Did he change anyone else's life on Jow Forums...

Did he change anyone else's life on Jow Forums? Because of him I lost 50 lbs and put on tons of muscle and am more conservative in general.

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I went from being an atheist to being an orthodox christian because of his lectures.

No, but I had some education and nothing he says is all that mind blowing or special. If it helps others though, I'm fine with it.

Not really, but I like that there's this dude out there that can trigger people till they go insane.

Yes, unironically. He gets shit on all the time, even on Jow Forums but I legitimately am thankful for having read "12 Rules"

Yeah he did change my life.

He explains how to develop discipline in a manner that is more or less idiot proof, which is something I think was desperately needed. I was thinking about looking into his self-authorship program, see if it can turn me into less of a piece of shit.

I cleaned my room and ventured out

I like how "clear your room" became a meme. Its actually how it all starts

Imagine being a brainlet in political philosophy

>more conservative

>Falling for this brainlet trap of a pseud
Honestly glad to hear it's going better for you guys though.

Wasnt a big fan of 12 rules. his videos are ok. the best part of him is the he got me into Jung.

He's boring and doesn't do anything for me. I don't understand all the attention positive or negative. He's a streissand effect winner. Not to diminish your accomplishments, tho. Congrats.

dr peterson taught me how to wash my penis

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i like his lectures and his biblical symbolism series but his self help shit is for autists. i'm sad that people memed him into becoming an ebin right wing warrior who BTFOS libs with FACTS and LOGIC like ben shapiro

Some jew pretending to be some genius :
"Clean your room kiddos, feminism is bad, vaguely conservative opinions"

All of you betas :Eow such an inspiration

What he had to say about Burger King blew my mind

His meme opinions not withstanding, he's not a jew you fucking retard

[X] Doubt

>choosing eastern faggotry
Anti west scum like you should hang

He literally uses the same type of "psychic" trickery that mediums use, by just running down the midline of society, telling people to improve arbitrary, unmeasurable aspects of their lives that everyone can improve on. It's motivational speaking at it's highest level.

But motivation is fleeting, and that's how he makes money. By convincing the same people every week that "This thing is reason why you're upset/lonely/anti-social/unlovable". His audience is unhappy because they are uneducated blue collar workers who get high to avoid responsibility for 3 hours, because it's too hard to better yourself in a meaningful way.

I like some of his stuff, and I'm sure he's helped a lot of people, but he's not a fucking God for pointing out simple psychological theories.

Shitlibs (especially the sort to show up at his talks and rabblerouse) are exactly, 100% the kind of fucking degenerate social parasite shitstain that ends up in those cringe compilations but he doesn't seem to want to own them or even try to in any way, he just wants to talk about Jungian bullshit and Solzhenitsyn.

Remember goy don't question the status quo. All our hierarchies are totally good and fine and justified.

Don't ask for anything but the scraps. Everything is as it should be. March on and don't ask questions.

You're not special for disliking (popular thing). Don't be infantile.
How about actually reading him and forming your own opinions. You may actually like him.

>Remember goy
Stopped reading here lmao get fucked

Absolutely heretical

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I have his self-authoring program. Highly recommend it too; I've learned more about myself since starting it.

he says while defending the ultimate goy

He's a great psychologist, which draws a lot of people into his work, but his understanding of history is limited and his politics are moronic. Like a lot of academics, he doesn't stop when he's out of his expertise (lawyers and doctors, as members of specialized fields, detest academics for that reason). Trendy tumblr genders irritate me as much as the next sane person, but calling them "frighteningly similar to the Marxist doctrines that killed at least 100 million people in the 20th century" is so lacking context, it isn't even wrong - it's a non-sequitur. But Jow Forums likes him because he affirms their biases.

There are plenty of good arguments to make against the current PC culture, but he isn't making them.

if youre a grown man who cant clean his own room without a youtube meme academic motivating you, your problems dont come from cultural marxists


I was addicted to opiates and benzos, after listening to Peterson I decided to make a change in my life.

>russian orthodox
absolutely disgusting
at least go greek or antiochian

I'm Coptic

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Go away.

kek. This guy is such an idiotic compulsive liar. It's always funny to see dimwits on Jow Forums and youtube who think his word salads have some sort of deeper meaning. He was literally exposed for lying about his IQ on stream recently(he said it was "North of 150", its around 115).

