>have to drive in the city tomorrow
>scared as fuck since I've never driven in the city and always avoid it
I'm scared Jow Forums, my gains cant help me now.
>have to drive in the city tomorrow
>scared as fuck since I've never driven in the city and always avoid it
I'm scared Jow Forums, my gains cant help me now.
Which city, guy? Also nice blog, subscribed :)
It's not that bad bro, just make sure you know which lane you need to be in and always look behind you before switching lanes
>see this dude in the cbd
>his car blows up
tell us the city you fucking faggot
I hate driving in fucking Brisbane, nothing but cunts on the road
Hmmm you're not planning on doing anything crazy are you?
Too fucking true
You better be scared, it's hard if you never did it. I still get a bit of anxiety driving because I only have to drive like once every 3 or 4 months. Just make sure you have your phone gps on the dashboard or something, it really helps.
>You better be scared,
Rented car in la for a few days. Minor fender bender no biggie. Car insurance covered it. Just drive safe
Driving in the city is literally easier than anywhere else.
Why ya asking such a question?
You'll be fine but that doesn't make it any less nerve-wracking. Shoulder check and have your phone tell you where to go and remember that everything on 4 wheels is homicidal, everything on 0 wheels is suicidal, and everything on 2 wheels is both.
No reason...
inshallah brother, dont be racist.
At least you don’t have to drive in LONDON
Where are you going?
>tfw tomorrow's job involves driving from 4am to 5pm to jobs all across the city from Caboolture down to Wacol, through West End and all the central faggotshit
unironic insanity, thank fuck im getting paid for it
Just have a couple beers to calm your nerves, you’ll be fine.
This guy gets it
Fuckin hate driving in the city. At home I rarely see more than five cars on the road at a time, and nothing more complicated than one pedestrian crossing.
Come to the city and there's fuckin three lanes, different speed limits, roundabouts in a row, traffic lights, crossings everywhere, one-way streets, no-park and no-stop zones, right-of-way roads, nobody signaling, people who can't reverse or parallel park, and having to scout like a hawk to find a parking spot.
It's hardly any wonder that city folks are balding, the traffic there is stressful as nothing else.
Not Jow Forums related but everyone experiences this.
Just stay focused on the road and follow the signs/ lights etc.
Exposure therapy is all you can do here
>follow the signs/ lights
I know it may seem counterintuitive but try NOT to hit anyone.
almost got killed by like 9 fucking lebs in a 5 seater commodore during my last term at uni. fuck brisbane
>everything on 4 wheels is homicidal, everything on 0 wheels is suicidal, and everything on 2 wheels is both
i love you user
>being nervous about driving in the city