So would you fix this?

So would you fix this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

With a bullet.

by letting me suck your dick, big boy

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Join a sumo wrestling league

I'd start by putting some pants on


Picking up better habits.

That's at least 4 inches of dick lost in FUPAland.

Come on guys, can i at least get some form of advice?

Fucking sweats man. I used this for a while and I would sweat buckets at night.

Even when you lose it you'll look like fat bastard at the end of Goldmember

Diet and exercise, what else do you expect?

See tjis is what I dont get. Lets say op makes it to 140lbs. Wtf happens to all those pubes, is it gonna circle his hip or some shit i never understood where the pubis of obese people go

Eat less, fatass
That you even let it get this far before realizing you needed to change is pathetic

I'm gonna need you to draw a diagram.

better now then never ;(

oh pumpkin, you are perfect


1500 calorie a day diet. Lots of vegetables. Probably keto. Lots of cardio. A decent amount of weight lifting. -- AKA the same things people of any size do to lose weight.

I might be a bit desensitized to fat people, but this isn't even too bad aesthetically. Just start losing weight. The hardest part, to me at least, was actually fucking starting.

Start by dieting. You will need to monitor your calorie intake. For someone like yourself I'd recommend doing 1,800 for the first two weeks and then 1,500 the following two weeks.

Do not run yet. You will destroy your joints so I recommend cycling, swimming, or running on one of those ellipticals until you get at a decent weight to actually run.

For lifting I reccomend a bro split as you will get bored if you do any other routine.

Do 30 minutes of cardio before starting your day. Trust me this will help a lot

thanks alot user :)

God I want to bite your nipples and squeeze all of the milk from it.


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This board is for humans


You know i can tell if someone is white or not very easy, i call it nipple litmus test. If the nipple is pink them the person is white if its brown then he isn't white, thats why i call myself Italian rather than white and girls like it.

Too much krill

goddamnit OP ill go:

the #1 most efficient way of burning fat, in my opinion, is HIIT cardio

google "HIIT" cardio
"high intensity interval training"
theres various specific variants, but the gist is, like, SPRINT, walk, repeat
like, walk maybe 30 seconds, then sprint (like, with everything youve got) for 30 seconds, and then do that for a few minutes, and youll burn fat like fucking crazy
dont focus too much on the 30 seconds exactly, i havent done it much myself. but if you google it, theres gonna be a lot of suggested ways. find one that appeals to you, and STICK WITH IT

also, what this nigga wrote oh and start lifting weights
(no one at the gym fucking cares who you are. no one is gonna laugh at you at the gym. maybe some moron 15 year old, but who fucking cares. a lot of people lowkey cuntwhine about being bullied at the gym, but its a fucking myth. its just a room with a bunch of people trying to improve themselves. no one gives a shit what other people in the room are doing, so long as they arent bothering anyone else)

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> not achieving Smough mode natty
Why live?

Water Fast + Exercise

ty for posting this OP, that's exactly what my body looks like so I take advice from this

Np ;)

Based Vocaroo poster.

Step 1 don't eat

Height and Weight?

Water fast four four days a week
I'm serious fatty
Or keto if your too fatty to not eat

Ketogenic diet and fasting. Or just the keto. Try it for a week.


Google 20 most healthy vegetables or something like that. Buy small quantities (0.5-1lb) of every single one. Every day for the next 20 days pick one, google a recipe for it and make it. Use this process to determine which 2-4 veggies you like enough to make a core part of your diet, then work quickly towards that goal. Start buying those veggies you picked out in big quantities and making full meals out of just them, while cutting back on all the unhealthy crap you eat.

That's the most important thing.

I was 5'9 260 lbs this time last year and I've cut down to 195 with this change. My exercise is very light, it's mostly just hiking and yoga.


This. Some faggot on /fast/ is doing 5 days a week and losing 20lbs a month like that and it's not even that hardcore

This is the best post I've seen in months.



Diet first, don't try to jog with that you'll destroy your legs.

Fixable, I lost 130 pounds doing keto omad, weights + 30 minute cardio 6 days a week.

