Ask away your stupid questions that you are too embarrassed to ask in real life and get answered here.
Ask away your stupid questions that you are too embarrassed to ask in real life and get answered here.
*thread hijack*
Discuss your favorite anime ITT
Is getting a hj breaking nofap?
Yes and it will turn you gay and give you GRIDS
Why you putting yourself through nofap
Is it true when a manlet dies an angel gets his wings?
Because I have ed
watched Hanebado! last week and i really like it desu, but not sure if it's my favorite or not
No. Nofap to cure ed is basically to stop your from jerking off to porn. ED is mostly due to excessive porn watching cuz you get used to jacking off to porn. Getting a hj won't kill your nofap
I hope nofaps not a meme. Ed is soul crushing. My dick is in a coma.
Used to be 300 got down to 170 back to 245
Can I just eat chicken, oatmeal and egg whites?
I have a treadmill and want to go monster mode but bad eating habits and video games all day not satisfied with my life am disgusted I let myself get like this I promised I never would again teach me the ways
I'm unable to squat without my knees going past my feet. I think it's a flexability issue. Any advice?
is BMI bullshit
>not getting ED medicine which helps you lift better too
lmao they'll give it to anyone and generics are so cheap
get some ED medicine and stop porn and death gripping when you jerk off and you'll be good. Nofap kills your sex drive and dick.
thank you
My doctor told me that it's mostly to check if you're able to do surgery.
My doctor knows my mom and dad. Family doctor. I'm afraid he'll tell them
so i don't know if its the right place to ask or a stupid question, but i can't stand flat. i'm trying to fix the issue by stretching my calves but i was just wondering if this would affect me doing squats or lunges standing on my toes
Just watched the Castlevania anime. It's literally the best video game adaptation ever made and it's not even made in japan
> wondering if this would affect me doing squats or lunges standing on my toes
i worded that like a retard. can i do squats and lunges standing on my toes or would it not be as effective.
am i gonna get cow cancer from drinking a litre of milk a day
If he does find a lawyer and sue him for malpractice.
He won't tell them anyways you paranoid retard
>herr derp heyy anons parents just saw your son for some dick pills haha
Even if it did happen just tell them you have performance anxiety and that knowing you have some help on hand in the nightstand puts it at ease, also do some cardio and see if that helps, build up your heart to pump your blood down there better.
Cowboy Bebob, that anime made me fall in love with Jazz and Blues again.
I really liked berserk 97(the Manga was also great up to conviction). What did you guys think about it? Did Griffith do anything wrong? Can you get gains from swinging a giant ass sword up and down?
Probably wouldn’t affect lunges too much, but would make your squats very subpar since you lose the balance and power that comes from pushing into the floor with your heel.
People do GOMAD and are totally fine (unless they forget to lift), you’ll be extra fine. Worse thing that could happen is a bit of extra acne.