It is better to start slow and build up cumulative gains in lifestyle than to start hard and end up backsliding...

It is better to start slow and build up cumulative gains in lifestyle than to start hard and end up backsliding. True or false? Pic mostly unrelated.

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How the fuck is this a challenge?

You need to catch up, OP.
If you want to exercise 3 times a week but haven't exercised for your entire life you need to work out every day until you've reached a lifetime average of 3 times a week.
If you don't do this you'll never make it

It's not.
Just have yiros, weed, and frozen yoghurt instead

Okay, any real answers?

>3 days a week

fucking casuals

>le burgers are bad for you meme

just use whole wheat buns and organic grass fed beef. Literally nothing wrong with them

just add a day or something on every week and see how it feels till you hit a comfortable spot

i've been doing this for 1 month and my abs are starting to show for the first time. In two more months i might just have fully visible abs. Need to lose around 4kg more
Until summer i might actually look descent.
Its not even that hard after you get used to it.

Eat your veggies kids.

Anything homecooked is fine, more or less. Just stop eating fast food.

>4kg till summer
Damn, that's nothing. Good job.

Wtf is this shit. I've been doing all that without thinking except 5x veg because fuck that. This is literally 'dont eat garbage, work out, drink water, sleep', you need add some

Start hard live hard be a hard-ass motherfucker

What the fuck is "5 servings of Fruit & Veg" supposed to mean? How big is a serving? Is 1kg of Kale 1 serving? And what's the timeframe? A day? A week? During the 4 week period?

My general approach to good habits is to cram myself for a month trying to be Mr Perfect and even though 70% of these habits do not make it to the end, eventually I am getting some nice things (last one was regular laundry habit).

I guess it's a good idea to aim for the sky because once you don't fulfill your expectations at least you get new healthy things.

Anyway,whatever works best for you. You could also try keep being a dipshit, but for example force yourself to go 4 times a week to the gym for 2 months. This way you focus on a single goal and only need to make the sacrifice for that, which increases your chances of having gains in that area.

>Min 6 hours of sleep

How is that supposed to be a challenge?

Say goodbye to your social life if you don't drink for 4 fucking weeks

>This image
ehh... make that 2 years challenge for me I guess.
Fastfood is fucking boring, soda hurts to drink, alcohol is also boring, cake is a pointless fucking dish. I'm alright with icecream but thats for summer days.

>Only 2L of water.
That's not nearly enough.
>Minimum of 6 hours a night sleep.
Also not nearly enough.
>Fruit and veg.

This image is shit.

Get better friends.

Go to a club without drinking. It might be fun at 1 am. Definitely not fun at 5 am while everybody else is fucked up and you are just sleepy.

Yes, there are alternative plans, but when you are young, normally you socialize in drug environments. It's actually pretty sad...

Or find better friends that dont work dead end wage jobs so all they can do is get smashed on the weekends.

Must be nice living in your fantasy land. Everyone drinks and you are seen as a creep if you don't

How many grams are in a serving?

I guess that's how it is in some places.

I quit drinking after hitting 19 'cause there were no point. All of my pals were playing sports and video games anyway so we hang out doing shit together outside 99% of the time. Maybe a beer and BBQ.

Nowadays when my friends drink it's because of a celebration of some kind.

That's an interesting way of seeing life. I'm 32 and I havnt had a drink since 21. No issues here.

>oh my god stacy did you see that fucking creep who doesn't get shitfaced every single week like a pathetic faggot?
i don't want to associate with those kind of people tbqhwy

If you try everything at once you will definitely fail after a week max.
It’s always better to ease into new habits slowly. The results may take longer but it’s overall more sustainable and means therefore more success in the long run.

How do you not know this basic shit? Did you not get taught this in school?
1 serving is about a cup. The timeframe is per day. That's the recommendation majority of studies come up with for a healthy intake of fruit and veg.

That is more lenient than my default except the alcohol (which I keep civil anyway).

One cup is as far as I know roughly around 200g, that would mean around a kg of fruit a day, that can’t be right

>eat your oxalates, goy

Going to clubs is boring af regardless of how much you drink. It was boring at 18. It was still boring at 24.
As far as I'm concerned socialising is catching up with mates riding some waves, camping in the woods or just sitting around talking shit.

I still drink now and then but I've got plenty of mates that don't and none of us would give it a second thought.

this is true. iomagine you have eaten like shit for 20 years. its reasonable to think it will take 20 years of good eating to balance out a moderate skinny fat result

you can get 4kg down in a month by eating less pizza.. you got this user

>1 cup = 200g
Maybe with water.
We're talking chopped veg here, there'd be a lot of empty space around the pieces of carrot etc.

This isn't a huge precise recommendation, it's more like, you should be eating around x amount of fruit+veg so you get enough micronutrients and don't gorge on more energy dense carbs and fats. A very rough recommendation.
According to google it works out to be about 50-100g per serve.

>its reasonable to think it will take 20 years of good eating

No, it's not. That's like saying you've been speaking X language for 20-some years, so you won't learn another language until you've been speaking it for 20-some years.

It all depends on how intensely you pursue the healthy lifestyle/second language. It has very little to do with the time you've been doing something else.

