I like my girls how I like my jeans. Skinny and ripped

I like my girls how I like my jeans. Skinny and ripped.

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>steroid fetish
No user, you just like your women to look like men because you subconsciously want to fuck a man
>inb4 Muh trannies

>skinny jeans
>ripped jeans

Shit taste. Get out of here, homo.

based. /thread kys OP fucking closet queer

If that looks like a man to you something ain't right in your head, fella.

It's funny how normies think skinny jeans are still stylish


I couldn't give a fuck about what faggy gay shit is considered stylish these days. Just give me some thongs, shorts and a wifebeater
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I don't like jeans like that

women aren't supposed to have muscles, let alone abs, fag

the only OBJECTIVELY attractive traits a women can have are those that signal fertility and a high child mortality: tummy fat, big tits, wide-child bearing hips and facial symmetry

that's literally it. everything else is preference. and your preference happens to be women that look like dudes.

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kill self

3/10, will likely get replies but b8 way too obvious

im not b8'ing, everything i said was a fact you closet homo. kys


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I like my women like I like my coffee. Ground up and in my stomach

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Samefag and closet fag?
Half based
Natty muscles are one thing but roid fetishists are gays in denial

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pre-ripped jeans are pretty gay though

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she looks like an almost empty tube of toothpaste. and pre-ripped jeans are the most retarded item of clothing you can buy

>those that signal fertility and a high child mortality

Honestly... It's the skin that's the hottest.

Not in a... I want to wear it type of way, just how tight and smooth it is.

Once they top out 25, it's game over.

Some fat is okay. You ripped tranny lovers got problems.

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Her ig is sandraahorvath. Enjoy.

Same. I like mine baggy and shit-stained.

And you think you're cooler because your jeans ripped off naturally ? Equally as attention-whorish and retarded.

this is ideal, if you think otherwise you're a flaming faggot

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I like my girls like my coffee, black, smooth, and full of my Irish creme :^)

Sauce me kimosabee

Wut in tardation did he mean by this?

Who is this cheeky cunt?

What's so hard to understand fucktard ? He thinks only pre-ripped jeans are gay, and I said that it doesn't make you cooler if they ripped naturally over time.

I like mine how I like my jeans
Loose fitting and hand-me-downed

>if you don’t like women who pin and look like men you like men
Closet queer cope

michelle trachtenberg. I used to have a big childhood crush on her but she has aged rather poorly

No tits. No hips.

OP is a fag.

Woah. Where to get 2% bf gf brehs?

I too like my women how I like my jeans. Loose hipster.

There is something I can't fucking understand. I for one find discipline and motivation extremely sexy in a woman (especially because these are so bloody rare in women) and a fit physique inplies these traits. Isn't that why men who like fit girls find them attractive? How could that be gay?

your an autist you know that right?

anyone got sauce on this btw?

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Same. She is still peak qt but i am biased desu

im high test and ive had sex with about 30 women

don't (You) me again

I've never been trained to zoom in. I don't know.

>you will NEVER bury your nose inside her ass and get high off her supply of fermented fish farts
Why even live

It’s a tranny fetish basically or just much along the lines
Manly women instead of girly men plus what ftm trannies and roidedgirls use are the same thing

I like my women how I like my olive oil. Extra virgin.

So based. I can’t believe I’ve never heard this before.

Yep, that's a brapper.

I like my women how I like my little girls. Little girls

She's pretty buff but look how long and lean she is. She doesn't look like a man at all, she is a woman who is athletic. Not all of us are retard reddit Fucking Science! fags who look up muh evolution articles to "scientifically justify" our attraction. Maybe you should try just experiencing life without needing to justify it with science studies for a change

dont worry men like me and OP have test so high everything next to us is feminine by proxy

you ever talk about anything but being gay?

I like my girls like I like my beer. Black as night and full of alcohol.

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>No tits

I mean, she's hot, but objectively not ideal. She's like that starter that stays in the league forever, makes some All Star games, but no one really considers to be a Hall of Fame player.

>I like my girls like I like my beer. Black as night

Based and redpilled

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When my jeans are ripped I THROW THEM THEM THE FUCK OUT. Fucking autist.

She looks like a JoJo character.

I like girls how I like my coffee dark, cold and bitter

Good taste in women, awful fashion sense

czecked and kek'd OP btfo.

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what's stylish now zoomer
>t 30yo boomer.

oof, you weren't lying she hit the wall hard.
and she was beautiful.

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I like my women like I like my whiskey. Twelve years old and mixed up with coke.


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