>hate women

Someone give me a reason to keep lifting

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you only hate women because no woman has ever truly, genuinely loved you.

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You will hate yourself if you aren't strong. Hating women isn't a bad thing. You only have to love one, you can hate the rest.

yea this

improve yourself (not just with lifting) until you actually have something to offer women. then theyll fuck upon you, and youll stop being a hateful virgin

once women love you you will love them back

until they hurt you :(

Kys and lift in hell for eternity with satan

non virgin here
women are just straight up annoying
I find myself getting less and less attracted to them
Im not getting attracted to men luckily so Jow Forums hasnt turned me gay

Women arent capable of the same love that men are

Are you super fat? Or your face looks like an orc? How can you be a 26-year-old virgin in today's society?

Vagina here, you don't have to lift to attract women. Women crave confidence and love from a man. I find that men who lift and get fit overall have great levels of confidence. Its the byproduct of it. Key word byproduct. If you would jump straight to just finding confidence in yourself without lifting you'll be fine.

if you don't have a good enough frame to be aesthetic, there is no point. But if you do have a good frame, just do it to look aesthetic

>tfw no 6ft 3 confidence
>tfw no bulging 8inch erect confidence
>tfw no sharp chiseled confidence
Stupid roastie away with you

maleanon here, this chick pretty much sums it up
since lifting, ive had far more success with women, but heres the thing:
every time i score, im wearing some thick jacket or something (live in a cold country), and the chicks cant even fucking tell i lift
it all comes from my increased confidence

29 here autism and poverty

not op but for me it was pretty easy to become a 27 year old khv

>lost friends in HS
>leads to isolation and makes my weird and autistic personality even worse
>no social development so i made no friends
>go to college and same problem, no social development so no friends
>too insecure about not having friends to try to make them and have them see me like that
>too insecure about not ever having had sex, a girlfriend, or even been on a date and increasing ages to even try to get a girl
>also ugly
>so angry and miserable every day of my life that i don't even have the desire to try to meet anyone period, all i am good at is making people laugh

I'm a virgin too but I'm not as old as you so I'm not bitter about it. I don't get why you would give up lifting, you must be doing it for the wrong reasons.

I watch Terrace House and the moment a handsome rich guy came on the show none of the women cared about anyone else. Lololol

Terrace House is so comfy but also uncomfy because everybody is so pretty and photogenic and loaded and it just hurts

It is also a giant redpill. Most them are dumb normies except for some like Taishi(based). Looks are ALL that matter for women except money of course. They also tend to like physical professions. A lot of them just go on the show to benefit their career. I love it though and crave each new episode release.


I don't hate woman, Im sure I can find someone out there to like me back.

Get really fit so you could mentally abuse women and they still want you. Thats what keeps me motivated bro

Lift for waifu.

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Humans are incapable of 'real' love. Love is just a chemical reaction to get us to breed. It doesn't last.

>le nihilism meme

My mommy loves me, I just hate women who aren’t my mommy or my grandma

Love is real user. Extremely rare but real. I would cry while looking at my girlfriend's picture. Yes yes I know I'm a faggot. Strangest thing NOT ONCE did I ever imagine having sex with her until she brought it up. I just wanted to be around her. Have good times with her. Make her happy. Don't give up on love.



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low test

what's up with all the pathetic incelshits on this board lately?

Not him but

>big nose
>receeded forehead
>terrible skin
>feminine voice and frame

28 kv here. Lots of hugs but theyre from polite church girls.

My only good physical attributes are my jaw, eyes, and height (which ive heard girls tell me).

No matter who youre banging, if they're female, there's a 99% chance she has a obsessed orbiter who is thinking about her more than you are.

Love isn't rare and it's basis in chemical nature doesn't make it less real, it makes it more real. A tangible reaction. Infatuation with another might be predicated on chemical input and the feeling is never reciprocated, and maybe that makes it feel false, but of course it's still love.
Love is compelling because it needs to be. It's a magical subjective experience that compels you to breed, yes. If it wasn't motivating us to do something to our benefit (or the benefit of our DNA) it probably would've been selected against millennia ago.


blow off the hate and anger so you dont an hero or lash out
fuck that sounds badass too tho

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>No resentments toward women, the state of my life is my own doing
Lift for your own fulfillment brometheus, no one can convince you to lift for their reason unless it's something you wanted to hear anyway, so just lift, or don't.

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I have the first three and lost my virginity mah man, although I have a very masculine voice and wide frame. but a feminine voice is something you can work on, there's a lot of youtube videos about how to transform your voice i think. and your frame is also up to change, just bulk up and add mass on top of it. good luck user

Get ripped to wear anime clothes ~ ironically~

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but that guy's not ripped?

