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Fitness #492
Gym shit that makes you rage
'''Ottermode Thread''' Post Inspo, and guidance for those starting their journey
Something is possibly wrong
Which of these is the most aesthetic overall?
Be me
Are you the chad on the dock Jow Forums? Or the virgin in the boat?
/owg/ Olympic weightlifting general
¿Quieres machismo, user? ¿Por qúe no tomaste la píldor Pozole?
My friend has a ruptured lung
Why are you not eating more ceviche user?
Snake Juice Diet. In going to do it and I'll post pics and stats daily. Who wants to join me...
Lifting makes you realize how physical most women are
Carnivore diet scientifically proven cons anyone?
/fat/ - all this butter edition
Only incels stay natty
My girlfriend is really outgoing. sweet. gives it up. loves cooking. arranged get together...
First step for all fattys
Do you correct people when they have terrible form at the gym?
What's your reason for working out?
Do bikers get their legs from biking or gym?
Plg girls go peepee when they see me
Food thread
How to thrive at a salaried, white collar wageslave position that demands large time commitments as a Jow Forumsizen:
Sexual fitness
Is this on the right achievable natty?
Are carbs bad for me?
Is this mode achievable natty?
Red Light Therapy
Slaps your ass
How much water should you drink?
Daily reminder being low bf year round is the secret to face gains. nobody cares if you're big past a certain point...
Tranny and blacked threads are left up for hours
Pic related is Greek Hoplites from the 6th Century BC, about 2600 years ago
No fap thread
Why are you not perusing ottermode?
Not having both palmaris longus muscles
How do I change this boring figure to a model figure?
What's worse bad routine or diet
NoFap Relapse
Gym bullying
How fit do i need to get to impress girls? 1/2/3/4?
Cute underage girl mires your 3pl8 squats
Any medfags? I have had these ulcers in my mouth for the past few days, and can barely eat or swallow without pain...
What outdoor activities do you do that keeps you Jow Forums?
If /sig/ threads are allowed, Christposting should be too. I lift for the Lord...
Mfw a skelly complains that he has to eat 4000kcal a day to gain weight while us cutbros are barely eating 1500kcal
Daily reminder to eat more oats buddeh
How to overcome my anxiety of the gym?
Fuck up three discs in my lumbar region (disc bulges) years ago from heavy squatting and dling
Has lifting made you happier?
If you woke up with my body tomorrow, what would you do to get Jow Forums again?
Ready for spring break? you should start cutting now if you're still a little pudgy
Anyone else want to watch some fat fucks collide and call it a sport?
The call that saved Jow Forums
Why is it so fucking cold in January/February in Canada? I can't do my cardio outside
How do I fix my acne quickly? I can't leave the house like this. I'm already using accutane
It's almost summer
Why do we get raided so often? Whats the motivation?
Why is it that shitty body types like this are good for fighting but not bodybuilder, strongman or bloatgod body types?
Ab Size
Deviated Septum / Septoplasty
This old retired man goes to my gym, every day from 4 pm to 6 pm. Every time he's there...
A few weeks ago I made a huge change in my diet and exercise routine I gave up soda and fast food and am drinking the...
Happy wife happy life
Jow Forums 5k Survey
Natty king
Those who contain themselves for 1 week, they become a human being
Tfw 5'11
How do you establish your dominance over others?
Pool season is almost here. you ready?
Its happening
Skinny fat
How do you get Jow Forums if you're skinny? I've seen what Wiz Khalifa has done with himself...
People at work think i'm a weird aspie because my only hobby is going to the gym
What’s the best way to trim down the sides of my stomach and lower back?
Why does hiking scare Jow Forums so much?
So you like to workout a lot? That's cool! But like..what else do you all day besides that?
What are your Jow Forums mealprep recipes?
Hey user, Lent is almost here are you gonna be giving anything up with me?
Does anyone know where to get anymore of these weights?
