Why do people make fun of NOFAPers? I can't go to work without being a laughing stock now
Why do people make fun of NOFAPers? I can't go to work without being a laughing stock now
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because they are weak
Why the fuck would you ever discuss your masturbation habits with coworkers, or anyone for that matter?
Why did you bring it up at work
>brings up masturbation at work
Are you sure they are laughing at you not fapping or just you being autistic in general. Also they are npc’s
They asked me if I have any hobbies/projects outside of work. I told them I workout and abstain from masturbating
Oh god. When ppl ask that kind of questions you simply lie.
do you know what a hobby is user
don't show them your plan, show them your results
Begone Kike Larper
People just hate what they can't comprehend. Even Galileo was called a heretic.
Fair enough. I often talk about my hobbies with coworkers too. I enjoy not skiing, not skateboarding, and not writing erotic fiction.
I'm not good at lying. Plus if I lie I can't ever back it up if they ask any further
Lifting is a hobby
For shits and giggles
nice one lad.
Peak autism
It is. Abstaining from masturbation is not.
Let this be a lesson to never tell the normies about your internet life
I made a flippant comment about jerking off 3 times a week at a co-worker's wedding but I'm the office autist so it's brought up for a chuckle occasionally
How can I undo the damage?
>abstain from masturbating
That's not even a fucking hobby, you turbo-autist.
masturbate infront of (or on) them to make you look like a less of a retard
Nugga wtf
Weaklings envy disciplined men so they make fun of them. Coward's way of coping with his uselessness
get a new job obviously. No one will forget what you said
>coping this hard
No. We laugh at people who take nofap seriously because they're astrology-tier retarded.
What is it then?
I came to the conclusion that nofap is for weak people because I watched porn for years everyday and beat it twice a day at least and I..had no social issues or physical issues because of it.
I went like 30 days straight no fap and felt the same. What finally confirmed it was when I was browsing a navy SEAL fourm and a bunch of them were making fun of nofap for being fake.
The only solid thing that nofap will give you is the glowing skin...
Still you shouldn't fap because it's a sin I'm a Christian now and it's hard to browse Jow Forums and not fap.
>Not sure if bait
Top kek either way
become office chad and all the guys will get jealous and secretly start nofap as well
Based and redpilled
We have a very prominent politician who is openly a nofapper
The hero we need
A self-imposed abstention
A mental disorder
A deeply held conviction
It's not a fucking hobby. That's like saying avoiding caffiene or alcohol is a hobby.
>glowing skin
What do you mean?
Abstaining from alcohol is a hobby because it's hard as fuck
Pretty sure that's soft bullying user, you're the social bottom feeder at the office and probably the butt of every joke.
Bullying is bad, know the signs.
Why would you tell them that?
Abstinence from masturbation isn't even a hobby you dopey cunt.
Abstinence means you don't do something.
Why would you need to tell them about the things you don't do?
If someone asked for your hobbies you wouldn't say something like 'I don't draw and I don't make music' either.
I actually burst out laughing like Homer when he sees "Man Getting Hit By Football"
You can't
Chad as fuck
Not doing something isn't actually a hobby.
Actively avoiding is a hobby
Please I'm serious they all are calling me "fapchap" now, not just on break. Do I just quit?
This is gonna end up as one of those collages that get endlessly reposted in humor threads, isn't it
ok im laughing
you fucking absolute autists, jesus christ, this board, fuck
>6 days
>tell them about the onions
Why the fuck would you masturbation habits ever come up in a work environment?
If only youd posted this like 3 weeks ago. It would have made sir's comic
You go out there and show them your gains. Tell them, tell them about the powers you're unleashing. Zyzz be with you, men.
They don’t make fun of you for not madturbating, they make fun of you for talking about your masturbation habits. Expect a call from HR
user, stop being so fucking gullible, you weak-ass faggot.
I too tell people of my NoFap endeavors, and they too laugh. And what do I do? I play along. Of course, I insist and tell of the perks: 'energy', not being distracted by women from my goals, darwinistic super-powers, etc. They always ask what do I mean by darwinistic super-powers, and then I go into a deep monologue about evolution, therefore how the body responds and reacts to your sex life etc. The far as they will go is to tell me I am mad, which is, for me, the greatest compliment you can receive from a norm.
I mean, what are you bitching about? Did they throw you in the trash bin and pissed on you? Or did they just laughed at a new and crazy idea like fucking normal people always do?
Imagine feeling proud about talking about NOFAP with strangers and then taking pride in being the joke
Wear that name with honor
>Why do people make fun of NOFAPers? I can't go to work without being a laughing stock now
Crabs in bucket
>Hey rabbi! I posted it again!
qt canceled the date, boutta relapse lads, FUCK.
Tell your coworkers all about it
stay strong brother. Say the lords prayer three or four times and get your mind off thottery.
It will be better to be reminded about it in 2020
This is the magnum opus of Jow Forums
Jow Forums did it again
Have a (You)
Power through Christ, power through prayer
Shit taste
Imagine caring what normies think of you
Why do you faggots do this shit? Are you really that socially inept and autistic that you walk around talking about how you dont jerk off? Have you never talked with people? You dont talk about that shit, unless you're joking with your friends or with your doctor. You talk about work, video games, tv shows, the weather, the news, basically ANYTHING except for how much you fap. What the absolute fuck is wrong with you?
Uh,guys that guy obviously never said that. I'm a certified autist and even I know thats fucking retarded.
Fuck sake
Fucking why??
You have nobody but yourself to blame
OP is radiating autism at dangerous levels.
>never gonna make it
Made this in about 10 minutes
"So user, any hobbies?"
"Well I don't masturbate, that's for sure!"
>"so user you got any hobbies? What do you do in your free time?"
put me in the compilation