Would it be bad form on my part to juice for a couple of months (or maybe half a year max) to get a better starting point for actually working out as a natty? I'm sick of trying to start and then barely being able to actually accomplish anything compared to even the most out of shape/lardass people I know. I don't really like the idea of using steroids, and definitely not as a long-term thing, but I just feel so far behind the curve that I'll never even make normie stronk status.
t. Neverlifted skinnyfat weakling soilad who probably lacks in test but hasn't ever been checked.
6'1", 170lbs
I can do zero pullups, maybe four chinups at a time, four-five pushups at a time, 35 or so squats per burst, and I haven't ever timed myself running but I can promise I am both slow to move and fast to run out of steam. Not to mention my joints hurt for days after.
You can't do a pull up, but you can do four chinups?
Matthew Mitchell
Even if you're behind current lifters, you're ahead of 90% of people if you start working out consistently now. If you can't make gains off juice, you're not gonna make gains on juice either.
Owen Davis
Go to your doctor and check your blood. You can find out if you have low test officially. Do that before making any decision like this. And you want to make a certain amount of progress naturally before juicing you fucking idiot. You don't fucking juice to get to a starting point, that's retarded and will just result in injury.
You need to build the discipline, form, and skeletal strength from lifting naturally first. If you can't fucking lift with results for a year or two then you shouldn't even think about cheating with substances.
You're some special kind of retard.
Asher Long
If my terminology is backwards, sorry.
Palms out: Can barely get my feet off the ground.
Palms in: I can do a few.
Nathaniel Hernandez
You should try eating.
Josiah Howard
>If you can't fucking lift with results for a year or two then you shouldn't even think about cheating with substances.
If it's that bad should I just kms?
Wyatt Mitchell
You need to at least do it naturally for a year before juice, retards will tell you to reach your natural limit or whatever but thats bullshit. Just eat and lift well now learn what you need and in a years time you will have a decent starting point to blast off from. also stop being a depressing cunt and get in the right head space.
Not necessarily. You probably are just doing meme lifts and you have no real program and you're not actually dedicated to going regularly and pushing yourself properly.
It's also possible that you are legitimately low test. If that's the case, your doctor can help you out. But you need to get the blood tests done, and you need to fucking do a real program and go every week and actually try.
Hell, I'll even bet you don't even try to lift heavy. You just put something on that you can manage and you just get tired and stop. You're probably not really pushing yourself because you don't fucking know how to lift.
Isaiah Parker
Remember that you only keep about 20% of your gains after you stop juicing. You will produce less testosterone naturally for a very long time. You also get addicted to it. And if you don't know your shit then You can get serious consequences.
And besides steroids are iligal anyway so you will not be able to use them. And why use steroids the first year of training anyways you will explode in size the first year if you train correctly. I got 10cm long stretch marks in my first year of training.
Christian Williams
Fuck just go on a cycle, since you are nowhere near your natty limit you should keep most of your gains, plus you will have a lot of motivation to actually lift and maybe you will gain a new hobby.. just know what you are getting into
Juan Long
You sure you're 170lbs OP? I'm 165lbs, your height and much stronger (still dyel tho).
And I look like pic related. Where is your weight?
cycles are for people who have atleast some strength foundation. Only brainlets would recommend someone with almost no foundation to go on a cycle.
>I'm sick of trying to start and then barely being able to actually accomplish anything compared to even the most out of shape/lardass people I know.
you sound like an entitled brat.
>who probably lacks in test
Make more excuses for your lack of commitment.
Don't have the commitment to just consistently lift, but you're gunna do all the precautions required for cycles like research and bloodwork. If noobie gains don't keep you motivated, why would roid gains.
You havent strengthened your bones, ligaments or tendons. you havent practiced form or injury prevention, you don't even know how your body properly responds to training, but go ahead and fuck up your hormones for an attempt at instant gratification.
You're never gunna make it. Change your attitude first. Your body will follow.
Caleb Martin
absolutely transcendental fashion sense
Blake Peterson
Beginners already gain like they take steroids when they work out right, sleep well and eat a lot. Just do that, buy SS and read it
Tyler Ross
>I'm sick of trying to start It sounds like you are barely trying, then giving up when you don't see instant results. You're pathetic, and people like you are what's wrong with the general population.
Julian Fisher
before you waste money on a gym membership, start doing some basic body weight exercises 5 days a week push-ups and sit-ups will build your core and chest doing unweighted squats will help your legs and start running for cardio. once your happy with your all round fitness and want to improve your fitness further join a gym.
>nigga wants to jump on a cycle doin 5 mother fuckin pushups
Robert Nelson
This. It seems like you 1. are coming up with excuses for your failures, or 2. want to find excuses to roid/validate rousing because you lack discipline and willpower. Your attitude is disgusting. If you roid, I fully expect to see you post your body here in a few months saying that roids are the "Best thing ever XD" and saying that you're smart for "taking a shortcut". You won't have the discipline to maintain after you go off, and you seem too stupid to manage the cycle. Fuck yourself, trashass lazy faggot.
Henry Ortiz
ITT: Stupidass wants to roid because he doesn't look like Zyzz after 1 month of half-hearted attempts at lifting.
Grayson Foster
>I can do zero pullups, maybe four chinups at a time, four-five pushups at a time, 35 or so squats per burst... That's about what I was able to do when I started a good year ago. It's not like I became crazily strong, still a weakly skelet, but I can do 12 pullups now. Went from 110 lbs to 136 at 5'10".
Brody Kelly
I have been working out for a month and gained about 10 pounds im like an african tho 6,4 140 pounds rn Just eat allot it work for me. I started with assited pullups, dips bench press, curls and squats. im a mega hard gainer so im doing gomad diet. Im just you but with no fat. If my skinny ass can do it so can you. This is what i look like now