No amount of self improvement will make you not a weirdo beta aspie
Texting girl
Hey Jow Forums, I have a strange body goal
How's my ROM
Name better lifting music than Gucci
Prove that you can enter the Jow Forums party
/cbt/ - Current Body Thread
Be me
How's Jow Forums holding up?
Only oldfags will remember
Backup requested pls help
Sideburns Jow Forums approved?
Try bw neckcurls in bed
Ideals Thread
Gym owner sees me warming up for my 5 plate deadlift
Jow Forums humor thread
Just did a cut
Have you ever had to leave anyone behind after getting fit?
This is why BMI is a joke
Daily Reminder
Without losing my mind how can I cut on a plant based diet to save the planet
tattoos on a girl makes her instantly trash tier
He wears under a size 10.5 (us) shoe
Deadlifts feel good?
Hey fatass
Need more Energy
/fat/ You can lose weight, you schizo
Who here /mealprep/? What are your staples?
I always go into the sauna after training at the gym. Today a group of Turks came into the sauna...
Do I have Jow Forums's permission to finally bulk?
Is this real?
How much do I have to lift to get a woman with this physique?
I know which I will be choosing
I noticed alot of you dudes have dick issues on Jow Forums
70 billion USD for this
Can you lift twice a day even if you try your hardest every time? Someone redpill me on overtraining
Hello from /ck/, Jow Forums...
How do you enjoy going to the gym...
Goodbye Gains
Is there any better band to work out to than Sabaton?
Where the hell do you put your tongue exactly when mewing? I can't seem to get a straight answer...
Is this achievable natty?
How do I keep my dick hard? I fucked a solid 9 last weekend and couldn't keep it up...
I don't let women spot me
Femanon here how do i lose weight without going to the gym
Why are blacks especially in Africa just so gentically superior?
Friendly reminder that no matter how ugly you are right now if you stick with your goals you will make it
How do I get my hips and thighs bigger while keeping my core tight? I really want to "widen" my hips
Underrated Lifehack Thread
So I wanna start a sport, but no idea what to go with...
/plg/ - powerblogging general
/fraud/ - steroids and autism general
Is Clarence Kennedy natty
Electric shavers suck
Who do you lift for Jow Forums?
I have a 4inch dick.!
When to start cutting for summer
WEED BRO LMAO: How many of you fuckers smokes weed while regularly working out?
Rate my routine
And this is where my son sleeps, he's quite the exercise freak you know!
Licked prostitute 2 weeks ago
Progression Pics
Why yes I do leave the gym wearing my sweaty clothes and then I shower at home
/JAWS/ - jawline general
Give it to me straight
Anyone else walk around the gym with their head down to not make eye contact with the thots?
You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
Tried a teaspoon of this
Do muscles attract virgin girls?
High test
Fat People should just kill themselves imo
Alright which one of you is this ?
Artery clearing
He uses boys will boys as an excuse
Irregardless of whether or not you enjoy doing it, lifting is a waste of time. Eventually...
Redpill me on (cow) milk Jow Forums
Be me
Is armwrestling the most masculine sport?
What is the most Jow Forums porn category and why is it Lactation ?
How do I replace this shit? I've been eating it my whole life basically with my meat and vedgies since I was a kid
Is tinder worth it?
How bad are bar dips?
I guess lifting paid off
/fraud/ - steroids general
Guy heaven
Lifting for 3 years
For those of you in the 1000 pound club, what were the proportions between your lifts when you first entered it?
I got this to help me cut but now I CAN'T STOP EATING
Extremely high test (1600ng) but low test symptoms
No fap thread
Got the surgery for this done on Sunday Jow Forums
Fuck, need help please
Why do you lift user?
Fats have it so Much easier than skinnys
Im skinny as fuck and am going to the military in 6 months how do i bulk fast?
Thoughts on this guy? [wim hof]
Begin counting calories for a short while when i was about 18
Woah, Scooby looks like shit now. Like a deflated baloon. What happened?
