Was 16-year-old David Laid's physique attainable natty?

Was 16-year-old David Laid's physique attainable natty?

If you put in enough time, could you do it natty?

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This man must have slaid so much oh my god
Hope he still has the ability to love in his hearth

Nobody seems to believe he's natty any more, but he did achieve great results in his mid teens when he was natty.

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No I meant he must have fucked so much whore I don't know if he still can get himself into a fullfiling and faithfull relationship with a girl



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>fullfiling and faithfull relationship with a girl
you don't want that. you just want a fulfilling and faithful girl

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and to think, this guy was running fucking jason blaha's 5x5 program

it's a mindset

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I Think he shops some of his pic like this one. I know this cause i do the same lol

He ran it for like 3months

He's not always that lean.

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david laid was bigger at 16 than he is now roflmao

based Bugez poster

Genetics, starting early, an amazing coach right out the gate, and roids. Lots and lots of roids. This kid (when he was a kid) had the muscle development of grown men that have trained their entire lives. That's great genetics + test, no way no how do you get bigger than most men that have lifted as long as you've been alive as a teenager that isn't even finished developing.

Some people don't even get that big WITH drugs.

He actually seems like he's got a decent head on his shoulders and isn't completely self absorbed like a lot of his peers

Shop all your pics


Imo the look of his pics can be achieved natty but with a pump+flex and perfect lightning.
Also taking 100 pics and picking the best one then slightly shopping it.

He's a master of good lighting and takes even more pictures than that, I think I heard around 500-1000.

When you're fucking cold it makes you look much higher bodyfat

sure its the cold, not the pump and the perfect light

Yes, that's a recent pic. Most people agree he is not natty now, despite his claims.

But he was natty when he was 15, 16, 17. People think he started juicing at about 18.

>men operate with the same mental processes as women
when women whore around, it fucks their head up, loyalty issues etc, when a man gets tons of pussy it mereley grows his experience in attracting and dealing with girls with the least amount of baggage

You're not going to look like him even if you do 10 cycles of tren you DUMB FUCK
He has incredibly wide clavicles, a thin waist and good muscle insertions, you most likely don't

I didn't even ask that bro.

Look at how overdeveloped his shoulders and traps are.

80% chance he's not natty.

If you don't have these kind of insertions don't even bother, just stay otter lmao

What are the lines on his face called? Does his cheekbones and face project so much while hes low bf?

He has been dating the same chick since high school.

Is she hot?

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>overdeveloped traps
lmao his traps look small as fuck and his shoulders look totally natty for someone with good genetics faggot do you even lift

I still think this is natty. Good lighting, pump, flexing, and is in very good shape. When I was low body fat and skinny as fuck I could make myself look jacked if I took enough pics

i prefer the left the most.

mmm would slay

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hnggg and he's so tall

how can little men compete? haha

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haha look at his wrists

the more partners a man has, the more likely he is to want to form a long term relationship. you can only pound so much pussy before you desire something deeper

it seems this kid really is 90% pump, lightning and angles

False, unless your hormones shut down or you become some kind of meditation god or have some brain injury or psychedelic epiphany, the desire to pound new pussy doesn’t go away. It will be there and at best you’ll suppress the urges for the remainder of your life. This is also the case for the vast majority of men who stay faithful to their wife who never had a lot of partners before her.

looking big dave

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if you are 16 and look like this you without a doubt roid, unless you started going to the gym and doing barbell movements when you were actually 12.i guess there is a slim possibility that he is natty and is a genetic god. much more likely to have a physique similar to this later in life when you are actually an adult.
so yes after years of lifting and handwork this is achievable natty.

i would say the biggest sign that he would not be natty is the fact that his friends also got really big and strong with him. what are the odds that all of them are genetically gifted?