Post routines, r8 routines, shitpost routines

Post routines, r8 routines, shitpost routines.

>pic related, I like to keep things simple

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Other urls found in this thread:

I just bench press and deadlift everyday. Sometimes ill do squats instead of deadlifts

Good way to start a routine thread.

Correction: Deadlifts are 1x5 not 5x5

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wew, like 7 days a week?

I wouldn't do the same lift every day unless you're doing a bulgarian thing.


>heavy deads after heavy squats 5x5
rip back

So far so good, but I'll modify it later as needed.

Years ago I did bench/squats/ohp/deadlift all in one day, MWF and it worked surprisingly well, though legs got a little break during ohp.

Switch squats with deadlifts and this is literally my routine.
The trick is do bench press variations. Medium incline, medium close grip, heavy paused, and light touch and go. Change choices based off weaknesses. Overhead presses are fun, but aren't incredibly scalable.


I'm focusing on OHP this year (hence why I'm doing it in the OP before bench and not after).

Years ago I got a strict 205 lbs 1rm (weighing about the same, 6ft) I can do 160 and I was so damn close to 2pl8 that I'm shooting for that now.

oh, when I say "weighing about the same" I weighed around 205 lbs at that time, I'm about 180 now.

Hepburn method upper lower 4x/week. ULxUxLx

Upper 1
Bench 8x2-3
BW Pullups 50-60 total reps
Overhead EZ-Bar Extensions 3x6-8
Facepulls 100 total reps

Lower 1
Squat 8x2-3
Deadlift 3x6-8
Machine row 50-60 total reps
Abs and lower back stretches

Upper 2
Same as Upper 1

Lower 2
Deadlift 8x2-3
Squat 3x6-8
Machine row 50-60 total reps
Abs and lower back stretches

It's been pretty good this far, but I'm think of switching the overhead extensions for The Press and instead bench once a week 8x2-3 and the second day do 3x6-8 (same for The Press, so I'd treat it like a main movement). It's basically double progression where you add only 1 rep per workout and you add weight every 1-2 months based on how often you do the workouts. So first workout 8x2, then 1x3+7x2, 2x3+6x2 until 8x3 and you add weight and start over. Same for 3x6-8.

Already posted but nobody gave a shit. Rate me bros

>jog around 1km
>3x wide push-ups x15
>3x narrow push-ups x15
>3x kickback x20
>3x pull-ups xmax
>3x chin-ups xmax

Jow Forums told me to squat but I feel like an idiot squatting at the park. Also want to do 3x typewriter chin-ups.

Will I ever git 10/10 calisthenics body to attract women and homos?

ps no homo

Because this is sad nowhere enough jogging or volume.
Jog 8-10 km
Get some dips, inverted rows, squats and L-sits and leg raises in there. Handstand and pike pushups to make up for your lack of overhead pressing movments.
Use some progressions.

>It's basically double progression where you add only 1 rep per workout and you add weight every 1-2 months based on how often you do the workouts. So first workout 8x2, then 1x3+7x2, 2x3+6x2 until 8x3 and you add weight and start over. Same for 3x6-8.
Nice, I do something similar after normal linear progression stops working.

I would do 5x5 of 250 lbs for example, but can't go up to 255 for 5x5.

I'd do 4x5 of 250 and then 1x5 of 255, next session 3x5 of 250 and 2x5 of 255, and so on.

Seems decent as far as bodyweight exercises go, but I'd add something for abs in and if you need something for legs but don't want to do bodyweight squats (understandable), do sprints, can build leg muscle and raise test levels.

You can do 30-60's (sprint for 30 seconds, walk quickly for 60, for 5 or 6 sets) and progress to 60-120's.

Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Deadlift 5x5
Every other day.

