Did I say you could stop sucking, bitch?
Did I say you could stop sucking, bitch?
Please go
Hes ugly
But I want a bf to talk to me that way during sex. No I’m not a faggot is this still considered mental illness if I want to be abused when having sex?
Dude has a big chest. Imagine lubing it up and fucking it Haha. That would be so gross. Imagine him sucking your tip as you slowly slide your lubed up cock in that crease Haha. How fucking gay.
Shut the fuck up seid
Same haha but only if he also cuddles me afterwards
jeff please depart
Based Hyde poster
nice gyno faggot
Sorry, I don't suck weird gyno buff guy dick. I only suck cute feminine trap dick.
how is this fucking fitness related?
I don't know, that pic is from yesterdays /ck/ cookie baking thread, OP probably is high as fuck and confused boards
Jeff is on every social media site on fitness, like why
>want a bf
>Not a faggot
Not him but i just like penis and testicles. Having romantic feelings for a man is gay, but whats so bad about appreciating a nice, big cock?
Ahaha how can a woman be submissive to a guy who has literal boobies.
>Jow Forums - Fitness
What was this guy's name, again?
I can't believe Seid got fucking raped
Is it gay to have romantic feelings for said penis and testicles?
No. Sex is physical pleasure. Being gay is a state of mind - emotional pleasure. A mouth is a mouth. If I know there a guy on the other side of that whole Im not gonna care. Gonna feel the same as a girl
It usually feels better IMO haha
le cookies are ready bitch
jeff pls go
You would make the perfect gym-bro
Oh God no not again your breast milk is disgusting
Based haha poster