Whats up with popcorn? Everywhere they say its diet and low calorie but when I see the package it says like 500 calories in 100g. Is it the salt? Or should I just never mind the calories, maybe some error? I just need some tv snack that isnt a complete shit.
Whats up with popcorn...
Is is the salt ? Nigga Im controlling myself to not burst into a super saiyen rage right now. No, it's probably the fucking butter. When people say it's healthy, they don't mean the brand with 2 pounds of chemical butter in each bag.
Been wondering myself
Yeah, it’s the salt. Carbs and proteins are 4 grams per calorie, fat is 9 grams per calorie, and salt is 20. That means even 10 miligram of salt would add 200 calorie to the snack
Im literally only looking for clean versions with nothing but popcorn and salt added. Still over 500 calories in 100g. Did not even care to look at these buttery or even sugary shits. I just dont get it. Maybe its really the salt?
>still watching tv
Thanks this just conviced me to dirty bulk on OGSAD.
*one grain of salt a day
b-but salt is good for you, isnt it
So, popcorn with no salt (or low) is actually a good snack?
Yes. Store brands are usually unhealthy, and at least lightly salted. I like to pop a good amount of my own plain kernels and then add 1-2 litres of butter (unsalted) to taste
>1-2 litres of butter
Buy unflavored. Get olive oil , sea salt and garlic and blend it. Pour to flavor. Low cal and natural
Lightly salted makes a meal healthier than unsalted dumbass.
Salt doesn't have calories in it you fucking mong
100g of popcorn is like 15 cups of popcorn. Kys retard
>taking issue with the lightly salted vs unsalted
>not even mentioning the 1-2 litres of fucking butter
Why are you fuckers taking all this bait
Yes it does, I asked my priest
Don't care about his bait, just wanted to mention that salt actually has fitness purposes and broscientists under-eat it by thinking its the devil.
Dip celery in hummus
You sound like a faggot, pussy. How bout you shut up?
>dip jewlery in jewmus
It’s like you want to die
You are all retards, a 100 grams of popcorn is like 8 bags of popcorn.
Does he even lift?
Says the faggot nerd who's panicking because people are replying to a bait.
Fucking kek
First off, never buy microwaveable popcorn as the bags are known to be lined with a certain chemical that causes cancer. Buy unpopped kernels and pop them in a pan and melt a tablespoon of butter on them. A serving which is actually a decent sized bowl is about 120 calories and the butter is about 100 calories.
Meant to say pot not *pan
>is it the salt
Lmao dude you can't be serious