Not op but you can’t just mindlessly improve yourself and expect them to flock. You have to have some charisma, which will be far harder to develop for some. My total is almost 600kg, I built my desktop, going to uni have job and some money etc etc. doesnt change that im a fucking sperg.

Op train strength. Much easier to do it for yourself as only people who are also strong really care, its more quantifiable. Gives me something permanent to work towards so my life has some direction.

You wanna build some charisma? Get a job where you interact with people. It'll teach you to be able to talk to nearly everyone and get some input from people in all walks of life. I've been working in sales for a telco for 6 years so far, and am a skinny fat but can talk to most women pretty easily.

Recently started lifting to get the body to match the personality.

I’m a fucking tour guide you chode.

Women have impossibly high standards these days while men are expected to not have any standards whatsoever. The next flu pandemic can't come soon enough. We're long overdue for a good culling.

Then you got a limitless supply of fodder to build a personality on, fucking use those people you meet everyday and use them to build a personality. You'll piss off a few early on but you'll get better as you go along.

Don't ever listen to what whores like this say they want, because they don't even know what they want.

Women want attractive men with good facial features and a fat wallet. Everything else is secondary and almost irrelevant.

The roastie is right, women want confidence. As long as you're not an ugly creep who can't open his mouth, you can get a woman. Sure, money and looks help. But no dude is truly ugly anyway. Just looksmax. Get girls to help you.

wake up fool
most men are in relationships just to bust a nut regularly

>as long as you’re not ugly
>as long as you can talk to people
>money and looks help
>no no, you can get women just look better lol

For yourself? If you hate women, then lift for men? Suck some bloat cock in the showers

Then when they break up the guy finds out he actually loved her. That's how it always turns out.

no it's not how it always turns out
real life can't be boiled down to your tipycal r/theredpill situations

Looks can be improved. Show me one person (who isn't retarded/deformed) who is so ugly that he couldn't gain a few points from looksmaxing. Did you never see those tv shows where they took some disgusting neckbeard incel and gave him a makeover? Just one day of taking care of themselves and new clothes vastly improved their looks.
Talking to people can be learned. It's simply a skill and as you gain experience, you get better at it. It helps when you got something going on in your life to talk about. Boring people will have nothing to talk about, so get shit done and it will become much easier.
Money helps in getting pussy but for long term stuff, you don't want a woman who's in it for the money anyway. As long as you got regular income you're fine, and there are plenty of ways to make money on the side.

Do you expect women to come to you with no effort from your part? Then you can only expect women who make no effort of their own. Hambeasts or incels or disgusting creatures who don't take care of themselves.

>tfw always get feels for a wamen only after theyve left you, example

>new girl comes along, flirts with you, makes you feel wanted, desired, happy, companioned, attention, all the good feels
>like her too, but emotionally stunted and no longer can pour any because of past heart break
>try every time to emotionally invest in new gf
>its so boring and cant find any interest in her life besides sex
>she leaves you eventually
>get the biggrest lovesick feel and obsess over her followed by depression and no motivation anynore

Boys wtf is wrong with me

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Looksmaxing might make you look better, but not necessarily good enough.

>talking to people can be learned
Even on the off chance that you have had any remote trouble with talking to people, just ‘talking to people’ won’t help you get chicks into bed/ a relationship.
>have something going on in your life
I am . Chicks don’t give a fuck about lifts, computing, science etc. at least not enough to get with them if you’re not up to their standards.

>no effort, thinks I havent gone for women who make less effort, etc.
read my above post user.

Also, it's not that i get feels when we have long distance. I can be perfectly happy when i break up with gril and we both just take time to be alone. But right when she gets a new guy i am like AYO HOL UP. Then the constant anger, anxiety, depression of NEEDIng her back. Not that I try or act on it. Actually i am afraid to show them how much i love them.

>not necessarily good enough.
Do you see the ugly fuck heads that get girls? I know some really fucking ugly dudes but even they got gf once they cleaned up.

Why are you a sperg?


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>do you see ugly people get girls?
>guys that look good can get them after grooming

>why sperg
If I have to spell it out, because I’m ugly/ can’t just woo chicks over with ‘personality’ or whatever
>inb4 your personality seems like shit
This is Jow Forums. I don’t call people chodes in public.

How many girls have you asked on date?

You see the part about "boring life".

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How cliche. You should become a first year psychology student.

Not OP, but two women have genuinely, truthfully loved me before (my mom and a gf), but I still hate women.

