If you pay attention closely in all human interactions people are judging your genetic worth If you look at eye contact you can tell the mogging going on. Public transit/train and a busy downtown area is ideal to observe this
Mog or be mogged
Large populations are unprecedented in human history Cities witb 1+ mil people are common now This increaes chances of running into legit 9+/10 male and being mogged
Mog or be mogged
I have noticed chads get mogged by even bigger chads and it tears them apart
The primitive minds wants to establish its genetic superioity and mogging destroys that
Again no1 rule of life mog or be mogged
Your genetics determine the potential of your life
>Mog or be mogged- no 1 rule of life No fuck that. You're fucking stupid. Manchild. Retard. I'm dgaf-mogging you right now. Go ahead call me a bucket crab. I double dog dare you mother fucker.
Brayden Miller
if you're a gde or doing it for a career
Isaac Clark
and he gets mogged by his ex wife, yeah? actually you don't know what mogging is
You don't know. Those bodybuilders are the ones landscaping Bezos' yard.
Charles Johnson
You know that kind of douche in the loud overaccessorized rice rocket who stops next to you at a red light, gives you this funny look and revs his vehicle like he wants to have some sort of car fuck? Then when the light turns green he burns rubber peeling out like a lunatic and only to immediately get stuck in the same traffic everyone is stuck in? Or immediately get pulled over?
That's the OP.
Bentley Scott
Mason Richardson
so what's the deal with this edgy hardcore bodybuilding fashion? Cargo shorts and high-top shoes that leave like 4 inches of actual leg revealed, tank top (preferably with cringy slogan), and the optional flatbill hat. Like do these people actually not fit into any other kinds of clothes or are they just obsessed with being the biggest douche in the room?
Benjamin Wood
You need to go out more OP, bonus points if you try to socialize
Matthew Davis
dressing like an idiot helps ugly people hide the fact that they are ugly. It's like why they paint the ghettos bright colors in brazil.
Dominic Cooper
This sort of look was memed as being the ideal male look in the 80s in 90s. Pro wrestling was fucking huge then
What do you mean Wasnt it in the crow inside naruto and then it failed
Cooper Gomez
Lmao his wife is gonna get 100 billion dollars worth of Amazon King Cuck
Logan Rivera
so then they fuck his wife and get some of that money she took from him. it is now a game of rock paper scissors.
if your mogging cannot persist in all situations then it doesn't count. a dog has to be able to tell who the winner is because it's something primal, and a dog wont know how much money a guy has; it can make a difference because he may have more confidence and whatnot but it can only do so much
Carter Kelly
I agree, anyone who has a wife is cucked in one way or another. Still leaves him with billions more than the vast majority of people.
Aiden Phillips
Derives from the acronym AMOG, Alpha Male Of Group. To mog someone is to nonverbally establish alpha male status in a situation via height, physical size, and frame/attitude.
Justin Bell
the sleeveless hoodies are one thing i've never understood.
prenup master race reporting in
is what i would say if i had a wife and prenup
Ayden Ramirez
But he’s fraud
Levi Lee
>Your genetics determine the potential of your life Is water wet? More at eleven.
Of course your genes matter Of course your diet matters Of course your attitude and discipline in the gym matters
Work with what you've got. A well groomed guy who works out can have thrash genes and still shit all over some malnutritioned dyel neckbeard of prime genetic stock.