight manlet , can I see your body now senpai?

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what anime was it?
did you go home with him and watch a few episodes?

your not a manlet just a dyel.

>mfw the biggest guy in the gym goes across the gym to ask me to spot his bench
>doing chest that day so I work in with him
>mfw we collectively mog the whole gym doing 3 and 4 plate

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There’s something wrong inside you. Fix it, egolet


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Make shit post
post body sitting down
post body standing up with stats
Can't have an opinion unless you post body. Meanwhile anonymous faggots try tearing you down if you do. Can't win. Nu-Jow Forums is fucking gay. Gotta quash the Reddit beta uprising by upping my bullying efforts.

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Absolutely based, keep up the good

I always put the 45lb plates at the highest point of the weight rack so manlets and woman have problems using them lel.

Actually saw a manlet looking for 45lb plates and he had to run through the entire gym because he could not use the 45lb plates next to him..

>hey qt twink what are you listening to?
>gives him his ear bud
>*they both power up* HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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>On the other hand I get along well with the muscular easy going guys who have confident expressions

yeah i bet you try to gladhand with the actual chads you fucking pussy hahaha

>Hows the weather up there stretch
>ROFL totally bullied that lanklet his gf is probably looking down at me and miring

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There's an unspoken mutual respect in my shitty commercial gym for guys who can bench more than 2 plates for working sets. Not sure if you'll ever know that feeling. Stop self inserting yourselves as the loser in the scenario. might be a good first step?

>>There's an unspoken mutual respect in my shitty commercial gym for guys who can bench more than 2 plates for working sets. Not sure if you'll ever know that feeling. Stop self inserting yourselves as the chad in the scenario. might be a good first step?

>makes a thread about bullying other people
>gets ultra defensive when bullied
Its 2019 nobody cares how much you bench. How much do you diddly with those little manlet arms

>makes a thread about bullying other people
>gets ultra defensive when bullied

i can feel your insecurity radiating through the screen HAHAHAHA you fucking pathetic faggot

Constance reference to the Chad archetype is a sign of unhealthy self-image. Why are you even on this board? Lifting won't save you.
I'm not even going to bother requesting you to post body. It's always the bottom feeders of society why type like this.

dumb phoneposter

>tfw no twink bf to go the gym and listen to anime music with

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Rubbed my sweaty cock all over this dudes water bottle while he was showering. Asshole kicked my gym bag over earlier. Claimed it was an accident. Faggot


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Does he have glasses and semi-long hair? Because I might be the one you’re doing this to.


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This is why you dont "post body" when someone tells you to

How far away are you?

Does he get rock hard when you bully him? You guys probably wrestle in the shower.


When will they learn

haha OP is a faggot

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who here gym friend?

i say hi or nod at most people, tell them im impressed by how much they lift, and how great they suddenly look

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I always tell people I can't wait to see how great they look in the summer/next year. I spot when I can and always let people work in when they ask.

screencapped this shit for a cringe thread
lmao when manlets climb out the manlet pit

Would you bully someone if they threw you some hints?
I like a man that can do both.

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OP 165cm manlet confirmed

Bullying is not an opinion you fucking idiot beta cuck.


Go back to the pit

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Quality of le epic breads has really gone down hill, now it's just Redditors trying to imitate what they saw on Jow Forums4chan like pic related. Draw some red lines somehow it's QED lmao cucks

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This guy looks like he has been lifting for 6 months top kek


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>D..damn bro, I'm impressed by.. by your bench and aesthetic back!
>Hey, are you working out? Haha yeah you look great today!
>then just walk away

Nothing you said even begins to remotely refute what was posted.


>b-b-b-but reddit would use math
At least put the barbell back when you’re done with it

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the joke goes that he's using a dumbbell you dumb fuck , couldn't even get that one right

fucking gooks

When will you learn?

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The cringiest part of all this is that OP is so insecure he lied.

The only one he responds to
>taking the bait that hard

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Dude how can you be below 170cm. How? Even kids are 180+ now lol

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>conservative btfo by height and mogging

When will they learn?


>social hierarchies
Nigga are you still in high school?

>be 21
>know 14yos as tall as me
What are they feeding these little shits

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Lol that pic is peak soi

I'd punch you in the face if you ever said that gay shit to me

It’s mostly genetics. Tall people mate with tall people creating taller people, short people become incels and cease reproducting immediately, etc.. It’s what created the height diversity among us today.

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Holy jesus that pic was too much

Take your logic and fuck off, I'm trying to act depressed.

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This is what chinks actually believe.

Insecure OP faggot
B T F O.

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dont mind him hes a manlet

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www spaceavalanche com
it's pretty good

>op doesnt even reply to this
absolutely btfo
"gym bully" = latent manlet rage


No, you wouldn't.

I don't feel insulted by someone telling me I'm 165cm when I'm not, if this shitty diagram empowers you into believing so then go ahead

whatever manlet lmfao

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Whatever floats your boat big bully

not to be that guy but what are you comparing the line to? It's a bit away from the camera, wouldn't that affect the height?

>right looks exaclty like my cousin, who is literally 14 (maybe 15 now) and well over 6ft.
Just kill me.

> Can't have an opinion unless you post body. Meanwhile anonymous faggots try tearing you down if you do. Can't win. Nu-Jow Forums is fucking gay. Gotta quash the Reddit beta uprising by upping my bullying efforts.

This is the most retarded thing I've read today.

>makes post about how he FUCKING TROLLS everyone at the gym
>guys stop picking on me n-nu-Jow Forums sux

>"I-I'm 5'11 guys ha ha"
>he's actually 5'8/9


Fucking this. I'm exactly 5ft10 but every time I say this I know people just assume I'm frauding 2-3 inches like most manlets. Insecure fucks making us all look like liars.

>obnoxious retard tries his hardest to flare his nonexistent lats to look "big"
>ends up being exposed as a shit looking, pudgy little faggot manlet who's around 5'5 and maybe 170 pounds of dough and water weight

LMAO. what a fucking loser. i noticed the chicken shit fled the thread after he got exposed. what a pussy bitch.

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How insecure and delusional does one have to be to do this though? Like what kind of person tries to flex like this on an anonymous board, it baffles me.

Post body

Same but I'm 5'11 (1/4)
I just say I’m 5’11 because rounding up is for insecure faggots. You can't imagine the amount of people who are always insist I'm 6'0.
Most of 5'11s are actually 5’9-5’10. No wonder why the manlet cutoff is 6'0.


you are being that guy, in fact, hello OP