First day at the gym tomorrow. Never been to one in my life and I'm nervous as hell
What is the consensus of bread?
Why even if lift this is what I'll look like?
Does this mode attract chubbies
Jow Forums webm thread
Any good cooks here?
Does Jow Forums fuck woth thc? Currently deciding whether to smoke or not. Doesnt mess with gains at all. Its great
OHP in the fucking squat rack
Friendly reminder that if you aren't eating a bowl of oatmeal every day, you actually aren't ever going to make it
Why do you lift?
"Gotta stop you right there, user...
Do Romanian Deadlifts
He died for your gains and yet you still masturbate
Back on Jow Forums for the first time since 2015, what'd I miss?
Why are women allowed to walk around basically naked (skin tight yoga pants plus sports bras with not much at all left...
Snap city
Bench 205
ITT: Making it with girls
Be me
Are you below average?
Misfits general
How severely will drinking alcohol every day affect the gains
Why was he a virgin if he had such a great personality and was so dedicated?
Who has the most Aesthetic physique
Push-Up Thread
I can do a military press with 270 lbs up to head but not higer, just like pic related...
ITT: Gorilla's 1 Rep Max: Bench, Squat, Deadlift
Tfw can only bench 50kg
What are things that you spark joy in your life?
Is meditation a meme?
About to start running, will it cause long term damage?
Apparently not even 5’8 is enough for whales
Well, Jow Forums? Is meat a meme or are Canadians faggots?
I would post this on a health board if we had one, but this will have to do...
What do?
/sig/ - Self Improvement General
Rate my routine
Planet F*tness hate thread
Do I need food prep containers made of glass to avoid becoming a BPA basedboy?
Is it possible to meet a gf at the gym
Why do people eat seafood? It smells revolting
You have to autistically watch your macros, lift weights, and /fraud/
Good macros
I hear young women laughing at young dudes who pump iron at the gym, "he's trying too hard", " he's still ugly" etc etc...
All you need to get girls and be aesthetic is lift for a year and be tan. What's your excuse for not having sex?
What are your thoughts on mewing?
Are you a minimalist by choice or by circumstance Jow Forums?
Which of these three physiques is the best?
Valentine’s Day is coming up lads. Will you ask your gym crush out?
Just shave it and grow a beard bro!
Who do you lift for Jow Forums?
Ywn have gay fit boyfriend
Is it wrong that I don't want vaccines for myself nor my future children...
This is the new Canada food guide. What do you think?
The veganism pill
Are they right?
Just found out my gym charges women 15% less
Comfy thread
Take off shirf for the fist time with my gf
This is what peak female performance looks like. Prove me wrong
How big of a problem is this?
Tfw you pick heavy things up and put them down again
Turbo fitness retard here
ITT post simple fighting rules that you learned the hard way
What’s an acceptable, “healthy” fat percentage...
1 year in
Why do most people think that doing crunches will give you a six pack?
You're not all brawn and no brains, right Jow Forums?
Dancing viral gymnast Katlyn Ohashi all over the internet
Reminder if you don't lift for Asian woman you are a beta
When do i make it? when i bench 2 plates or what? also, are dad bods really attractive or is it just a meme?
Started going to the gym 6 times a week eating a shitton of food...
CBT - why is there no CBT edition
All the NYRfags don't know to take a rest week
/fraud/ - steroids general
/fat/ Now with working links
How do you spend your time outside of the gym?
How much low intensity steady state cardio should someone do a day to lose weight?
Jesse Thread
What is this exercise called?
Beginner Workout Programs SUCK
What’s fits obsession with full body?
Is this legit Jow Forums?
Redpill me on Jelq and Angion Method Jow Forums
ITT we list things that people do that prevent them from making it I will start
Where my gains at?
Fat Hate
Found these inside a non expired bag of MyProtein
Fatties and incels HATE her
Which physique do you prefer and why?
What kind of diet and routine do i need to follow to get this body?
