
>used to hate my blackness
>go to a gym near an HBCU
>realize not every young black person are just niggers
>meet a lot of forward thinking and rational black men and women who simply aspire to do better
>hot, soft chocolate bunnies and bro-tier Tyrones everywhere
>realize that you can pick and choose parts of culture that you like and identify with
wtf I love being black now, why dont more of us do this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nah man after I joined this gym my test has risen considerably and I'm getting past my plateau with deadlifts.

I'm happy for you. I'm a white man with blonde hair and blue eyes so I've never really struggled at all with racial identity issues but a bro of mine is south-east asian and felt like a genetic failure.

We watched some cool south-east asian action films (shit like the raid) and he aspired to go full Iko Uwais mode and start doing Thai Boxing and shit. I'm proud of him and I'm proud of you

Is this what americans call bantustans?

Because most of you openly choose the nigger part of your "culture"

Because of (((them))).

The left has been the new plantation for years.
By free my nigglet.

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Great larp thread that’s completely off topic, uvpoated
Hand and timestamp or kys

Thanks man, the only shitty thing is that since my test went up all the time I used to lurk r9k has given me a fetish for white dyel guys.

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Post body
sorry it was tempting

Good for you bro. Please fuck my cute gf she never satisfied with my 6 incher

post hog

>tfw i have a 6 inch dick
y-youre just memeing

>t. whiteboi

I remember had a conversation with a brother in county lockup. He talked about how situations brought him in there. I explained that, you could always NOT get involved in that shit. It may suck you may have to sit at home all day but you definitely don't HAVE to get into shit.

It was like a light bulb went off in his head, he looked like he just had an epiphany that he didn't have to be a hoodlum. Nice young fella for a drug dealer.

You see, that's why (((they))) aren't an enemy only to the whites.

Black people use Jow Forums? S-sorry for saying nigger 10,000 times and posting racial infographics all the time. Black niggas are fun to chill with. One of you owes me 40$ though.

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I unironically hate white women from my previous experiences man, sorry. And me walking around with a cavewoman signals to little black girls that they're not good enough.

It's almost like there's a concerted effort to force victim mentality on nigs using mass media.

I wonder (((who))) could be responsible?

I’m gonna say it!

hello yes how can i get black gf??

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No can do apu, this is a two sided deal. Neither dates the others girls. As for the niggas that follow white girls around, well I leave their fate up to you.

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Fuck yeah brah, proud of you for accepting yourself for who you are.

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Thank you frien, they will get what is coming to them.

Most of the educated blacks do this. Same with every race, uneducated whites, mexicans, asians doesnt matter they all act like trash

Based and redpilled
Idk man western white culture has a lot of problems from both the right and left prospective

The truth is that ethnicity is pointless and does not influence one's character or personality whatsoever. The American's obsession with the concept of race identity is ridiculous, though understandable because of their history and culture.

The truth is that it really fucking does.
t. Somebody from a homogeneous country currently living in a very diverse country, planning on moving back

as another middle class average black guy, you should probably kill yourself you stupid ass fucking uncle tom

imagine being so braindead that you hate something that is completely preordained like skin color because of lower class people and generalize an entire race.

im giving you this (you) knowing this could very well be the average pol false flagger that has infested all boards

Western white culture has no problems which dont track back to jews.

Reminder there were around 400k white slaves, the majority of whom were worked to death duento their only having a 7 year tenure.
Reminder that the black north american slaves were captured and sold by muslims and transported by jews.
Reminder the majority of those slaves went to south america, portugal and spain.
Reminder muslims have, and continue to practice slavery, for around 1500 years.
Reminder every culture has at some point practiced slavery
Reminder that the first countries to abolish the institution were univerally western powers

HBCU girls love white guys.
The tinder life near Spelman and Morehouse were both fucking wild, I've never had so many fillies jumping down my pants.
Just go be a tall good looking white guy near them and your dick will find its way to a nice mouth or pussy. They're tired of the neurotic wannabe politician effete black guys they spend time with, it's not a bunch of malcolm Xs out there it's just the black version of a numale basically .They're all "woke" and spend all day online shopping for ethnic clothing and posting resentful tweets on twitter.
Just being willing to not bitch for the entire time you're around her you're suddenly the most alpha guy in the 50 miles radius. Good times.

Based. Stay in your race or your children will be genetically inferior

That's cultural, not biological. I'm also from a very diverse country with a somewhat distinct culture on ethnicity.

Good for you. People fought their entire lives for their race now people are throwing it away for some stupid, black redneck culture cultivated by old Jewish executives. Sad part is every "bro-tier black" I see is completely alone from other members of his race, reach out to them. It wasn't always this way.

Gotta agree.
Congratulations I've never agreed with anyone you're the first want a medal or something faggot

how is this fitness related?