Can you post body pls? Just curious to see how it looks like having this routine

PUSH (and ABS)
BB bench press 3x5+
BB OHP 3x5+ or DB OHP 3x10-12
DB incline bench press 3x8-10
Lateral raises 3x12-15
Tricep pushdown 3x12
Plank 3x45seconds
Side plank 3x30seconds

Sumo deadlift 1x5+ or reverse lunge 3x10-12
Leg press 3x8-10
BB hip thrust 3x10-12
Standing ham curl 3x10-13
Rotator calf exercise 3x12
Bicycle cardio 15 minutes LISS

Weighted Chin-ups 3x5+
BB row 3x8-10
Lat pulldown 3x10-12
Facepull 3x10-12
DB schrug 3x10-12
Bicep curl 3x12
Bicycle cardio 15 minutes LISS

I do PLPPLPx (I prefer legs before pull due to deadlifts). I don’t do linear progression on my strength lifts despite being a DYEL, instead I toy around with addings reps or a set before adding weight. In particular, I’d like to know if I do enough volume.

>cycling/book reading 30 min.

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I don't wanna make a new thread for it, could someone recommend me a newbie routine that doesn't have squats and DLs in it. Thank you in advance, frens.

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Full body every other day, yoga on non-lift days.

Zercher Squats 4X10
Romanian Deadlift / Snatch Grip High Pull Superset 3x5
Bench 3x5
DB Row 3x8
Incline DB Press 3x8
Lat Pull down 3x10
Dips 3x10
Face Pulls Superset with hanging knee raises 4x12
DB Shrugs 3x8
Hammer Curl / EZ Curl Superset 3x10
Farmer Carries

All squats or just back squats? Goblet squats are a decent substitute if you don't have a rack or only have dbs.

>jog 8-10km
Bruh it's 1h of jogging around

mirin dat powerlifting simplicity and focus.

I look good enough for normie standards but meh by Jow Forums standards (though Jow Forums always thinks I'm heavier than I am).

I just started the routine though, so my looks isn't the result of it.

Seems like enough volume, but where are squats?

I can't get myself to read any other way honestly, dat efficiency


Incline Bench 5x5
Back Squats 5x5
Seated Row 5x5
Leg Curl 3x12
Lying Tricep Extensions 3x12
Preacher Curls 3x8
Russian Twists 3x12

Deadlift 5x5
OHP 5x5
Lat Pulldown 3x8
Decline Cable Crossover 3x12
Leg Extension 3x12
Seated Dips 3x8
Hammer Curls 3x12

>Seated Row 5x5
If you should switch this to 3x10 or something else with more volume per set. Otherwise looks like a good program.

>but where are the squats
Can’t do it. Long legs, short torso, and terrible ankle mobility turn even a front squat in a living hell. I love leg press on the hand, so I’m okay with the slower gains as I’m having more fun and less existential dread.

Yeah i lift 7 days a week usually. I do regular flat bench and non accesorized conventional deadlifts. Sometimes ill do some lat flies with dbs but its rare.

I bench 455 and DL 660 every day at 220 lbs

Stronglifts but swap out squats for leg press and hexbar deadlifts for normal deadlifts.

broke my neck but why legpress optional? just curious

agreed, 5x5 for barbell rows makes snese but if you're doing cable rows (I assume that's what is meant by seated) then 3x8-12 makes more sense to me.

Fair enough. Have you tried hexbar deadlifts? Might work for you.

big if true, mirin

Lower Body 1:

Barbell Squat, 4 sets 6 reps
Barbell Deadlift, 4 sets 6 reps
Barbell Step Ups, 4 sets 6 reps
Dumbbell Lunges, 4 sets 6 reps

Upper Body 1:

Barbell Bench Press, 4 sets 6 reps
Seated Cable Rows, 4 sets 6 reps
Seated Barbell Military Press, 4 sets 6 reps
Pullups, 4 sets 6 reps

Lower Body 2:

Barbell Deadlift, 3 sets 12 reps
Front Barbell Squat, 3 sets 12 reps
Dumbbell Rear Lunge, 3 sets 12 reps
Barbell Side Split Squat, 3 sets 12 reps

Upper Body 2:

Incline Dumbbell Press, 3 sets 12 reps
One Arm Dumbbell Row, 3 sets 12 reps
Arnold Dumbbell Press, 3 sets 12 reps
ChinUp, 3 sets 12 reps

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Anyone have a god-tier PPL routine? Been following several different ones but end up getting memed out

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Alright thanks

It's an alternative to Barbell Rows since I kinda hat them, so I thought keeping the reps would make sense

nice and balanced except 6 reps do literally nothing, 3-5 for strength and 8-12 for hypertrophy c'mon user

You like things simple or complicated?

as an alternative for heavy barbel rows, I'd suggest stiff-legged deadlifts desu

big mistake op. you cant do deadlifts AND book reading on thr same day...