>be me
>used to drink like a fish
>cold turkey
>sober for the last 3 years of uni
>girls actually mire going against the normie grain
>actually become romatically involved with anumber of them because of it

Keep poisoning yourself to fit in

There are 2 reasons to go at a club. Dancing and hooking up. Neither requires you to drink unless you're a pussy. On the other hand, if you're a pussy you'll probably just sip on your drink because you don't know what to do beyond occasionally nodding your head to the rythm.

>2 liters of water a day
Wtf? Enjoy being dehydrated especially if you also train. More like 2 gallons.

>2L of water a day
Do normalfags really drink less water than this? I make sure I get at *least* a gallon and a half a day

I go drinking with my firends like only 4 times per year. Your friends are shit

Yes, but you need to check the order in which you tackle them. They say if you manage to keep something for 7 weeks, you can make it a habit. Try adding a new thing every 5-6 weeks

I'm the only one in my social circle that drinks. We are all around 30.

>2 liters of water
what a fucking meme.
Drinking more water won't magically change your body composition. All it does is make you piss more and feel more full if you drink before eating.
And fruits don't add anything that vegetables already do, so just eat vegs and fruits can fuck off.
If you avoid junk food and sweets and start lifting that alone is enough to make a significant change.

I fixed my poor diet by giving myself one all out binge/cheat day a month and following my exact bro diet to all the all the rest of the days.

Not a yank, so no.
A cup, so about 225g so a bit more than a kilo a day...that seems like a lot, but alright.

>Also not nearly enough.
Sleep requirements vary per person, educate yourself.

Depends on your metric system.

Nothing wrong with burgers.

so what. after 4 weeks you're gonna go back to being a sedentary loser? i don't get these facebook meme challenges

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Nobody said it'd change your physique

It's for health, e.g. positive reasons that you clearly don't understand

Drinking more water signficantly reduces your mortality: reduces the likelihood of pretty much every disease or affliction

OP to answer your question you have to look at life as a marathon rather than a sprint. As a baby grows they first start out crawling, than baby steps, than walking. It takes time and yeah you start off slow learning the movements for OHP, B, S and DL in a program that has been tried and tested and provides linear progression. Then each week you add weight to the bar after each session. If you want to do some easy conditioning like the treadmill or elliptical then do it on days your not training. Once progress is it a standstill than you add accessories 1-2 that help in progression for the main lifts. Once you plateau completely than move onto a different program/routine that tailors your needs. If you want to lose weight eat less. If you want to gain weight eat more. It's that simple OP, but it's not easy to stick to if you have no discipline.

user you’re on Jow Forums, you think we had a social life to begin with?

It’s really not hard at all your right. It’s why I have nothing but contempt for fat people

It's t.rue. Backsliding usually occurs anyway, and it's okay. Life is a process of expansion and contraction. You're not going to be on 100% of the time.

it's about changing habit and routine, which we feel secure with, if you force a hard change on yourself you'll grow to live with it in less time than by increments.

I do all of that every single week. It isn't hard.

Speak for yourself faggot. Some of us have self discipline. Keep coping and telling yourself “backsliding” is ok.

hold on. are there really people on Jow Forums that don't do all of these things as part of their weekly routine?

I drink every day but yeah otherwise this is piss easy

This should be your day-to-day, not some specialty challenge.

If this IS your daily life, then when you decide to live a little and have pizza with your friends or eat some ice cream and cookies occasionally it's no sweat.

>5 serving of vegetables in a four week span
Wtf won't you die?

I usually do this except the alcohol, might have to up the fruit and veg a bit too

I've been doing this challenge for about 6 months already lmao

The only thing that I'm missing here is vegetables. I have full fridge of broccoli but I either forget to defrost them or just unmotivated to eat them

been doing more than this for about 6 years.
except for the alcohol. i'm slowly killing myself.

My friends are heavy drinkers and Ive never had a problem socializing without booze. Aquire some self development

Learn to cook. Roasted broccoli with garlic and parmesan tastes so good your lazy ass will want to make it. And it takes 2 minutes of actual work (not including cooking) to get it done.

Wont roasting them kill vitamins or some nutrition values?
I'll try

Is having some beers once a week fine if I hit the gym and eat clean 6 days a week? It probably is but some stuff make me think that I will ruin my progress like alcohol and ice cream.

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Wait are normies averaging less than 6 hours of sleep per night? That's legitimately early onset dementia territory.

I mean, youd get more progress if you didnt obviously, but you are allowed to do whatever you want. you can enjoy that stuff, you dont have to be 100% all the time, but if you want to really push the gains forward obviously more sacrifices will need to be made

Nice fantasy land you live there, faggot.

Yup. This isn't a 'challenge', this is my fucking life. And workout ONLY 3 times a week? Fucking casuals.

Roasted has more vitamins than not eating it at all lol

You cant get all the vitamins in raw broccoli anyway because humans suck at breaking down cellulose

Never gonna make it

I think it would be lethal NOT to do this.

How's high school, Billy?

I got a steamer on Amazon and it helped me with veg. Steam big batches of broccoli, bell peppers, and squash all at once, put it in a tupperware, and pull from it for the next few days.

I smoke weed with people lol