Mire thread

> ctrl + f no mire thread
> meet with old friend I've not seen for a year now
> "Woah user you're huge now, are you on steroids?"

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>pass 8/10 milf while running shirtless
>Asks me if I want to race her
>Ask her where the finish line is
>Her house if shes lucky
>Laugh nervous and continue to run faster
>Leave her in a trail of dust

Did I do good?

>not asking where her house is

Kek. Like a little kid getting attention.
>Uwu you wanna race to my house user?
>Heh, yeah right you can't keep up with me!
>Runs off into the incel sunset.

typical Jow Forums

literally ruined away from pussy

all right lads this might be my first time ever getting actual mires
>move back to home country
>lose weight from strong fat
>rebuild muscles lost from badly done cut
>do shit tones of abs and pull/chin ups as well
> slim down for winter
>go to christmas swim in home town which i moved out of at 15
>4 pack + level abs
> get good mires as the guy with the best abs that i saw there
>(not biggest just best ab definition and decent rest)
>post picture from swim as profilepick
>girls i barely know are telling my freinds how buff i am now
wtf lads have i started to make it
i dont know what to do if i do make i never really believed i would i just hoped

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literally kid goku tier

just today
>at college indoor track jogging
>tall tomboyish girl is there jogging. like 5.5/10 face but thin
>pass her a few times and pass glances
>walk a few cool down laps and browse on my phone
>each time she passes me she glances back
>look at in the corner of my eye, shes on the opposite side of the gym, caught her looking

was pretty nice. looked kind of flustered when I caught her looking. think she might have had autism or something for real though because her arm flailed sometimes when she was jogging. probably should have talked to her before I left
>tfw no tall autistic gf

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I was at my college class today. I missed the first day so I was asking my teacher why twitter was an option for participation credit
>"oh don't worry user that's for shy students you dont have to worry about that (:"


[spoiler]she wasn't good looking unfortunatly[/spoiler]

nice spoilers idiot

>at the gym with my 65 year olds grandpa
>about to bench
>you know I used to bench 300 lb?
>he bench 160lb
>I still got it

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damn normally when boomers make outrageous bench claims I think they're lying. my buddies dad in highschool claimed he benched nearly 400

he was a construction worker and now he kills crab for a living,for chrismas I bought him some dumbbell.So I guess that's why he's still strong.plus my dad is a body builder so I can say that I have the god tier gene (and he browse Jow ForumsI am 100% sure) even if I am 1/4 blind.Life is great Jow Forums

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At what point did you guys start getting female attention?

based fellow good genes user. my great grandpa lived to 102 and his wife lived to 95. my family has "refuse to die" genes

I don't know, I forgot but I remember one time that I once fucked someone who is inbred, she was hot even tho her dad fucked her mother

when my pecs got big and I fixed my dumb hair style

user gib me cutting tips pls

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>even tho her dad fucked her mother
How else did they conceive the bitch then lmao

Thats what usually happens, the daddy fucks the mommy and the child is born. There is no incest

Omad is easy if you find counting calories weird
and you can even eat fast food on omad (it hard to eat 2000 calories in one meal without sugary drinks ect(not that you should just if with friends)
Completely cut sugary drinks to at least diet or water if you are a purist
Cut out chocolate/sweets in general it's pure calories
Cut out beer for spirits if you socialy drink
Keep working out or you'll lose muscle too

thanks user. I dont drink alcohol or eat sweets/soda anyway so I guess I got that down

guys what was your most chad moment?

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My /blessed/ brothers
>Dad was a swol football player who lifted like crazy
>Uncles are all huge surfer dudes that are in some exotic travel destination every other week
I'm working on making a name for myself too

>take a three week break from gym because of exam season and university gym being closed during that time
>feel myself deflate
>decide to go back to the gym today
>absolutely filled with New Years resolutioners
> give OHP a go
>remember that I stalled on 115 lbs 3 weeks ago
>get irrationally angry for some reason
>put on lmao1pl8
>do it for 5 singles
>try 165 lbs for a single
>grind it out but still did it
>qt Asian chick gives a long stare at me and says good job

we're all gonna make it

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