What's your most non-Jow Forums hobby?
What's your most non-Jow Forums hobby?
Doing standup
reading fantasy and playing mmorpgs
I was going to say videogames, I also play Magic but it requires you to go out and walk to the store, but then I remembered that Magic requires you to talk to people and that's the most non Jow Forums thing to do so I guess it's Magic too.
And I hate how much it is filled by basedboys and quers, but lucky me I don't live in US so I find way less degenerates than what I could find so I guess that's nice.
Playing those really shitty Japanese gacha games. I have a decent collection in Jojo DR and fancy myself a top veteran player, at least in the foreign community. Speaking of Jojo, that speaks for itself, though more normies are starting to like it so it's not that bad.
These people should be euthanized.
They're able to hold jobs therefore its socially acceptable.
How do you have "computers " as a hobby
>displaying the boxes
ffffuuuuuccccking hell that's rough
Fire Emblem Heroes is the GOAT.
Shit, I just realized that all my hobbies are sport related.
I love watching movies and watch a ton of them. Is that a hobby?
Fucking kill yourself.
Smoking weed with friends and eating junk food
Idk used to play Magic but only with my friends because we didn't really give a fuck about established rules and kinda made our own gamemodes
I guess right now my least Jow Forums hobby is studying math + phys in my free time? Seems like a nerdy thing to do
cursed image
>not the fucking Guy Fawkes mask on his shelf
this is it. this is the hacker known as Jow Forums
Coin collecting
used to play guitar (ex gf cheated with bass player, ended it for me)
used to skate (grew out of it)
used to play Magic the Gathering (stopped. Endless money sink)
Now it's just casual vidya for me & reading.
>Photography, though I do a lot of outdoor stuff which is kind of Jow Forums
Programming, anime/manga
o had a friend who benched 350 lbs at 150 lbs bodyweight at age 22, he was gifted as fuck when it came to lifting weights
but he ended being a wagecuck and addicted to videogames, heck what a fucking waste of talent, he also ended being a cuck and still pardoned his girlfriend
we see maybe twice a year but i cant stand people who waste their talents
>apple fag
This, and being into heavy metal
Although a surprising amount of Jow Forums guys are into metal too, it seems
don't let shit like that keep you from doing things you enjoy
so women cheat, they pretty much all do. and so it's miserable, many things in life are. that doesn't make them any less worth doing.
In fact, I would argue now playing guitar is a much more rich and emotional experience. You'd rather hide from the vibrancy of an emotional life because the rush of emotion that comes with will be unpleasant? Aren't those emotions as alive as anything else? Seems like an incredible experience that I wouldn't run away from if I were you
Vidya. I have a bass that I want to learn to play I just keep avoiding it. I also used to fish a lot, I should start that again.
Tie between Vidya and Gunpla. At least gunpla requires more dexterity.
>not orks
>on fit
Working on and makeing vintage cars
Feeding pigeons
Dog walking