I want to plump up my girlfriend...

I want to plump up my girlfriend. She's currently 5'2" and 256 pounds and I want her at least 300 by the end of the year. What are some good mass gainer recipes to make? We move in together during the summer and I want to be the prime cook for the two of us.

Also pull up thread. Second to last is your # of sets and last is the number of reps per.

Attached: Pull-Up_2.jpg (620x400, 117K)



That’s jar of peanut butter everyday, gallon of milk a day, and entire McDonald’s menu. If you’re trying to turn your fat slam pig into a heart attack tank it isn’t a matter of your cooking skills but how much money you make. Peanut butter is your tastiest option but you’ll save a lot of money if you can teach her to eat straight Crisco or butter.

You’re dispicable.


If this is real she's already a landwhale you pathetic fuck

i think that one malcolm in the middle episode is a pretty good way to start.

>heart attack tank
Pic related.
>t. Low test goyboy
I need a blob of a girlfriend.

Attached: Oh boy.jpg (237x213, 29K)


What's the cause of your drive to plump her up?

Yes, also watch more Pierce Brosnan movies.

Supplement meals with sugar, heavy cream, coconut oil as stuff like that.
In the meantime, suggest her to start strength training to "tone" in case she becomes suspicious.

Shoot yourself in the head so she gets depressed and keeps eating like a landwhale

Attached: 1544838928594.png (310x315, 382K)

> Put her on diet
> Let her self-sabotage
it worked for amberlynn reid weight gain queen

Do not meddle into powers you cannot understand

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I just want her larger. I love it when she hugs me in bed and wraps her steak arms around me.

based Pierce

>the architect

Attached: brosnan.png (308x426, 332K)


i want to puke right now

Cry more

Based Feeder. Give her a shit ton of milk and peanut butter, keep us updated on her size feeder bro.

based architect poster