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My little brother was perfectly content to earn minimum wage and watch anime for the rest of his life. After JBP he got ambition.
Went to school to get a certification and now he's got a skilled labor job he loves.
I really can't believe the change that's come over him and I'm so proud of him.
Thanks Jordan.

Yea I listened to the guy for a long time now, he really got me to understand just some fundamentally basic shit. He was the step father that came into my life and actually cared for my mother. I have much gratitude for him and I'm much further now because of him.

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that's not peterson talking, tho the man imitating him does a pretty good imitation

>but his understanding of history is limited

Most of his views are based on his understanding of the 20th century, most of his work and studying revolved around the 20th century, his inspiritation for everything he's become famous for came from his understanding of the 20th century.

Jordan Peterson understands history fine, you just dislike his politics and have to paint him as ignorant to confirm your bias. Learn how the world works and how to debate and maybe you can hold views without having to attack or dismiss anyone who disagrees with them.

>but Jow Forums likes him
You don't even understand the site you browse nevermind anything else.


Acknowledging natural hierarchies exist and always will is different from accepting whatever hierarchies are present where you are. Peterson openly tells people to compete in the world, which is what individualism is all about.

Only the most idiotic equalitarian or leftist could possibly deny that natural hierarchies do and should exist. And women of course.

Not that guy, but I remember it was a QandA, not a recent one, don't think he said 150 though, think he said 140 or so, but IQ drops pretty sharply after the age of about 20 so I can see how it ain't what it used to be.

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listened to him on the joe rogan podcast and found some of what he said interesting.

then he said some shit about not sleeping for 25 days and it made me doubt everything else he says

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You can do everything he says... It doesn't change the fact that one day you will be dead and won't remember any of it

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Think of rich piana, all that hard work and dedication, doing whatever it takes, and now what, he's worm food. He is not aware of anything he achieved and never will be again. It's all pointless and inescapable.

Fuck outta here with dis madafakin bullshiet

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One must imagine sysyphus happy, faggot. The tragedy of life and the meaningless suffering of the universe is inescapable, you'll need to a noble purpose and goal to offset That nihilistic and grief-stricken mindset.

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How? It's so hard. I've been doing ok but today while I was trying to sleep it just hit me so hard. I still wanna lift but man...

Either you Look around you and see that there's problems everywhere, those that call out to you could be made your own. Another way could be to find the most noble thing you can think of, and to work towards it.

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Well that does help I suppose, like make yourself a part of something that will live on after you? It's a small comfort but the thought of consciousness ceasing forever absolutely terrifies me.

The book didn't resonate with me, and I havent' gotten into his lectures, but his JRE episodes are among my favorites.

I really love that he's inspiring people to try and think deeply, read great works, comprehend existence. He is a public intellectual, resurrecting a tradition of reasoned debate that the cultural marxists abhor.

And if he's getting people to read the Bible and Solzhenitsyn, that's awesome.

Also, just to add on, the type of conservatism that Peterson preaches is one of moral obligation and upstanding behavior, one of deep compassion for the species, which to me is so much more fulfilling than "haha gotcha bitch" Ben Shapiro trolling.

You have a short amount of time here man, live a noble and good life because it's the right thing to do. We're the only species we know of that truly understands the coming end, don't fear it, use that knowledge to understand that you have a limited amount of time to work towards what you believe is righteous.

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because of adults taking this religious lunatic's drivel as gospel, I realized that most of Jow Forums is filled with retards

Here. His argument of "life is tragedy, but you can make the difference so it doesn't become hell" was killer for me. I stopped complaining and living in the past and now I'm responsable for my own decisions. I would suck his dick if he asked me to.

post more tf2 comics

Literally who?

Keep telling (((yourself))) that


Started eating raw liver and high meat as prescribed by the carnivore diet and Dr. Peterson.

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Helped me white a bit. Thanks Daddy Peterson


Yes, his bible lectures sent me to every denomination before I found the truth, now I'm a Roman Catholic

no mate. He said north of 150 and I'm too lazy to find the resources debunking the shit out of him. If you're smart you should be able to see right through half the shit he says. That being said, his self-help ain't bad at all.

Well man I ain't gonna dispute it that hard, it was awhile ago and I admitted to not remembering it well. Even then if it's over 150 his iq now should be 120 or less. Iq declines like crazy past your early 20s, would recommend you czeching out that research

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He invade my youtube feed
Literally nothing else

Yea he helped me graduate college and reduce my anger towards my abusive father. He’s become a meme Internet man but his early lectures are top shelf kino.