This is what you look like with a beard
It’s almost self-parody at this point. It’s sad to see your country collapse in front of your eyes
I've been lifting for over a year and i want to jump into some intermediate routine. What do Jow Forumsizens recommend...
Are Jow Forumsizens the ideal people to pull off SEXcore fashion?
Never forget we're all gonna make it
Name a better protein
I've been sleeping on the floor, strictly on my back, for about 9 months
Move to new city
/ec stack/ krew
18yr 90lbs 5"0 female going to Army in 6 months
The biggest gains killer- social anxiety
I don't smoke. I don't drink. I eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. I do not have sex partners...
Big Lenny
How long does it take the body to fully recover from anorexia / starvation?
/fph/ - no fat fetishists edition
Sleep Health
If all rappers took steroids how come they are not having any side affects years later?
What "secret"or sport you do to make your body fit/masculine?
That college age self-identifying alt-righter at the gym
Man Boogie is putting that work in, he's gonna make it friends
Mire thread
Vegans, what is your comeback to this?
Name all reasons you can think of why NOT to lift for women
Imagine being so fucking dense you look like a manlet despite being 6'1''
How the hell do you guys remain lean and in good shape while going through depression?
What do you do in life to get ahead that you avoid telling other people in real life about?
Based Greek Statue
Tfw I broke my keto by using to many dried spices
Day 3 of nofap/noporn completed
Is this a good exercise for bodybuilding?
What's she saying bros?
How can we make it fit
Nofap day 22
How the fuck do you guys do it?
How do I improve shitty triceps
How to get big tiddy workout gf
Can you fight?
Why, exactly, do people want to have big muscles?
How the hell do i get my chest hair to be this thick guys
Why do i have a foot fetish? is it patrician?
Give me your best fucking songs to listen to when working out
Tfw literal animals are arguing about which diet is 5% healthier than the other while the rest of the planet is dying...
L citruline
Nofap day 22
Do I have a big ass?
Do you think MBJ did roids for Black Panther?
I'm currently a 5'11 ft manlet, 166 lb pig, why is it so fucking hard to lose more weigh at this point...
Where do you see him 5 years from now?
New YouGottaBeAFreak
Is he /Our Guy/?
HELP! :'(
What in red meat makes it bad for you? Or is the whole idea just memescience propaganda?
What could be causing this? Wash all the time change sheets etc.. could it be dairy...
Alex looking JACKED!
/fraud/ - steroids and ambigious sexuality general
Rest day
Tfw all the fitness youtubers are either dead, still on steroids, fat, or broke each part of their body
HOW THE fuck do i gain weight
QTDDTOT - Never Ending New Year's Edition
Why do southern women go for overweight obese men rather than lean guys with strong jaws?
Vegans are weak
What’s an example of a fit sandwich? I like sandwiches and it’s easier at work
I'm 18, and I need some advice on starting weight lifting
Requesintg pic
How am I doing, Jow Forums?
Let’s be honest, our genetics determine all of our outcome in life
So If you can do like 8 full pushups how does that not translate into doing your bodyweight in bench ?
Lifting doesn’t get you girls
Help! Roll for it and do the push ups on your roll too
Post a pic of your body and list your occupation
/cbt/ summer is coming edition
Do thicc girls always leave their bf when they get fit? This girl I'm dating is thicc but wants to get fit...
Tinder Match
Why are so many early 20 yr olds balding? Just turned 18 and I am scared of this happening...
The FINAL redpill
What are your favorite things to meal prep for lunch? I'm really bored with what I've been doing lately
Is it even possible to look like this without photoshop? How?
How healthy is subway?
How do you deal with swamp ass Jow Forums?
Kratom as pre workout
Alright bois I'm scared. Ive been coming here for a while now. Cause I want to improve myself and this was helping...
Is there anything more beta, than being an alcoholic or drug user?
/plg/ - powerblogging general
Lean bulked from 168 to 175 over 13 weeks. 5'10". I'm still small but I feel fat as shit (bicep vein disappearing...