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Who the fuck uses deadlift as leg exercise. I started doing squats and my legs exploded.

But I already do regular deadlifts and AFAIK RDLs are mainly for hams and rows for lats

Not that user but if you both programs for simple and complicated that would work

I say leg press optional because somedays I don’t have to share the equipment with anyone so I get through my workout faster. Also somedays I’m just more energized and less sore, so if I feel like it I will do more leg press just to isolate the quads a bit.

Workout A
> Squat, 3 set 5 rep
> Bench, 3 set 5 rep
> Pendlay, 3 set 5 rep

Workout B
> Squat, 3 set 5 rep
> OHP, 3 set 5 rep
> Deadlift, 1 set 5 rep

Workout C
> Pullup, 3 set 5 rep
> Dip, 3 set 5 rep
> Curl, 2 set 8 rep
> Skullcrusher, 2 set 8 rep
> Treadmill, 15 mins

> AxBxACx, BxAxBCx

Not RDL's, SLDL. Keep your legs straight, more (lower) back focused like some bb rows
Bench Press 5x5
OHP 5x5

Barbell Rows 5x5
Weighted Pull-ups/Chin-ups

Squats 5x5 (if you hate squats sub with leg press)
Deadlift 1x5 (if you hate rdl sub with hexbar deadlift or RDL's)

there ya go, as simple as no accessories or as complicated as however many accessories you feel like doing.

This is for strength, so if you focus on hypertrophy do 3x12 instead of 5x5

Current program in pic. Enjoying the hell out of it and am I´ve switched out a lot of exercises with better ones with the same focus.

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Fair enough

Looks pretty good though I'd consider adding an extra set to the curls and skullcrushers, and upping cardio to 20-30 min.

Do that shit like once a month at most going past exhaustion like that doesn't help anything

What is upper chest memery?

I'm the opposite of you user, I like having a very simple routine that I can do consistently, but I get where you're coming from.

BB bench 4x8
OHP 4x8
Incline DB 4x8
Skull crusher 4x10
Cable fly 4x10
Tricep pushdown 3x12
Front/side delt raise 3x12
Some other tricep 3xblow out

BB row 4x8
Weighted pull up 4x failure
Ez curl 4x8
Db row 3x10
Preacher curl 3x10
Cable lat pulldown 3x10
Hammer curl 3x10
Face pull 3x12

Squat 4x8
RDL 3x10
Hack squat 3x10
Glute ham raise 4x8
Lunges 3x12
Leg extension 3x15
Leg curl 3x15
Calf raise 4xfailure

Cardio and abs mixed in at times

Allright scince we're talking about shitpost routine it's time for me to post mine:
OHP 10*10
Pushups 3*max
Pullover 3*15-20
Cables triceps stuff 5*20-25
Zercher squat 5*10
Plate shrug 4*25+
Barbell row 3*10-15
Dumbell one-arm row 3*8-12
Hammer curl 8*10-15
Wrist curl 3*20-25
Leg extension (machine) 5*15-20
Side crunches 4*20+

Close grip deficit bench press with band (at first I wanted to make the biggest meme bench variation but this shit made my real bench 10kg in a month) 3*5 then 2*3 paused
Landmine press 4*5-8
Skullcrusher 3*8-10
Deadlift 1*try to max
Barbell shrugs 5*8-12
Pullups (weighted) 2*6 then 4*4
Upright row 3*8
Power clean 1*try to max
Preacher curls 4*4-6
Farmer's walk 3*1:00
Calves raises 12*10-15
Hanging leg raises 3*8-10
Basically: A/Facepull and neck day/Rest and massage day/B/Rest and repeat

Used to do a classic 3*week strengh-based fullbody but didn't had time this september to workout more than 2 times a week so I thought I wasn't gonna be able to make gains so I decided to make my routine funny instead of efficient, but I ended up getting stronger, more massive and lean then ever.

Which in particular?

Tfw AMRAPping almost every moves last set. It feels gay and wrong not to give your best shot to the last set, so unless you throughoutly convince me not to do so i´ll continue. T. not the same user.

