Take the Bugezpill

Take the Bugezpill

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>the (((judenhagen))) pill

What pill is that? The take roids and lie about it pill?

> fake natty
> vegan
> manchild youtuber

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>> vegan
fake news

>"Look mum I posted it again!"

Dudes a fag who likes Jason Blaha

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Lurk harder
His wife is vegan and he mostly eats what she prepares
The only non vegan food he currently eats is honey

Is it a suppository? Haha asking for a friend

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He eats lots of meat and does gomad

He's off gomad for over a year, lurk harder
Not eating any meat except in social occasions

Reminder, Bugenhagen was HUMBLED by Alphadestiny's strength and character

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fuck off alex nobody likes you

Femanon here. I like Alex. He's like, really hot.

>Lies about being natty and his drug abuse in the past
>Backstabs and treats the guy who gave him fame and, by extension, prominence in WWE NXT like utter shit
>Bitching like a woman about the guy behind closed doors to other internet lifters who wouldn't even know who Eric was, nor would they take a chance and create videos with him if they did, without the guy who he backstabbed giving him attention in the first place
>"I love it when Eric screams and shouts! It's hilarious!" You have the same level of humor as an 8-year old watching PewDiePie, grow up, autist

1. Checked.
2. Stop larping/samefaging please.
3. Even if it's real, no you don't. Have you met him IRL? No? Exactly.

Seething hater

This. Eric is going to fade into obscurity this year since he's a one trick pony. Alpha will end him the same way he started him.

>You just jelly!
Nice one Alex what are you a 12 year old girl. There are plenty of based manlets and AlphaDestiny is not one of them.

Work out every day but drop the unnecessary volume.
Get your nervous system efficient with the pattern of the exercise you're focusing on.
It's like you don't even know who he is.

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or the gallon of milk he drinks EVERDAY

Didn't i see something about him having a kid with a darkie?

dont u stupid idiots who say he roids think he would be fucking way more muscular if he were roiding given the lifts hes doing and the amount of food hes eating? over like, 15 years of lifting?