Who do you lift for/fit/
I'm afraid of drinking the water from the park I go to jog, what if I get cysticercosis
You guys don't talk to the chicks at the gym do you? Cuz that's problematic
Are todays young females psychologically weak?
How often do you poop?
Is this couple achievable natty?
My cardio machine says
What is the best way to feminize your body with exercise?
Why is powerlifting so pathetic compared to weightlifting?
Which oats do you use in your diet fit, is there a particular reason you choose a style other than preference?
Alpha bedroom thread
Losing weight can't fix your face, so what surgeries are you planning for when you finally get fit, Jow Forums?
Powerful Pictures
Whats my bodyfat percentage?
Goal Body Thread
Army apft
What does Jow Forums listen to while lifting?
What's a good workout routine for someone trapped in a room with no furniture?
What are some good back exercises?
Go carnivore 2 weeks ago
/sig/ Self Improvement General
Week 3 sober
Damn, is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez natty?
Gaining 40 pounds
Greetings Jow Forums, have you strived for physical enlightenment in the temple of iron today?
/JAWS/ - jawline general
That first sip of the day
>Just lift bro lol
Lifting for women
How do I improve my body? No matter how much I lift, I look like that all the time
Jow Forums SIDE JOBS
Is VitruvianPhysique /ourguy/?
get a message from an old high school bud out of the blue
/fat/ So you're not 600 pounds? You're still huge
Lunch Jow Forums for a king
Milk contains probiotics to help you digest it
1-5 reps for strength
Foods that cause minimal digestive distress
Is dance an acceptable form of exercise/cardio
Redpill me Jow Forums
Does beer fuck my gains up
Who here /inclinewalk/? it's literally the best form of cardio you can do
Tibial Tendonitis
Falim Gum
Is tom brady Jow Forums approved?
This guy is
How much time will it take to look like pic related (left) when you look like pic related (right)?
If you overcame schizophrenia (against all odds), would you say you have a strong mind...
Dude just choose two lifts and train every day
>that guy coding in the changeroom
Do i need to do hanging leg raises every day for good looking abs when i cut...
You do cardio right?
Be me
How do I become passionate about something, Jow Forums ? How do I put more points in willpower ?
I'm sick of being unfit and generally tired. Used to be 65kg and was always told I was weak and shit...
Is it frowned upon to ask girls to spot you...
Be me
Fatties HATE her
Long hair on men
What's the deal with fasting? Does it actually do anything for you or is it just a fad?
How many of you still live at home?
Bicep thread
Black men in prison getting HUGE without steroids
Is it game over for me?
So after 3 years of founding Jow Forums, becoming the best shape of my life so far...
How tall and how much did you weigh when you were 14? I think I was 5’2 to 5’5 and weighed 115lbs
Cut or bulk fit?
Eat beans from the protein
A girl has better arms and legs than 99% of Jow Forums
/plg/ - powerblogging general
What’s up with this trend of bodybuilders binge eating a shit ton of unhealthy processed fast food on video?
How do I prevent hitting the wall? Or how do I hit it less? Pic related is 64
Sexual health general
Gym Thots
How does it feels like bros?
10k Time
/fraud/ - juice and juice accessories
Is roast pig healthy
Redpill me on keto
Lifting for girls
What am I doing wrong /fit?
21 year old male
Quick reminder that Jow Forums, Instagram, bodybuilding magazine roid shills...
What does Jow Forums think about this guy?
Going carnivore for this
Rate my supp stack
Jow Forums cringe
Hodgetwins are natty. Change my mind
Vegan. Liberal. Bulky. Italian-American. Great taste. Great teeth. And he can lift more than you. Yep...
Faggs how long does a 5lb bucket last to yall
QTDDTOT [to be deleted by faggot mods soon]
Im getting old. This is the oldest I have ever been. What do I do?
Pic related is the average 15 year old rower. Why don't you row with your bros?