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I wished I would hate women and would be unironically gay. But you can't tell your heart what to do, can you? I have recently met some girl through a friend who is the absolute degenerate. Sex obsessed, walked through miles of dick, completely covered in tattoos, smokes tons of pot and works some dead end job without any real education. I still cant stop thinking about her because she has a glorious ass, is still kinda cute and has a quirky personallity which atleast makes her interessting. She is the polar opposite of me and it fucking kills me knowing that I will never get closer to her.
I was in a lazy period and started training just because this feel was killing me.

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This is what women are for user
You fall for some girl you can't have and it motivates you to act; get fit, start taking care of yourself, make some money.

>I've seen a dude walk out of his house to go get a rock to bash open a can then proceed to pour that slop into a pot through the jagged holes
>without women the world would be a chill, stone age bachelor pad

Is a girl having unprotected sex with an ex, after having sex with him with condom, a sign of trust
or a sign of stupidity?
She's on the pill, too

>she asked me if i wanted condom or not
>told her she should decided
>she told me she's on the pill so how i wanted it

25 KHV

This pic pretty much sums up all the reasons why. I've simply never tried.

It's been 11 years since the last time I had friends. I never attend social events and barely leave the house. The years of isolation have eroded my social skills and despite being tall, fit and having been called handsome by a few girls, not being able or willing to socialize is the root of all my problems. This day and age it's easier than ever before to get laid, but it's also easier than ever before to completely isolate yourself from real human contact.

How much do you regret it user?

Theres this cute girl from I like(d), and she has a bf, but she always talks about how she hates him most of the time, but still holding on to him thinking he will change.

The only time I ever said to her that im going to miss her is when I sent the message to her on snapchat the day she was going out of town with some other co workers for this training. I didn't realize she was leaving later that day so she was at work when I sent the message. I started talking to her, and told her not to look at my snap until she got on the plane.

she said, "user did you send me a dick pic??" that's the fastest I have ever seen her pull her phone out. I told her no its just a sad dog leaning its head against a car window saying im gonna miss you. She giggled and smiled and told me she was gonna miss me too.

But another co worker embarrassed me in front of her so I rarely talk to her now.

>Someone give me a reason to keep lifting

>But another co worker embarrassed me in front of her
What happened?

That's just objectively false. You have high standards and then blame women out of your league for not wanting you.

Women want love more than men and there are more of them so if you can't get one it's 100 percent your personality.

Back in November I was talking to her during break, and my co worker came up and said "hey femanon, user here wants to take you out on a date"

I was so fucking embarrassed I just sat there in my chair staying calm, and femanon said "guys leave user alone, don't be mean to him" and my co worker goes "its true looks hes blushing" im sure I was, but didn't realize it since my anxiety went through the roof.

so I just sat there staying quiet while they kept dogging me.

Im not fit, im fat, and my self confidence was going up a little bit since I was talking to her, but now im just hiding in my shell.

I've missed out on a lot of things but I haven't given up. I've spent the last 6 years slowly improving myself. At 19 I was a high school dropout, NEET living with my parents but have since then gotten into college and moved out just last year. My social skills are still pretty much nonexistent but being in college gives me a lot of opportunities to work on them as long as I keep trying. I do regret my past but since I can't change it I just focus on my future.

>but it's also easier than ever before to completely isolate yourself from real human contact.
saving grace of your post. breaking your mental norms can be easy. For instance, complimenting someone (i.e. hey man I appreciate you to a dude or you're pretty to a chick). I myself, never did this for many years. The fear & anxiety stemming from a single fucking sentence you have to say can be crippling. Typically I would convince myself that the recipient wouldn't appreciate my compliment or perhaps there was someone near me that may judge me in a negative fashion. It is a leap of faith, but underneath there is only ground. There truly is zero negative consequence. Open yourself to others, place yourself in uncomfortable situations.The one thing people respect most is what little confidence you may or may not have in your actions & person. Training your social skills is not much unlike training your body. What's the worst that can happen? Awkward moment? Temporary disappointment? Fuck it.
>lost my virginity at 22
>have a single friend that pulled me away from continual self-doubt & sorrow
>I was too weak to love my own person
>not fully there yet, but there lies hope

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Jow Forums gay squad recruiter, go away.

How do you not get laid when you hang out around church girls? They're wild, man.

Imagine lifting for something you hate

did you confront him after in private

You should really work out those issues you have. You'll always be a bad person, no matter how buff you get, if you don't. There's no reason for empty hate, and most people learn that after they hit puberty. I guess you're a late bloomer.

I did but it didn't matter he is some 20 year old kid that does whatever he wants. I dont work with him anymore I have a new partner.

>tfw suddenly regained little faith in roasties

Sour grapes, every time.