Yeah Jow Forums is the epitome of low test so it makes sense you wouldn't want to go there
inb4 pol nigger incels coming at me kys faggots

Yeah if you think there aren't biological differences between ethnicities, you'd be wrong. Look up differences in impulse control and delayed gratification. Conducted by very liberal social scientists, no less.

I get shit for not looking like the "right" type of white. I'm olive skinned, eastern European by race and people have told me that they thought I was weird solely because of the way I looked. The worst was when somebody told me I could pull off being Vietnamese. I wanted to punch them in the throat.

What college has the most coalburner girls?

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Level of obsession with football == amount of coalburners. It doesn't even have to be a good team.

I go to an asian ass university and this is my experience as a white guy (except with asian chicks ofc)

No idea, that's not really my concern. High tier black chicks chase high tier white guys, low tier white girls chase low tier black guys. Therefore, probably some hick nonsense like WVU or auburn or something.

Im not black im somali, bantu niggers crazed fuckers.

Black guys are really cool people to hang around with. Niggers are the worst tho, literal subhumans. Keep doing you my fren.

This. Twin studies are a huge red pill.

>Tfw mixed mutt who hasn't found his tribe

I'll just go full Islamic i guess. Just waiting for the beard to come in

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Objectively false, literally an average IQ of 80, got the government pushing for you in every academic subject and you're STILL constantly fucking up. Not even sure how you're using a computer right now, unless it's a parlour trick you've been taught like bears who can wave at you.


Disgusting video. Why is his hair wet? Tired of Americans lowering the tone of the bosrd with their tranny fetish.

Give this a skim through

If tldr: basically IQ has a large genetic component which is shown through twin studies where twins are separated into differing environments. There are genetic IQ differences between different human populations due to divergent evolution.

>Just go be a tall good looking
yeah, no shit? lmao

An even bigger red pill is the minnesota transracial adoption study. The crux is that half white half black kids did better than fully black kids even when the parents, kids, and researchers thought the kids were fully black. And these mixed kids did about halfway between fully black and fully white adopted kids. Who also did slightly worse than white kids with their biological parents (As expected, since IQ is partially due to environment). And most importantly, the study was conducted by people seeking to disprove racial differences

Yeah what baffles me is that people are willing to admit that IQ can be a causative factor in individual achievement differences, but when group achievement differences are brought up, it's absolutely inconceivable that genetics might play a role

>Be in UK
>Hear people claim IQ is cultural, "British" blacks are much more intelligent than American blacks
>Same stupid niggers commiting crime
>Same stupid niggers fighting 10 to 1 with no honour
>Same stupid niggers blasting music everywhere, canot comprehend other people exist
>Worse diversity laws and public schools giving them every push and opportunity

Anyone who says genetics has nothing to do with IQ is a retard, I have no idea why people need to constantly lie and pretend everything is cultural.

based n-word. you do you, just stick to your people, culture, land and especially your own women.

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Beyond IQ, look up guilt and shame cultures (Western and easterm, respectively) and note that these cultures are associated with a particular gene variant. Guess which group of people almost has no incidence of this variant.

You can pass for goblin tier white of you want. If nothing else your face isn't fucked.
Race doesn't really matter ask that much though.

Thanks for the blog post nigger but next time maybe attention whore on reddit, youll have a bunch cucks there telling you how they cant even imagine the struggles youre facing a as a black guy and so on


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Your tribe is Jow Forums if you want it to be.
Dont worry about racial identity, the color of someone's skin tells you nothing of their character.
The only tribe I want to be a part of is the tribe that can bench 2 plates like they are a marine doing pushups and deadlift a car.

but black qts WANT white man its natural for them

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>the color of someone's skin tells you nothing of their character
It's a good heuristic for ethnicity and if you think ethnicity is skin deep, you're wrong.
>it just so happens that the only different thing in these people who are very visibly different are the things we can see.
how convenient for us

I've said it before and I'll say it again, black people aren't the problem. Its the fucking gooks, pajeets, and beaners who are stealing jobs meant for real Americans. Glad you're connecting with your people on a meaningful level.

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Rent free

Holy shit this is by far the most reddit post ive seen in a long time. If discussing identity politics makes you uncomfortable then just dont talk, you bring nothing of value to the conversation with your simplistic naive point of view

No need to call names, but black people commit a catastrophic amount of crime. That seems pretty undesirable.

Yeah fuck those who have jobs and contribute to the society, i would rather have a bunch of welfare leeches that commit more crime than anyone else and cry racism everytime they dont get their way
Dont get so easily emotionally manipulated

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That's fine because you're not white. If you were this would make you a white supremacist neo Nazi kkk fascist according to reddit

>Yeah fuck those who have jobs and contribute to the society
They can go the fuck back and contribute to their own societies. Blacks have been here since the start we're not getting rid of them any time soon. The rest of the Hart Cellar trash can be stopped tomorrow if we feel like it.

