/CBT/ thread

Rate me please, do I have potential?

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just get a bit of muscles and you're fine.

It looks like someone used you as a dartboard at a dive bar

>acne, broad hips, pretty narrow shoulders, looks like you’re a manlet

I’m sorry bro

Who gives a fuck if you have potential ,just become the best of you.
We all gonna make it brah.

5’8, 18 and 161 lbs.
i plan on starting my cut to get rid of moobs love handles and my gut.

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Yes lad fuck the haters fr. Play with the hand you're given and show the depressing cunts what's up. You will be happier in the long run, but only if you lift for yourself.
Absolute unit with glorious upper body potential.

>zyzz died for our sins 7 years ago, were all gonna make it sick cunts

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that made me smile so fucking hard. i love you fellow bro. miring hard as fuck, i hope I can achieve a similar physique some day (im the guy above)

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Bulk or Cut?
I'm 19 and I have excess body hair should I worry about my hair?

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5'10 19 161lb

About 5 months of non-consistent lifting with barbells. Have pectus-excavatum so chest looks absolutely fucked.

Only look good with a shirt on. Can I outlift my pectus or am I fucked?

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Body looks nice, but please do something about that disgusting hair

why are your abs uneven haha

are you male or female

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this hurts more than you'd know

Baldlets stay seething

You should worry about your sexual orientation faggot!

Who hurt you


5’9, 24, not sure about weight right now but I started at around 210 lbs.
No lifting for now, just boxing for the past couple of months. First time posting my fat gut on the internet, please be gentle.

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Your chest looks fine user, it could be a hell of a lot worse.

5'8 / 150 lbs / 18 yrs
1st week of consistent lifting
deadlift - 205
squat - 185
bench - 160
OHP - 95
when I look in the mirror and mire myself I look decent, but in pictures i look like shite, what gives? also should I bulk or cut?

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my main concern is that because of it, I have no definition between pecs because it dips in the centre. Makes them look really weird in-person.

There is no way you ever actually look decent.

you have zero definition so cut probably

Yeah you’re right, so should I bulk or cut at my current weight and noob status?

R8 me dudes

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Dumbbell flyes with a full contraction (meaning that at the top of the rep, your elbows are locked out and slightly inwards of your shoulder joint) will help. Do them on the floor rather than a bench so that you can do it with more weight and it'll be a little safer on your shoulders too.

finally a normal and upLIFTing Jow Forumsizen.

>Can I outlift my pectus
Consider dumbbell pullovers.

am i aesthetic yet

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Only up from there brother.

Noted, thanks brother

Am I gonna make it lads


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durka durka durka muhammad jihad

Great base. Now you can start lifting.

Just fucking do it. Being Jow Forums isn't only about your looks.

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this is the most pathetic cbt ive ever seen. thank u for the confidence boost ur all disgusting lmao

if your body could speak it would be screaming


nice gyno

no words


Looks like you have come a long way! Well done.

Damn. What weight did you start at?

>if your body could speak it would be screaming
Why? Because he stopped being a fat fuck and got to a good weight? Stop being a negative cunt.

140kg, finally having the skin removal surgery in April.

I know it looks like a sad face

Your abs look upset

I guess we had too many CBTs with good looking bodies, now all the goblinos are coming out...

>Vulnerable and hunted by winter bloatlords

Taken January 1. Post-holidays, pre-cut.

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amazing work user

*Blocks your path*
*Licks lips*
mmmmhh you looking cute. Soft smooth skin. Flawless. I'mma make you a pretty girl... A REAL woman....

T-thanks but I have a gf

where are your legs user

2 pics, 1front 1 back.
What (body stuff) should I work on?
No, the harry potter glasses are not my regular glasses.

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Back photos,
currently working on acne
back has always been lagging :(

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cut, then yes

is this a joke

>t. dyel

6'3" 195, cut or bulk? Bf%? I dont give a shit about cutting for summer/bulking in winter

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harry potters on sicko mode

Mirin both body and face hard

Natty? What sort of routine are you running Potter?

Back in the rich thots room from last week, what do you guys want me to steal?
Dubs gets it
184cm 77.5kg

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you're melting mate

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Guys with this body type always unnerve me. Its like your fat is hung off of the oversized coat hanger that is your shoulders

give me some (You)s

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durka durka muhammad jihad

>19 with that hair
High T af

>High T af

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push pull
dl on pull, squat on push.
6 days a week.
Always lift a top set since I’m prepping for a powerlifting comp

Can you post your whole routine and programming m8? How you get dis strong bruh

Steal some dumb ornament

Based cbt spammer, dont steal but pee a bit in little corners
Def cut until at least 180 i would say frend. Nice height though
How tall? David leid mode gj
Good fucking job m8 i lost 20 kg ans it was hard asf cant imagine what you went through
Myspace angle mode
Cut def not even a question. Youl look 3x bigger when lean
Would honestly recommend fasting friend
Muscle will cover it up eaasily. Its not the worst believe me
Routine?Height? Mirin
You statisfied slut?

Rate me guys. 187 cm 79 kg. Lifting 6 months. I look like a new person and it makes me happy but also a bit sad I still look dyel

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What you mean?

Lookin good, probably could use more chest work but loooookin good user

You did great dude.


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Looks good to me. Would recommend more chest work as well though.

nice son. cutting just a little more will make you sexy af

Recovering fatass. 5'8" manlet currently 155lbs. Was 235 at heaviest.

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How much weight do you plan to drop to? Hard to gage with all that skin. Also how long did it take you?
Good shit though.

whats that supposed to mean?

oh my fucking god, youre hideous


yes, you can be supremely good-looking in a year or two, if you get your shit together. you can absolutely make it, and it doesnt have to take long

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5'4 120lb just started lifting

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18, 5'10, 214 cutting down to 180, rate?

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Oh god Im 260 lbs right now. I hope to god i dont have loose skin like that when i get to 200. If i do i'll just kill myself.

Damn dude good for you. I would focus on incline bench to give that loose skin something to stretch over

125*. Trying to get to 150ish.

Thanks man. I'm going to drop to 140-145 then lean bulk. I still have fat around hips and on sides of chest. Also I am 99% sure I have legit gyno.

Did keto from 235 to ~200 which took about 5 months. Then OMAD from 200 to ~180, that was about 4 months. From 180 to current weight I unironically did snake diet and started that in the middle of October.

Lol @ being insecure because you're fresh 18 with a beginning lifter's body. You'll do fine dude, just don't expect to look good right now at this moment. Your body is probably not even fully developed.

5’9, 206lbs, 23
Squat 605
Bench 345
Deadlift 595

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you look like you worked harder for it than anyone should ever have to, good job bro

still dyel, but better than most normal people so gj keep it up

Need fuller traps, and work on their symmetry, as well as your obliques (in b4 "it's genes", it's your posture and form)

Other than that, looks good my man.


Post butt

thicc boi you'll look nice when you make it thru the cut

thks, my traps look bigger in different poses, and get pretty big when pumped..

the only way i train them is with deadlift though - so i'm probably missing out on some gains by not shrugging or something

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Ive gone from being underweight at 142 to nice and comfy at 192 in the past year, howd I do?

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