Can you train pain tolerance?

Can you train pain tolerance?

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Yeah, but you can't stop yourself from getting injured. Pic related is probably some bullshit trickery unless he literally is boiling himself and is just dealing with it.

Its real dumbass. Its called self immolating aka suicide but for religious reasons. He died like thirty minutes after.

>guy literally destroys his body just to be admired by others
>this is what chinks call "wisdom"
Fucking kek Buddhism is such a meme religion

Yes, it is. What did you expect?

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So they're a suicide cult. Great.

>not wanting to go out in a fireball of mires

He's not doing a fireball though, he's slowly boiling his dick away.

>This is fine

Sort of. You can train mindfulness which can help you interpret pain as a different experience instead of the initial knee jerk reaction most humans have to it

What an "enlightened" psycho. Is there a video? Wonder why he would do this.

To show off your meditation skills. Don't look down on him though. After all, non-western values are just as good as western values and we should be open to their ideas.

bhuddist monks have been taking opiates for thousands of years

>non-western values are just as good as western values and we should be open to their ideas.
totally agree, some cultures invent vaccines, some cultures throw gays from rooftops. takes all kinds really



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Big if true

To be fair, it is a fascinating accomplishment solely through the discipline of the mind.

This comes to mind, saw some real deal thai fighters on a training camp in bangkok (the ones who literally fight to eat). They just kick the shit out of hard things to condition their shins to external trauma and pain.

This is a fantastic post.

It would be extremely painful

literally any decent martial art if you stick with it and spar regularly. wrestling especially

You're a big guy

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this is completely different from simple pain tolerance.

>take your vaccines, goy
>oy vey you better make sure to attend the gay parade this week!