If this isn't a shitpost, then I give you a fucking pat on the back and would like to have a beer with you. I am pro-white, but it really doesn't mean I'm anti-black. I treat people like I find them. Act upstanding, get treated that way.

All I can ask of you is to keep it up, keep building and creating and being an example of how to conduct oneself as a man, not a hoodlum or trailer trash. Both of those types get the firing squad IMHO.

Don't post that (((filth))). Also the lsft has been since the 60s

Then what do high tier black guys get?

Most of us don't hate our blackbros. Don't believe (((their))) lies

the beaners are natives to the land and the chingchongs build the railroads brainlets

Blacks have made a few cities uninhabitable. Scratch that, a few neighborhoods in a few cities. Mexicans have destroyed California and are about to do the same to the rest of the US.

When the race war kicks off, it will be Blacks and Whites vs beaners (with the exception of puerto ricans, who will be given honorary Saxon status) and chinamen.

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Niggers get out.

>black girls
pick one

Die nigger

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I love being black too, except I'm white

>uses "blackness" seriously
>went to black women brainwashing camp aka HBCU
>brainwashed and shamed into thinking black women are attractive

Another negro lost to the black witch. Sigh.

>They're tired of the neurotic wannabe politician effete black guys they spend time with, it's not a bunch of malcolm Xs out there it's just the black version of a numale basically .They're all "woke" and spend all day online shopping for ethnic clothing and posting resentful tweets on twitter.

This x 1000.

HBCU's are a joke. Black women have been running black men around their fingers for years.

thick white girls and latinas. if you see a high-tier black man with a black woman he's either gay and using her as a bead or cheating with white women

black women are fucking cancer


it's an SJW term used by fat dark skinned black women that has 0 base in science and is offensively african american-centric

just ignore it. anyone who uses the word 'blackness' seriously is an NPC.

First off user, that's good news. Second, that's bad news. The way you think about black people as a black person reflects a problem that's fragmenting our community. You disliked your blackness because you were told to. This is an assumption, but it seems like you've lived in a bubble for a majority of your life. This may surprise you user, but most black people aren't deplorable. This goes for the people trapped in the ghettos, those that are enamoured with gang culture, and even those of us that are institutionalized. Irnonically, you used an image of Malcom x for this post. Malcolm was what I bet you consider now to be the scum of black folk. Through some tribulations, he reformed and became the idol you presumably like. The idol we know is a person that supported black people of all groups, not just the specific type that you've recently ideinfied with. There's more to blackness than what you know user. I hope that one day this will be clear to you.

I look forward to a happier, more tolerant 4channel :3

OP how do you feel about Jews?

fuck niggers and fuck the jannies


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>The way you think about black people as a black person reflects a problem that's fragmenting our community.
Black community doesn't exist. It's a hodge podge of confused light and medium skinned mulattos lording over dark skinned africans. You forcefully assimilate all non-american africans and african descendents into your backwards communities and expect everyone to play nice. You are also a matriarchy funded by the government. The black community wouldn't even exist if miscegenation wasn't outlawed.

>You disliked your blackness because you were told to.

Classic gaslighting. 'Blackness' doesn't exist and never existed. Stop pushing african-americanism.

>This is an assumption, but it seems like you've lived in a bubble for a majority of your life.
Projection. Black america is a bubble.

>This may surprise you user, but most black people aren't deplorable.

Most black people aren't even black. Accepting the one drop rule is accepting white supremacy.

>This goes for the people trapped in the ghettos, those that are enamoured with gang culture, and even those of us that are institutionalized.
Also goes for the simps too weak to challenge black women.

>Irnonically, you used an image of Malcom x for this post. Malcolm was what I bet you consider now to be the scum of black folk.

Malcom X was a ginger mulatto who hated his white side. When he went integrationist he got killed by the NOI.

>There's more to blackness than what you know user.
Unorionically regurgitating blackness rhetoric the tumblr mammies shoved down your throat. Yawn.

>I hope that one day this will be clear to you.

One day black people in the americas will become so mixed and racially ambiguous they will cease to identify with black and will choose their own identity.

Glad you found an identity outside of "aayyyyyy mayne lemme get a couple dollas ay fuck y'all you finna ride?"

Just stay away from our white girls. Every fucking darkie in the world trying to steal our women because yours are so hideous and abhorrent. Except the lower-class fat white thotties, you can have those.

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Why are jannies leaving these threads up
How is it Jow Forums related? No one cares about your feelings on n*ggers black user

>Just stay away from our white girls.

Lol ok conquistador. The more insecurity you show the worse it gets. Honestly you really can't reverse the lust white women have for the supposed BBC and it's your own damn fault.

White men are better off with asian women anyways.

We know what you think Rabbi