Eating carbs causes insulin spikes and diabetes
Is there any better feeling on earth than rejecting women?
Does NoFap turn you into a Savage Pervert?
Avoiding IG Thot Legs
How do you guy's resist the urges not to give into your gay urges...
Could you beat
I can't stand being a manlet (srs)
If veganism is so healthy then why does he look so unhealthy?
Post Your Jow Forums Routine
Just lol @ manlets with tall friends
Creatine and caffeine
What's your mile time
When you’re 6ft and lean and still can’t get girls
What do you do between sets, Jow Forums? I either browse this board or stare blankly at the mirror
How long did it take you to realize the bodybuilding physiques built by lifting a bar up and down like an autist look...
You will never be this natty
Is it even possible to get a shoulder to waist ratio this extreme naturally?
Good night Jow Forums
Tall elegant sticcs are unironically more aesthetic than THICC braphogs
When will they learn?
You put in years of work in the gym to get a good body
Stepping inside a gym for the first time ever tomorrow
I know for a fact no one on Jow Forums lifts
How has your female friend commented on your progress?
ITT: Fitness goals inspo
How many hot girls train at your gym Jow Forums?
How many squats can he do?
Favorite Supplement
Are crop tops Jow Forums approved?
On your way to the gym one day you witness a horrific car crash...
Find gf
So Jow Forums, how much better is a PPLRPPL routine compared to a bro-split...
Any of you guys ever have people start shit with you on the street when you are out because you are a bit jacked and...
Why is it that everyone who goes around calling everyone a DYEL never post their body even when asked to seems...
Free Gains
Just join the military
How do I unironically sweat less at the gym?
It's absolutely crazy how differently women perceive you after only six months of dedicated training...
If you're below 5'9 you're a manlet
Informative videos
ITT : memes you fell for at one point in the past
There will always be someone thats bigger than you
Haha Holy Shit I am so fucking suicidal, holy shit bros I'm so suicidal haha hooooly shit
D a i l y r e m e m b e r
Do you shower at the gym?
I realized women are a waste of time after a 5 year relationship. I'm free now and I will only lift for my wife now
Do these fuck with insulin levels or no?
So I've been eating nothing but ground beef and milk (1-2 cups) for a few weeks and lost 12 pounds...
Fictional Goal Body Thread
Are there any effective natural ways to boost testosterone?
Does noschlick have physical benefits the way that nofap does...
What do you do when you're too busy/tired/depressed to exercise?
/fph/ Before and After Edition
Walk into boomer gym
Superhuman sex drive
Refrigerator Thread
/fraud/ - Slav Masterrace? Edition
What is your normal meal? I pretty much only eat rice and tuna because Tuna is less bland than chicken
How do you improve your int stat, Jow Forums?
I am skinny and I want to build some muscle...
Realistic Goal Bodies Thread
Do you ever listen to audiobooks or podcasts at the gym? Can you concentrate?
Is this peak female performance?
/plg/ - powerblogging general
Just saw a pair of firefighters today, it was so cool how they rolled in with their full gear and fire-auto-mobiles
Why is my arm all fucked up?
Most Based and Redpilled fitness tips in 5 words or less
Redpill me on creatine with your own experience
Is lifting weights a sign of toxic masculinity?
How’s it feel dyels
Be 20 have a 6.5 average dick
Help bros
Good morning Jow Forums
G..guys /tv/ is laughing at us again
Wh*toids btfo in their own sport lmao
Daily blackpill
Reminder that life is all about being a high school jock
Eat well
High test shows
Daily reminder to avoid the vegan diet...
Starting my summer cut now - what are some cheap meals that are low calorie and full of protein...
Just started using gear at 19 and noticing minor acne breakout. How do i avoid it getting this bad?
How to fix Lumbar Lordosis, what exercises should I do?
How do you feel about chiropractors?
/fat/ - half of my calories come from alcohol edition
I am an 18 year old male who is joining the marines this October
I think i let a demon inside me Jow Forums
How do you respond?