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I need you to work harder

You should already be working with weight so that the last set of your 5x5, 8x3 or whatever is a struggle. Taxing your body beyond that you get severely diminishing returns in the for of longer recovery times with no additional strength to show for it.

The real question for you though is why are your working sets so light or short that you can just tack on extra reps at the end? 10:40 onwards. Only upper chest move that isolates it enough and doesn´t cause shoulder popping for me that i´ve found.
Front squats->SSB squat(mobility issues)
dumbbell row-> cable row(run out of dumbbels and back pain)
Power clean&barbell back extension-->pause deadlift(mobility and form issues and cannot do barbell extensions at my current place)
Order is also a bit varied but nothing signifficant.

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I do build up sets e:g(205x5->225x5->235xamrap usually less than 5) I´ve found it to be really fucking great in terms of gains and i enjoy it this way better. I add volume with accesories though.

looks solid, mirin hack squats

neat, I see those zercher squats haha
Honestly only going 2 times a week I'd be tempted to do a bulgarian-style setup and just go crazy on one thing and one thing only
>ohp/push-press to maximize jealousy

not him but I do a drop set, so while I can't just tack on more reps on the wrking weight necessarily, I'm already taking plates off and finishing up so I figure I might as well do a drop set to failure.

landmine is neat

>12*10-15 calves raises

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Pic related pls r8

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Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Row 5x5
1arm landmine press 3x10

Squat 5x5
OHP 5x5
DL 3x5
Curl 3x10
Lat Pulldown 3x10

DL 3x5
Incline Bench 4x10
Cable Row 4x10
Leg Press 5x5

currently fasting for a hyper cut. running this routine after 5 months of SS. im not increasing weight unless its necessary and everything is AMRAP on the last set. i refeed whenever i feel like it but i generally try to fast as long as i can. just had a good lift this morning after a refeed last night coming off a 72 hour fast. im surprised at how well i lift in a fasted state. I constructed this solely to get me through my cut and will be reverting to something more conventional once Im happy with my weight.


Bench (alt. Incline Bench) 3x5
DL 2x3
BB Row 3x8
BB Curl 3x8
Narrow Grip Bench 3x10

OHP 3x5
Squat 3x5
Weighted Chin-ups 3x5
EZ Bar Pyramid Curl Sets
Narrow Grip Bench 3x5

no squats or deads?

How is it organized? ABABxSatX?

Everything essential and more is there though I don't follow the organization logic

dub dubs checked, also looks alright to me, you love your triceps don't you user

it would appear that way but its mostly cause i have a home gym with only a BB and Ez bar. also, although i love benching, i think narrow grip benching is more functional just based on hand placement alone and how we push things in real life.

Squat day
5/3/1 sets
3x5 FSL
3x8 hamstring curl

OHP day
5/3/1 sets
3x5 FSL
5x5 incline
3x5 lat pull chinup
2x12 lat pull pull up light

Deadlift day
5/3/1 sets
5x5 pendlay
3x12 cable row light
3x12 facepulls

Bench day
5/3/1 sets
5x5 bench FSL
3x8-12+ dumbell flat
3x8 lat pull neutral

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That's fair

Neat organization, haven't see that before

6'1", 178 lbs (~18%bf) novice here

I did a similar routine for 4 months but got sidetracked by 10k training, backpacking, and school. Now I have no excuses.

I plan to do this for 4-8 weeks eating at 2300kcal maintenance, eating extra when I plateau. I'm more concerned about my physique though. Any thoughts?

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Lifting MWF and on Saturday.

You’ll make linear gains for sure. But why the fuck are you only gonna eat 2300 calories. You’re gonna stall quite a bit and end up quitting most likely. If you wanna maintain on a heavy program you will probably have to eat 2700-2800 kcal at your weight

Deadlift 3x5
OHP 5x5
Seated Cable Row 3x10
Pull-up 5xf
Dips 5xf

Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Bent-over DB Row 3x10
Pull-ups 5xf
Push-ups 5xf

Squat 3x5
Leg Press 3x10
Leg Curl 3x10
Calf Raises 5x10
EZ Curl 3x10
Pull-down Tri 3x10
Face-pull 3x10

+ Yoga every day
+ 20-21 min 5K on C

My goal is ottermode first and then to lean bulk. As you can tell I am a DYEL with skinny arms.

