Dumbest exercise

What's the dumbest/most weird exercise you've seen someone do that looks absolutely retarded and useless?

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Somethig called pistol grips. Take 10-20gk weigbts and "draw them repeatedly from hip to "shooting" forward. Dumbest shit I've ever seen.



Like a half-curl?

Jumping jacks

Wtf is a facepull?

Medicine ball squats on a bosu ball. This made up the entirety of this girls routine

Deadlift where the bar is behind your heels


Sounds like what happens when a cop see a black guy, but instead of a Glock use a dumbbell

Excess internal rotation detected

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Yeah, except the exercise is stupid.

Below the knee Rack-pull >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deadlift

leg extensions

Bro it took me a year to realize all it does is build crazy levels of lactic acid and hurt you

Those retarded dumbbell OHP variations that try to incorporate lunges, curl, and or flies all with the same weight.

A surefire sign that the person is a clueless dyel

Side planks. Enjoy having traps or elbow injured with zero oblique interaction. Better off doing seal rows

Some old fuck using the assisted dip/pullup machine to do fucking ten pound one-leg presses while standing. I shit you not. Something like that... you could let your leg fall and gravity would do all the work for you.

At least he ALWAYS wipes down the pad afterwards, so I can't really give him too much shit for putting his damn shoes on it. But it's guaranteed useless.

It always looks so bad for your knees. My knees feel like they rotate a little when I extend my leg (without weight) and extensions feel like they're preventing that rotation. Do not like.

i saw someone doing weighted sit-stand back squats today.
seems completely inferior to a normal back squat especially because he was just dyel, not fat

No seriously, wtf is a facepull? I know that they are somehow associated with that faggot Jeff. But I still don’t know what they are.

>Being this retarded

That's a barbell hack squat you mongoloid

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Pajeets at my gym are always doing this weird warm up thing where they take a 2.5 plate in each hand and twirl them around. It's really fucking annoying because for some reason they feel the need to be in a squat rack when they do this.

Saw this today. A NYR guy was there and started doing bicep curls on the tricep extension machine. Both me and one of the regulars looked at each other and at him, he saw us and immediately left. I don't know how he missed the bigass picture sign these machines have on them but he did.

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As in someone was doing squats but sitting down on an object then standing up?

Go to Jeff, find the way out from infernal rotation, find the path of an athlete

>a guy took a squat rack to do fucking pushups in it
>look to his right, a guy in the other squat rack doing 1/4 rom squats, way above parallel, hardly even squatting, still grunting the whole way
>while i'm doing my farmer walks in this little runway area for doing cart pushes (i walk along the outside so as not to disturb anyone inside) see this chick bring a 5 pound kettlebell to the corner of the runway, do one lunge with it, then leave it there and literally walk out of the gym
>some poor, scared skinny kid walked up to the free weights area, then walked away from it, then looked back at the free weights area, then walked in a little circle before i stopped watching him. looked for him again after my set, he was completely gone

i know some of these are off topic but i have no friends so i had to share

Cringe & internally rotated

I saw some crazy nigger at the gym doing this bizarre gymnast squat-lift where he threw the bar overhead and then squated down. The bar had like 180 lbs on. Niggers are fucking stupid

barbell hip thrust

Fuck that shit, People will look for any excuse to hump the air in public.