Why do women only take classes?

Why do women only take classes?
Are they too fucking dumb to figure out how to workout by themselves?

Attached: spinning-spin-class-benefits-cycle-house-la.jpg (759x450, 195K)

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there are several men in that picture retard

Yes but also they require all activities to be social because women hate being alone much more than men do.

fags take classes too

range ban incels

women don't only take classes lol what a stupid generalisation but classes are easier and don't need any planning.

try it faggot

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because the average woman subconsciously aches to be told what to do, preferably by a man who makes her feel fuzzy inside but a woman in a position of authority will do if there's no alternative

a vast majority of them do
>classes are easier and don't need any planning
yeah because it's sooo hard to do 5 minutes research online, or just walk in to a gym and jump on a treadmill

unironically true

God imagine the smell.

What even is the point of a class like this? Do these people seriously need to be taught how ride a stationary bike?

you aren't the biggest on logic, are ya?

Women have a herd mentality whereas men prefer being independent. It's simple, really.

There's more incentive to keep going in a class than by yourself. When you're in a class, you don't want to be the first or only person to slack off and quit because you're too tired, so you keep going.

Classes offer more of a routine too and can be more motivating for a woman. Stupid question think the answer isn't exactly complicated. Whether you think the reasons are dumb or not.

its ok, user, I don't think its gay to invite your best bud to come cycle with you either. hell, bring the whole gang! then you can all get froyo after itll be fun haha

Women are a herd animal. Constantly vying and fucking each over to be impregnated by the alpha male

taking classes is the best way to meet girls at the gym. just the other day i took some circuit class and i was the only guy there, just surrounded in fit girls. you can chat with them before and after so it's easy to approach them.

I sometimes contemplate going to these classes to pick up a roastie, but then I would skip my real workout.

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Classes are actually a fun way to meet fellow gym goers, including as you pointed out mostly women, and get your cardio in. There's literally no reason not to do them once in a while

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>exercise bike class
uh, pedal hard for as long as you can? Is that the whole curriculum?

>what are settings
>what is pacing
>what is warming up and cooling down

Picking heavy things up and putting them back down also sounds like retard exercise for basic bitches, until you realize you need to actually plan what lifts you’re doing when and do them with proper form to get maximum results at least risk of injury.

Shit tier:
>pay more than an exercise bike to rent an exercise bike and be “taught” by an “instructor”
>have to drive to gym to sit on stationary bike (probably long annoying drive inside of a city too)
>apparently need to buy expensive gym clothing to wear to stationary bike class

Good tier:
>buy an exercise bike for flat cost
>more convenient
>can watch TV instead of listening to shrill harpies

God tier:
>buy an actual bike that is likely cheaper than a stationary bike
>actual bike is fun and actually useful
>literally going places

I have a bike and a stationary mount for it, so I can use it indoors and outdoors

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Fags or beta orbiters. No men pictured.

Women enjoy the social aspect.

You can actually fuck yourself up weight lifting incorrectly though. I don’t need anyone to show me how to change a number so pedaling is harder or easier

>going to a gym that offers classes
Never going to make it

They are social and need to see other people do something before they do it themselves. That's why no girl is doing you.

>elder god tier

Don't assume their gender

>want to try yoga
>too scared to join a class because they're 95% women


Women prefer to do things in groups as a biological strategy. This is because going with the group pulls everyone closer to the not-risky area in the center of the bell curve.
They work out in groups, go to the bathroom in groups, even accuse men of sexual assult in groups.

I didn’t think someone could be Dunning-Kruger about stationary bikes, but here we are.

Do it yourself at home. If you taught yourself proper form for lifting, chances are you can do the same thing with yoga.

>being this retarded

if you need a class to teach you basic stuff like that, you should just neck yourself, there is no hope for you, your best hope is to maybe get a job at mcdonald on a government program for the mentally disabled.

>going to a gym

>it’s just heavy weights, dumbass, what do you need a program for?

>Are they too fucking dumb
The answer to this question is always yes when it comes to women.


>do things the way I want or its wrong

They are social creatures

Decision fatigue is real. Hence all the panhandling for plans by men here.


Dont listen to. Get some social gains with opposite sex by trying a class

there is absolutely no point to this class.

that being said you could learn about cues and pacing and shit. For instance, that guy who did a 2 minute one-handed dead hang off of a hang glider harness because he knew he would fall to his death if he let go. how do you motivate yourself to lift that hard? if you have someone in a position of authority yelling at you, like you said, it may motivate you if you are fat and dumb. since you browse too, though, it is clear that you can motivate yourself to a hundred % of your natty potential without even consciously trying. hence why these classes are a joke.

>I don’t need anyone to show me how to change a number so pedaling is harder or easier

think about this from soccer mom perspective: if you have a unhappy workout at the gym, then you may not have the motivation to come back the next week. that is equivalent to fucking up your rotator cuff or something. because then you will get fat and die. you and me, we are cool people. we do not need to have fun to keep coming back. hence why we are smarter than all those people who go to stupid classes to learn how to do basic fucking human tasks like pedaling.

My gym has it included at no extra cost.
>Cutie from school asks me to go to spin class with her
>sit next to her
Should I go? I was mentioning to her that it's kind of a chick thing. Although I did do some cardio on a bike last week, and it kicked my ass. I have been wanting to introduce a cardio day

Women don't do anything unless there is a social reason to.

The social aspect is much more important to them

also biking outside the city in fresh air HNNNNGGGG

>go to the bike room once because the bridge told me I had to do some cardio
>after 15 minutes there a class starts
>qt takes the bike right next to me and smile
Never went back because it's time I could spend lifting weights.
I don't think I like women as much as I thought I did.


>responding to a tripfag

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that's because your gay

asking Jow Forums for permission to be social baka

where is the tripcode?

I noticed this. I skateboard and mountain bike. I know a few women that do as well they absolutely need to do it in a social group setting. They cant just head out on their own and shred.

Zoomers cant tell the difference between tripfag and namefag.

>women only take classes
>only women take classes

There's a difference.

Mommy can I go to fitness class

This. They think in groups.

women don't have the ability to turn off their social brain like men do. Women don't have an "autism mode" switch where they can essentially turn off their ego and focus entirely on one specific thing. women are pro social creatures who evolved to adapt and mimic into whatever social arena they find themselves in as to not be ostracised. this is why the majority of great artists, scientists, poets, writers etc are men. because men have no problem with solitude and intense focus on something that isn't social. and when you get men on the autism spectrum this ramps it up to the highest degree and you get people like Tesla

>pedal slow to warm up
>pedal really hard
>slow down
>pedal really hard again
>slow down
>cool down

we are not in 2011 anymore


Social creatures that work in a hivemind of vapid stupidity.

Yes but it's supposed to be planned in a way that you can work out efficiently and meet certain goals.
When you run during, say, rugby trainings, they make you do different running excercises that differ in length and intensity.
Could you not figure out on your own that this may apply to indoor cycling and that it might make sense to have someone guiding you?