Name a better bulking food

Name a better bulking food
protip, you cant

Attached: DOuble down.jpg (1920x1279, 431K)

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Pbj. Main staple of my bulk diet.

>no carbs


Spotted the fatty

In what way is that better? You have lots of sugar and only incomplete proteins.

Not enough carbs in that.
Oats, peanut butter, and whey.

Spotted the insecure retard

Insecure or retarded
Its for calories. I didn't say it was the only thing I ate. Incomplete until you eat complete proteins which for me is sardines and eggs.

baby bell cheese, this is the diet
shit goes with everything

only down side is the annoying wrapings

Attached: Screenshot_20190110-151752.png (1440x2560, 292K)

Tastes amazing, but you feel like complete shit after.

that's because you ate total shit
fast food is shit garbage

I definitely got fat during a 6 month layoff living next to a KFC when this first came out

Oh my god.

Fuck I miss those. I think I'll make a grilled version tonight

>he doesn't eat 1g of uranium everyday for maximum gains
I don't know what to tell you dawg

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felt greasy and sleazy after eating but man did that taste good.

need to have the spicy zinger fillets instead

Based and Falloutpilled


Attached: b7d3327305c7377b5431422502e8cf9134e71d81.jpg (1080x1080, 130K)

Hypoglycemia increases GH.

Attached: HGH.png (769x423, 32K)


I do this but with rice and ground beef cause I'm not a millionaire

It's also linked to fucked up cortisol production

Not the other user, but is the increase significant enough to offset having a good ATP source? Glycogen and glucose stores are finite and your body DOES NOT like using primarily fat as a source to make ATP. Do you have a % increase, because anything under 30% is laughable imo. Honestly curious.

Based on …

Enjoy your kidney stones

Attached: milk.jpg (960x640, 25K)

Ketones production requires more acetyl-CoA, and the only reasonable results for evidencing cortisol correlatives are of pyruvate supplementation and such (abundance).

Glycogen replenishment is similar (even with minimalistic controls for nutrition).

Attached: Glycogen.jpg (306x512, 34K)

It has other benefits.

Attached: Diets and Nutrients.png (896x942, 126K)

How'd I do?

Attached: grilldd.jpg (736x565, 114K)

>18g Carbs