Don't forgot your cardio!
Dad is 6'2
How much one needs to deadlift to impress girl like this
Six months lifting
Why did none of you retards tell me about keto? I can eat bacon and eggs everyday for breakfast on this diet...
Why aren't you taking vitamin D?
Do you think that the previous experience of grinding a stat for hours on end has helped with lifting?
Does fit really think that girls don't care about any guy beyond ottermode?
Wow! You have big mussels user-kun! Can I touch your biceps? ^_^
Quality moggs, post em
If a guy came here and posted this body and said this is how he looks after a decade of training (Momoa has surely been...
Goal Body Thread
Fem /cbt/
Cringe thread
That guy that tracks his progress on a fucking phone app
Rate my raw animal-based diet breakfast
Give me high test movies Jow Forums stuff that gets you fucking going brahs
Should I hire a prostitute?
Yeah, I time my rests between sets. How did you know?
Is 1g of protein/lb of bw really accurate? Feels too much to be honest. Is it 100% proven...
I'm sick of being a fat mess
Show me your 6 pack user
What are some of the biggest lies in the fitness industry?
Where do you meet guys that lift AND are social/confident/have an interesting personality?
I'm about to place a very expensive order on Amazon for a fuck ton of supplements like maca, ginseng, zma...
Depression, mental illness
There are people on this board who enter the gym, do 3 exercises and leave
I need a meal that I can make every day consistently that perfectly hits my macros and micros
Why do you attack milk as unhealthy but have no problem with steroids?
Tfw sunday morning run at 06:00
Have you ever asked out a woman face to face before?
Do you have any incel friends or acquaintances, Jow Forums?
Strongest man alive
Is this what happens when women take birth control?
Favorite nutrients-dense cheat meal?
Looking for advice
I am having a stroke
Hey Jow Forums hypothetical here, I'm 5'0" and 150lbs and I'm decently active...
Almost a year from start
>boogie will never lose the wei-
How much do I have to lift to get women like this?
Before I give details, my main question is this: Are "strength standards" websites bs?
How do i fix this frame Jow Forums was obese all my life...
/fraud/ - steroids general
Why don’t you have a beard Jow Forums?
What should I expect during a fast?
Redpill me on adjustable-weight dumbbells
Skin Care and Youthemaxx General
Mires Gone Wrong Thread
So Jow Forums...
Dude just train jujitsu
Porn is the devil's work
Knwoing I'm a 60kg male, how long would it take me to get to 80kg?
What’s the most attractive personality type
There's no magic pill for fat lo-
Is weed the secret to bulking? I just ate so much food and easily after my first time getting high
Only this. What do you do?
How would i go about training to run faster Jow Forums
Best brand for this shit?
What keeps you going Jow Forums?
Is this a squat booty or a genetics booty?
What gym gear do you own...
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
How do we reverse this trend?
Women want you to treat them like shit
The amount of instagram thots that edit their pictures is really starting to get to me...
I don't really care for the muscular type, I prefer guys who can make me laugh
Alright Jow Forums, red pill me on breathing, how much should i breathe a day?
Is eating veggies the biggest meme?
Redpill me on keto
Fruits are bad for you. Fructose is actually even worse than other sugar...
/TFG/ - Toronto Fitness General: Snow Saturday Edition
How much do I have to lift on order to get a qt gymnast gf?
Worst book ive ever bought
Chipotle can eat my short dick
QTDDTOT [to be deleted by faggot mods soon]
What does Yoga do for your body?
How does this even make sense
Working out doesn't improve your looks
I'm putting together a team
STD General
/fraud/ - steroids general
Alright lads let’s end this debate
Is there any reason to not eat salmon and rice for every single meal?
Ketards BTFO
What’s an actual side delt movement that builds mass
Why do only fat girls mire me
Walk into gym
Day 40 nofap
All that muscle and you start huffing and puffing 30 seconds in. Pathetic...