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Pic related what I made up.
It's basically based on HLM or TM I'd say.
I consider 4 main lifts ohp, squat, dead, bench instead of 3
I do them every workout I just start with heaviest and go lighter on other lifts and alternate lifts by the day.
Heavy is working up to a set of 5RM, if I fail I repeat the weight next week.
Volume is basically 5x5@90% of 5RM beside deadlift i just do 3 sets of snatch deads
Light is bodybuilding style like 3x10 for presses and variations for squat and dl like paused squats and farms walks (not really a deadlift but w/e).
Then I do rows since I like a thicc back.
Dumbbell stuff for arms and side delts for a little bit of aesthetics and facepulls are non negotiable.

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Bench Press - 5x5
Deadlift - 3x5
Incline Bench Press - 4x8
Dumbbell Fly - 3x8
Chinups - 4x6
Barbell Rows - 3x8

Overhead Press - 5x5
Lateral Raise - 3x12
Barbell Shrug - 3x12
Dumbbell Bicep Curl - 3x12
Barbell Tricep Extension - 3x12
Dumbbell Incline Curl - 3x12
Tricep Pushdown - 3x12

Barbell Squat - 5x5
Front Squat - 3x8
Romanian Deadlift - 3x12
Calf Raise - 4x20
Hanging Leg Raise - 3x20
Oblique Crunches - 3x20

On the second chest/back day, swap the deadlifts for barbell rows and do them before bench press. After bench, do the back exercises (include 3x12 rack pulls) and then do chest.
My lifts are shit and I only just started this routine because I got bored of fullbody and wanted to do something that feels more athletic with more volume for aesthetics.

Routine I created trying to balance days of heavy lifting with some high volume work. Any thoughts?

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Thinking of working one lift per day for about six weeks like so:

1x5 at working weight
1x5 at 90% of working weight
5 to 25 sets of 5 reps @80%

M: Bench
T: Trap bar DL
W: Lat pulldowns
R: Bench
F: Trap bar DL
S: Lat pulldowns
S: Rest

Basically the russian bear program + one more exercise. Since this is for hypertrophy, might do incline instead of regular bench. What you anons think?

Bench 5x5
DB rows 3x12
DB bench 3x12
Pullups 3xfailure (usually around 10 or 12)

OHP 5x5
Barbell curls 3x12
Skullcrushers 3x12
Arnold press 3x12
Shrugs 3x30

Lower Body
Squats 5x5
Deadlifts 3x5

I usually just do them in a row and then take a rest day
This is at a home gym so my equipment is somewhat limited, I just do the 5x5 compounds for strength and then 3x12 accessories for hypertrophy
It's kind of a casual routine in that I'm not progressing super fast but I do see results over time and my body is improving so I'm fine with it

bench 175, ohp 120, squat 2pl8, dead 3pl8

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Rate my routine. I personally have quick recovery times.

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BB Incline Bench Press 3x6-8
DB Incline Bench Press 3x12-15
DB Incline Flies 3x12-15
Landmine Rainbows 3x15-20
Chinups 3x6-8
Db Row 3x12-15
One-arm Lat Pulldown 3x12-15
One-arm Straight Arm Pullover 3x15-20

Lateral Raises 6x12-15
DB OHP 5x12-15
Facepulls 6x15-20
Hip Thrust 4x10-12
DB Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8-10
RDL 3x8-10

Skullcrushers 4x10-12
Overhead Triceps Extensions 4x12-15
One-arm Triceps Pushdown 4x12-15
Incline Curl 4x12-15
Spider Curl 4x12-15
Hammer Curl 4x12-15
Reverse Grip Curl 4x12-15
Behind the back wrist curl 4x12-15

Mind posting body? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to see what you look like

Is running GZCLP as EOD fine?

So many routines, which ones would be the most worth the time for a new dyel?

One hour of cardio everyday and very low calorie diet. So far I’m down from 350 to 320 ;_;

Some guy used my photos to say mean things to fat girls on dating sites so i dont share them anymore.