Thanks man, that helps.

All of you are pathetic.

He is a con artist that profits from socially deprived yanks with identity issues.

Hahahaaa no bitch I came to all these conclusions on my own like 5 years before he got famous it's just enjoyable to listen to another smart person that agrees with my life perspective. You fucking follower.

>Selling one book & like a $6 online self-help worksheey
>WEEKS worth of free lectures/writing etc.

Must be easy to be such a fussy little hater and shit on things so you don't have to check them on your own nd see if they're worth paying attention to.

Is he really only eating beef? Because he looks really I'll and eating only beef makes you healthier. He must be cheating

And that vendor over there lives only on his patented snake oil.

Not sure about this but I think he went off it because of something that happened. Also it's only beneficial for him because his family has a long history of autoimmune disorders and allergies

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Beef has no vitamin c. He should at least take a big c supplement.

>Did he change anyone else's life on Jow Forums?
Yeah, I saw how easy it is to form a cult if you use the frustrations and angst of young men (unconsciously) against the current capitalist system and its shortcomings and guide it towards upholding the status quo between the rich elite and the middle class + poor. It made me realize how easy it is to sway people because intrinsically they lack skepticism. His concepts about religion further cement the fact that he's a hack.

you're making this comment AGAINST JP

He's on a meat-heavy keto diet, which includes vegetables. As another user mentioned, his family has a history of some dietary disease so his daughter and him eat mostly meat and no carbs.

He explains it here:


he drank a glass of apple cider
>JP fans will defend this

He's actually not eating any vegetables you idiot.

He's a prolific, ivy-league-tier research psychologist whose published studies have been cited thousands of times by other psychologists and who has 25 years of experience in clinical practice.

The man really isn't a quack you can just write off because of the memes. He spent decades researching, publishing, teaching, and working with clients before he ever wound up in the spotlight.

If it wasn't him, it probably would have been someone else, but yes he did. I understand the reasons for some of the criticism he receives, but overall I think he's one of the best self-help authors/speakers out there. A great resource to young, stupid people.

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What's the point with you retards.

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How did you quit opiates?

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oh no you done fucked up boy

he's kinda shit at branding/marketing though

Self help stuff is good, however it isn't connected to his personal philosophys, despite how much he'd like them to be

I get the feeling he prefers to get exposure through the longer form mediums so people get a better idea of what he thinks and says, which is why he shows up to so many podcasts, even the more obscure ones

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12 rules is saving my life just now, listening to youtube.com/watch?v=-5RCmu-HuTg
just to be reminded how genuine he is and true with his message. Cba going into it all but I swear this man will save my life.

What's the point with you? What is it about a highly qualified psychological professional spreading practical advice around that is so offensive to your sensibilities?

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Yes indeed. Compete individually. Never collectivize. Never unionize. Never challenge authority. Remember, protests like against imperialist wars in Vietnam are just resentful 'neo marxists'.

Don't ever step out of line. The government is right. Don't dissent.

That's true. It seems like once he gets revved up he has a hard time stopping, so short form isn't going to do him any favors.

He doesn't teach that at all. To the contrary, trying to build people up who are strong enough to say no when (if not long before) authority turns tyrannical is an explicit goal of his way of thinking. And nothing about what he says ever implies that people should not organize into groups.

Come the hell on, man. At least make some minimal effort to understand what somebody has actually said before you asspull reasons to shit all over them. The fact that you haven't even read more than some shitty article's lazy summary of some portion of his ideas is painfully obvious.

I think it's bait but if not, damn someone could make a lot of money making Jordan Peterson for dummies

He's intelligent, but not the genius he claims and his philosophy is absolutely cucked on some levels(his brand of radical individualism is laughable). He also quite disingenuously dodges the Jewish question. If he is as intelligent as he claims then he knows what he's doing in regards to the former he is either a sociopath businessman or a pawn. Also he seems to have poor verbal intelligence because he tends to obfuscate endlessly, unless he's a sociopath in which case he does it to blur lines and hide meaning.

Personally he seems like a red herring to me because of how he shifts all blame from societal institutions and the establishment onto the individual(in this case the young confused male, the exact thing they fear) and trivialises the solution into self help. He is absolutely not the revolutionary he tries to come across as at all.

What brand of individualism isn't laughable to you, because this post reeks of neck beard.