/plg/ - powerblogging general
I got a vitamin D supplement that says I should be taking 1000 IU a day...
Training legs
Is there any point in lifting if you don't have a good face?
Be me
Tfw gf mires your arms when you're hugging her after sex
Jow Forums foods and recipes
What do you guys eat for lunch? I gotta start taking my own in and I fucking hate sandwiches
How did you stop drinking alcohol? I believe I am starting to become an alcoholic. No meme replies please
Fitness protips:
Are leg extensions bad for you ? she seems in pain
Thai Boxing vs Boxing
If you became crypto rich during the next bull market would you go all out on a home gym the likes of Mark Wahlberg's?
It's over
"The world needs a diet overhaul"
Does keto improve brain function?
Serious question
Fph thread
Just shave it bro, women love that shit
Foot gloves?
Post em. You better be at least full green
User! Let's buy a bunch of delicious snacks and Netflix and chill all week. Just skip the gym...
What's your favorite bulk meal?
/cbt/ - seated edition
Things Zoomers Do in the Gym
Nofap day 19
Why are short men at the gym so agressive?
The most underrated machine in the gym
Dry look
Just turned 18 a couple months ago
Imagine going on 500mg test and 300 mg Tren and this is the result you get...
/plg/ - powerblogging general
Roiding for this
Can we get a /Gyno Coping/ Thread?
Shit normies say
Answer the call
Can't stop pulling the hair on my toe
How do little "men" cope ?
How do i enter Andy "racewar" Warski mode?
Lifting for anything besides Jesus
Kegels for boom boom
Squat and deadlift heavy they said
How to stay petite but get toned ?
How much you need to mew for this
How long do you wait after eating before lifting?
"accidentally" into the men's changing room
Is this klinefelter? 21 yo old man's body
Be the best man you can be Jow Forums
The bar is too heavy to bench
How you compere fit you are ATLEST top 20% are you ?
(Jow Forums) Goals of 2019
Let's say the apocalypse is coming exactly this day, next year. Stalker scenario
Hey Jow Forums. 21 years old Pajeet. 63.3 kgs, 5'11"
What kinda jeans do you buy since working out? Always seem too tight at my ass and thighs
Rate me
Posture Thread
ETMI thread: Estimated Time of Making It
Whats the cheapest food that is rich in protein that isn't fucking chicken and i could use it on a cut...
Give me Instagrams to follow, wheyfus and thots for viewing pleasure and test boosts...
When did you finally realize you made it?
Fuck losing weight
Do we have a valid argument against veganism yet?
Well, I took the buzzpill
Can you get swimmers' body just from swimming?
Sleep is very important for gaining muscle and losing bodyfat, but I have a big problem, I have autism...
Is this too much cholesterol to have at once?
Good Feels Thread
ITT autistic motivations for keeping fit
Fat shit powerlifter gymcel SS squatfags BTFO
Hairloss Prevention
Can you just substitute dancing for any other form of cardio?
Best 5/3/1 template??
Horror stories from dates after getting Jow Forums
I'm 23. Maybe it's because I'm 5'5" and barely 120 pounds, but I have facial hair and I'm very lean...
Learn. To. Fight
How am I lookin friendos?
Oh look a package came in the mail today!
What are some Jow Forums-approved uses of vaseline...
/fraud/ - steroids general
So would you fix this?
Why does my body look so soft and flabby when I'm at 11.5% body fat? I thought I'd look shredded by now
How does it feel to be weaker than a woman?
Good sources of proteen?
Online dating since I got fit
Gene Editing and Immortal Children
Is it normal- penis edition
I'm 19 and I have never worked out seriously before...
How do you kiss a girl?
What does Jow Forums think of Jeff Nippard? Is he legit?
Tfw ohp in the squat rack
Thanks for banning me for talking about my sick dog you faggot mods
Eye Health?
Broke a 6 month nofap streak for this
Deadlifting for HYPERTROPHY
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship