How does it feel to be weaker than a woman?

How does it feel to be weaker than a woman?

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I’m ambivalent.

If I wanted to know I’d ask you OP

Get that thot to enter the MMA ring with me I'll whoop her

I want her to dominate me in bed desu.

so how much is she actually lifting there?

Cutie thotie

Looks like 395.

>hurhur dis gurl(on a shit ton of male hormones) is strong! Grilpower!
t. Pic related
Post your body op, you have 5 minutes and don’t forget the timestamp

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I'm not weaker than Jessica. I'm weaker than Amanda, but only at squatting.

385lbs if murrica plates

The only hormone she's on is insulin because she has type 1 diabetes.

Who is this

Fale wieghs and bars

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What are CrossFit Plates? Sick of you roasties considering lifts like this notable, just because "hurr muh big looking lift hurr".
People with two brain cells need not reply

You don't get a timestamp faggot fuck you

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Weird how cheaters also use insy shots and have long records of it being used as a performance enhancing drug
Again, post body and timestamp

well i'm certainly not weaker than her then

I'm not the OP but you sound like you're upset a 23 year old 72kg girl is stronger than you. If you want anybody to post their body with a timestamp you should do it yourself, small fry.

I train at a gym with female power lifters who are stronger than me, IDGAF.

They started before me, have great technique, and put in work. I’ll surpass them eventually.

In the mean time I’ll enjoy looking at their squat asses, thick thighs, and listen to any advise they have.

That's an old as fuck video.

Do. It. Fag

My knees hurt just looking at this image.

Based and humble pilled

N-no! NOOOO!!

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Ladies first

Ahh, so you are an angry DYEL lmao


>how does it feel to be weaker than a woman?

I would feel ashamed of myself. I'm stronger than her though

almost as good as getting jerked of by a girl with calluses

>Pro powerlifter is stronger than a hobbyist
wahhh wahhhhh

There's no such thing as a professional powerlifter. They're all hobbyists.

Not gonna make it.

>No u!!!
>ur dyel and I’m definitely not that’s why I won’t post it
I already took it, waiting On (you)

she out here looking like a tiger shark

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>Not gonna make it

she got 5pl8 for 3 desu

ITT: sub 4pl8 deadlift dyels coping with the fact that a girl is stronger than them


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Whats her boyfriend look like?

imagine those legs preventing you from pulling out haha

Cute 5'2 twink

Don't forget she's 23 years old and a pharmacist. Takes 6 years here in the USA so she's not fucking around professionally

thats hot.

it doesnt matter if she lifts more than me, i could still beat her in a fight

>More and more athletes may be taking insulin to boost their performance illegally,
>Doctors in Britain are increasingly worried by anecdotal reports that athletes are taking insulin, the life-saving drug used by many diabetics. Bodybuilders pioneered the illegal use of insulin several years ago, but evidence that the habit is spreading to other sports has remained sketchy.

>Harder evidence that insulin is being abused in sport has now emerged from a confidential needle exchange scheme for bodybuilders and other sports enthusiasts, run in the north of England by family doctor Rob Dawson.

>He says that at least 10 per cent of his 450 regular patients have admitted to using the drug – an increasing number of them non-bodybuilders. “It’s spreading outside bodybuilding,” he says. Most get it from friends who are diabetics.

>“Incorrectly administered, it could kill you stone-dead or leave you as a vegetable,” says Peter Sonksen, a specialist in the study of insulin at Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine in London.

>Muscle and staying power
His warnings come as the athletics world championships draw to a close in Edmonton, Canada. Asked if insulin might have been used there illegally, Sonksen said: “If you believe the street talk, it’s inevitable.”

>I would think it’s highly likely,” agrees Dawson. “I’d be extremely surprised if there are not elite athletes using insulin.”

>Insulin helps athletes in two ways. In bodybuilders, it works alongside anabolic steroids such as testosterone or human growth hormone to consolidate muscle tissue. Steroids spawn new muscle, and insulin prevents it from being broken down.

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God l want her to crush my skull like a watermelon

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>tfw no strong bully gf

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She literally needs it to live. Cope harder

eh its a decent point. Kind of like those double amuptees absolutely ddcinating the running world with their springboard metal feet a few years back.

she's clearly roiding anyway, so the point is kinda moot in this case.

Rofl im stronger than the woman wr holder on a deadlift haha



I don't know I'd need to lift hundreds less

A true ubermensch that truly deserves respect

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But I deadlift more than her

Bitch wants to fuck

Mirin genes, her brother plays university football

I can do more then that without a belt after a year of lifting

>nooooooo!!! this isn't fair!!! there's no way a petite girl can be stronger than me!!! the weights are fake, she's on steroids and it d-d-doesn't c-count anyway!! this isn't fucking fair!!!

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>white knighting in every thread
>replying to everyone
>she still won’t fuck Tyrone while you watch

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Post body.

>eh its a decent point. Kind of like those double amuptees absolutely ddcinating the running world with their springboard metal feet a few years back.
this literally never happened lmao

Everyone is so nonchalant in that picture. Other than the guy getting choked

If there were that much weight on tge bar it would be bending more

incel defense force, fast on the scene to run damage control and compensate for their shit lifts, impotent rage and permanent virginity lmao. every single time with your predictable, insecure, bitchy little faggots.

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I can deadlift allost double that

do you even deadlift? you aren't supposed to bounce, new year's friend

she's stronger than me (not gonna estat like most anons here), but it's a lot harder to pull that weight for reps if you don't bounce the bar

only the first rep counts

Oh look, still no body pic

Why are those plates so bulky? Why can't she use regular plates?

more sperging out from the sensitive incels. ever notice how fast and catty these pussy bitch boys are when you name them for what they are? they're such touchy brats with shit bodies and shit lifts.

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There is no reason to assume they're real weights. Until shown otherwise, this video is like so many others that i've seen that have not used real plates.

that's not how it works, faggot. you're trying to act like you don't look like shit and that user is calling you out for it. YOU post body or fuck off.

kind of weird to put in all that effort for a warm up triple.

fair point, but it's hard to know if they are real or not, if anything, my gym has plates that look just like those in OP's vid

my comment though holds even if the plates are real

thats not a bounce you fucking retard

I love when the OP has to pretend people are replying to him in some way. We are living in sad times, boys.

Also i think most people would call anyone out male or female if they were showing off with what appears to be not real weights.

Post body, femdomfetishist male feminist nigger
>inb4 you project
>inb4 you be a cuck
>inb4 you write me a essay
Don’t forget the timestamp

When you act tougher or better than anyone else you should at least prove your not weak, so post it

Are you gonna post your body or keep typing paragraphs

Bitch aint deadding more than me nigger

He’s a (you) hungry faggotniggerkike, posts roided up trannies, and writes big essays followed by smug anime pics
I guarantee you he’s writing more strawman with his twig arms right now

Same as I did about fifteen seconds ago but thanks for asking.

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yes it is, fuck off

manlet incels just can't stop having unhinged meltdowns upon being called out for being weak, shit looking failures, can they? they're obsession with looking at their superior is VERY telling as well LMAO.

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Turned on tbqh m. Night famalan

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>Still won’t post body
All this projecting is embarrassing, I bet you pay for premium instagram

If You think white knighting roiding trannies will make them notice you your dead wrong
Post your body, not a paragraph of your own insecurities but your body, with a timestamp saying “Hezbollah number one! fuck Israel!” Or shut up and stop projecting

>please show me your body, sir

why are you so fixated on a random stranger's body? is this some kind of coping mechanism? like, if he looks like shit would that make you feel better about the fact that you're a chicken shit who won't post his own body to prove that he doesn't look like shit? that's *really* pathetic. yikes.

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that's how you KNOW you've found some weak, shit looking failures who feel INTENSELY emasculated by the fact that a petite girl is stronger than them.

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you can't pull 200kg??

try lifting twink

>5 posts begging some dude to post his body

aaaaaand... *click*. perfect. this embarrassing display by this colossal faggot will make a fine addition to my cringe compilation

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Twink faggots eternally btfo

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Good job doing exactly that and proving my point, do you have any self awareness? Anyways you’re calling everyone weak and projecting harder than a theater and you should at least prove that you’re not what you call everyone else, you shouldn’t stall when you’re asked and say “no you you first reeee *big fucking paragraph”

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how to get stronger grip strength lads? my legs can pull heavy weight but my hands can't fucking hold it

i do double overhand grip btw because i like it the most

i'm not even the guy you original started whining at, retard. i'm thinking he actually called it right with you, so enjoy crying about it you obvious faggot virgin. kys.

You’re the terry a davis of femdom fags
Posting your body would have been a lot faster than writing all these paragraphs
I won’t judge or be too harsh, just post it, if you post an essay with smug anime or children shows you’re confirming for yourself you’re a fat fuck who never leaves his room and the only exercise you get is walking to the fridge

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on a friday night, no less LMAO. yep, you're DEFINITELY a shit looking incel who is weaker than a petite girl. such an insecure little boy!

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>proves me right
>says obsessed and takes the time to write all this
Imagine being this big of a cuck and defending trannies who juiced themselves up to have the testosterone level of 6 women and FOR FREE