But if i could explain it best...i look exactly how i always looked but i am just wider and thicker. It makes more sense if you saw me in pictures next to friends over the years and how i slowly filled out

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GSLP in my opinion. Anything that has you progressing two of your big 4 every workout. SS or SL + it's variations also work. In my opinion GSLP feels like a more complete fitness regimen if you read and incorporate what the book says instead of just doing Phraks and nothing else.

' = sets of 4 replaced by sets of 8-12

Bench 4x4
OHP 4x4
Barbell curls 4x4

Skwats 4x4
Diddly 4x4
Barbell Row 4x4
Pull-ups AMRAP

Work on whatever's weakest
Fucking around with Olympic lifts

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Cutting routine (gotta lose those pounds!)

Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Diddly 1x5
Weighted dips (lol) 2x8

Squat 3x5
OHP 3x5
Pendlay Row 3x5
Weighted Chin-Up 2x8

C: Cardio
90 minutes Dance Dance Revolution, alternating between level 9-11 songs and 11-14 songs.

F: Full Body
Bodyweight, Kettlebell circuits, barbell meme exercises, etc, whatever I feel like as long as I keep moving for 60min


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No need to run more than a kilometer or until you feel warm.

Bench 5/3/1
ohp 5x5
pull ups 5x10

Squat 5/3/1
Deadlift 5x5

ohp 5/3/1
bench 5x5
pull ups 5x10

Deadlift 5/3/1
squat 5x5


madcow 5x5, lots of bodyweight, focusing on muscle up progression and handstands atm, running 3x a week to and from dojo

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Only W O K E niggas do snatch grip high pulls


I don't want to make a new thread for this question:

All I know is strength training, but this year I want to ignore it all and go solely for hypertrophy, and be huge.
Can this be done simply by using my normal routine and doing high reps low weight, or is there a more efficient way to focus size?


More specifically?

Ive tweaked the sets/reps ranges a little and the weights are different, but been doing this for a few months

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Someone help my leg day pls, I want to revamp it somehow while still doing squats:
Squat 3x5
Leg press 3x8-12
Seated leg curl 3x8-12
Calf extension 4x12

I’ve basically abandoned deadlifts ever since I felt like they were interfering with my climbing on workout days

read mine faggot

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i dont believe you until you post body

>weighted chin-ups 5x3 or 3x5
>DB row 3x8-12 or 4x6
>cable row 2x12
>bicep curl 3x10
>farmers walks 3x1minute

>OHP 6x4
>Landmine Press 8/10/12
>lateral raise 4x10 ss tricep pushdown 3x10
>close grip push up 4x10

>Trap bar deadlift 3x5
>bench press 5x5
>Lunges 3x10
>hanging leg raises 3x10
>weighed crunch 3x10

Everything is 5x5

Leg Day
Leg Curl
Leg Extension
Calf Raises
Sit ups
Leg Press

Chest Day
Bench Press
Incline Press
Dumbbell Press
Dumbbell Flys

Back Day
Barbell Shrugs
Lat Pulldowns
V Bar Pulldowns

Rest Day

Shoulder Day
Incline Shoulder Press
Front Dumbbell Raise
Lateral Raise
Bentover Lateral Raise

Arm Day
Barbell Curl
Overhead Tricep Extension
Hammer Curl
Incline Dumbbell Curl
Preacher Curls
Tricep Extension
Tricep Pulldown

Rest Day

I'm looking to add more stuff to my back, chest, and shoulder days.

Candito lower with Nuckles bench

L1: 3x6 squat, 2x6 DL,1xF Deadhang
U1: 3x8, 1×F bench, 3x10 Pendlay, 5x4 OHP, 3x10 weighted pull-up, 3x10 FacePulls, 3x10 tricep extension
x: Mobility
U2: U1 except 3x6 1xF, 3x8, 4x4, 3x8
L2: 6x4 Pause squat, 3x4 pause DL
1xF deadhang
U3: U1 except 3x4 1xF, 3x6x 3x4x 3x6
x: Mobility

Its going really well even though its reddit tier

Alright faggots, I've been working out @ home with dumbbells. Ran out of all the noobgains
And with school over decided to join the gym from Monday. What program should I do?
I was thinking of PPLPPLx

I'm about to start the reddit ppl.

Should I do this or hit one muscle per group
For eg, Monday = chest, Tuesday = back Wednesday= shoulder etc