Thanks for banning me for talking about my sick dog you faggot mods

Thanks for banning me for talking about my sick dog you faggot mods.

I hope God bans you by giving you cancer and you fucking die.

Also nigger

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Maybe if your dog wasn't unfit he wouldn't be dead you incel

Fuck niggers and fuck jannies



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Be careful I just got a 3 day global from faggot Jow Forums jannies because I called them out.
Sorry about your doggo, I was in that thread.
But getting a purebred is a gamble user.


Just buy another dog bro!

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Janny such a fuckin ho
I love it

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So getting mixed dogs is better? Interesting. Also my dog has slight overweight around 5 lbs. How do I get him fit? I take him out every night too.

>post something unrelated to fitness
>complains about getting banned

mutts can eat literally anything and barely get any disease or genetic conditions

fucking lanklets get all the girls

>nofap threads
>how ya holding up threads
>Friday night threads
>that faggot flat Earther carnivore threads
>how do I get girls threads
>Chad threads
>manlet threads
>boomer/zoomer threads
None of these relate to fitness yet the faggot jannies let these stay up. They're inconsistent at best and awful at worst. I guess you get what you pay for.

Nice nice. Still how do I get my dog fit. Hes a mutt too. Do I take him to run with me? I heard asphalt can be pretty hard in their paws.

well, i don't know i don't have a dog.
a normal dog exercise enough to stay lean by doging around, considering he have a decent diet
but running with him is optimal, but never over the hot asphalt of a sunny day

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Cesar is my husbando

getting a purebred isn't a gamble. you absolutely have to do research on the pedigree. if you willy nilly just go and buy some 'purebred' dog that hasn't had its relevant genetic tests, it's as much your fault for not being diligent as it is the breeders for adding to the sheltered animal problem



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ban evasion is against the rules. fuck off and kill yourself, retarded dumb shit.