Based and fatpilled

Based and fatpilled

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Damn, Kelly clarkson looks like THAT?

Oink oink slampig material

That smile looks more like a cringe. Don't think she's any happier

>Since you’ve been goooone, I’ve been binging on Bryers, it’s totally yum, yah yah! Thanks to you, now I eat what I waaaaaant... since you’ve been gone

Fat people lie about everything

>I don't eat chocolate
>I only eat salads
>I have a thyroid problem
>I've done everything possible
>I'm happy with my body
>my doctors says I've got no health issues
>I workout all the time

Why would I believe this fat cunt?


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Wait what the fuck when did Kelly Clarkson become a hog?

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she fucking looks like brian shaw now

Most women become hogs it’s in their nature

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Brosnan did this

But she was qt.

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got I hate coping fatties.

>I was so miserable when I was thin
Hot. You misspelled hot, Kelly. It’s not a hard word.

Mmmm, yes m'dear. Looking very nice

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Kelly Clarkson? More like Belly Clarkson

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But let's not fat shame.

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and now that you're fat you're even more miserable.

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And women wonder why men dont want to settle down or go for younger thots.

>tfw no short haired sci fi gf

the architect

Just why do women get fat wtf

1) she was poor and unknown when she was thin understandable 2) understandably issues around mental health, catalyzed by a predatory press or work-stress, when young may causes weight gain threw emotional eating; note doesnt imply having a healthier lifestyle couldnt be an improvement 3) there is an acceptable compromise between being unconformable thin and undesirably thicc; pretending starving yourself to maintain a bad diet is the only way to be thin 4) just sound rationalizations of miserable fat person trying to seek validation fir their poor life choices; like a post-break up person attempt magnify the flaws of their partner to feel better 5) or the advice fattys give to sobortage others.

>Just why do women get fat wtf

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“Chronic fatigue”, a higher disposition to weight gain, a monstrous sweet tooth...

A lot of women (or just people, really) spend their teens/early adulthood just costing by on being average/skinnyfat without any thought to their diet or routine. When the ballooning begins it takes them by surprise and they just accept it as a part of life or get super defensive about muh metabolism. All of the Jow Forums women I know who are older than 25 were fatties in their youth--they know how horrible it is to be big and have learned to allow room for fitness in their life.

This desu, seems like rationalisation. Most likely true in some way, but not the way she's framing it. It's probably more like
>I used to be thin
>at this time I was also miserable due to job, lifestyle pressures
>due to this I stopped caring about my physical wellbeing
>started comfort eating and possibly drinking a lot of alcohol
>ended up getting fat as a result
>I'm now somewhat over my previous issues but still fat

tl;dr fat cope, she was sad & thin, headline makes it like she was sad BECAUSE she was thin

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Got to get those extra thicc clicks
> you can be thin an miserable
> you can be heavier and not
generally media spin is unhelpful because it seems as fatty you can consciously wish yourself out of the whole that lead to toxic eating habits, or worse that if you are thin a living a dysfunctional weight gaining is path to happiness that then part of a downward spiral.

plottwist: she's still miserable now that she's fat

>struggled financially all year
>fat fuck weighing in at 220 or maybe 230 at 5'10
>couldnt afford to eat the same way anymore
>now weigh 160
>miss being a fat fuck and eating good every day

dont know whats wrong with me

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Nothing is wrong with you, you miss eating well and not being poor rather than being fat.


This makes me sad

holy shit

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Sounds like the fatty is still hiding in your head. You gonna have to flush him out and execute him when he takes the bait

Yeah, turkey basted


>Kelly clarkson
Look at the size of that FUPA.

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Who this please?


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its fine if she has 4-6 children. otherwise there is no excuse.

Maid from Clue

Would you smash knowing what’s in store?

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Knowing what's in store I would forge a new path!