I've only met one other user able to pull this shit off though, have to leave humanity behind.

you are perfect just the way you are

Never gonna make it


look how fat he is u fucking retard, sprinting will destroy his knees
all he needs to do for the near future is not eat so much fucking food

with a body like this you can probably fast for up to a year. just get your vitamins and other essentially stuff

Starting strength and GOMAD.

Post progress pics

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SS+GOMAD=Big gains.

Not gonna make it fatty. Best thing to do is kill yourself

No fucking way dude, I was also an absolute unit and am slowly unfucking myself, it's doable.

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Your only hope now is to go for bloatmaxxx

There's a right way to rock and a wrong way to roll. You can just listen to your soul. Just remember that life is number one, you can be having so much fun. Just remember the that life is much fun, you can be my number one.

Got to eat big to get big C'mon, your already eating big but you got to lift!

Pump iron.

remove the dot

Will I get in trouble for blacking out everything but my genitals?

Huggable friend to psycho killer

A strict diet of taco salads works for me. I usually lose about 5-6 pounds per week. I use ground turkey in lieu of higher fat ground beef. I am looking for new recipes though as eating the same meal 3 times a day gets tiring even if I'm losing 6 pounds a week.


Best post I've seen in the past year holy shit

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find a skinny chubby chaser and let her enable my gluttony

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Jesus, you should see me now, I look like a lunatic.



Im basically 60% of this size.

I was 5' 8" at 230 pounds, found Jow Forums, dropped to 190, found out i like /ck/ and being a lazy shit better, shot up to 255, now im back here.

I started intermittent fasting, 1-2 hour a day window, plus a casual bro split.

Lost 12 pounds, trying to hit 190 again before the end of summer so i can see some more of my succulant fupa-seasoned dick meat.

In what time frame did you lose those 130 pounds?
I'm tempted to do this. I already do OMAD, would just have to drop the rice from my daily meal to do keto, and would only have to add cardio. I already do weights three times a week. For cardio I would probably just do farmer's walks with slightly lighter weight around the block a bunch of times.

8 months.

learn what a calorie is
then learn what calorie in calorie out means
then have the willpower to actually stop eating so fucking much (which wont happen given how obese you already are)
then perhaps go to a gym if you can get past step 3

Everyone saying this is the best post they've seen in years, but that voice clip was not made for this guy, I've seen it couple months ago on some other fat fuck's thread.

Alright, you've convinced me. That's about half as long as my current strategy should take. Dropping the rice should be easy, it's getting used to the slightly smaller meal that will be a bit rough, but I can do it.

With keto, would I be able to have rice just on Sunday or will that disrupt it so badly that I better not?

If I was stuck in your body:

Diet is priority 1:
Set a calorie limit; 500c under maintenance/day. High protein/low fat/med.-high carbs

PPL 6x a week. Starting light.

Walk everyday, preferably uphill and slow to start. Start running when I lost 50 lbs till I could run a mile, then maybe think about incorporating HIIT once a week.

Wouldn't want loose skin so I would try to lose at a slow, fixed rate. Ideally lose the first 20 quick, then 2-3lbs/week, lose another 20, then 1-2lbs/week.

I'd also shave the neckbeard and get contacts

He's trolling. Best thing to do is usually ignore then. Keep up the good work user

Stop doing gomad

Probably eating more, it hasn't worked yet but I bet if I ate even more food the fat will go away, it's like science bro

You are more pathetic than OP tbqh, stumbling over your own words with a pathetic accent


saw this the other day, take it or leave it

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Don't put any food in your mouth for about a month or so.

sure thing op

join a boxing gym tell them you want to lose weight

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is this better than compound lifts?
Which is better to begin with?

eat a pound of chicken breast, half a cup of uncooked rice, and whatever cruciferous veggies you want. that's it, you barely even have to measure it

beyond that just read the sticky

Step one, eat less.
Step two, walk more.
Bonus: write down your progress.

god i love you

You can do PPL with compounds, newfriend.

Read the sticky

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Based and unironically redpilled.

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Tren hard
Eat clen
Put yourself through the test
Anavar give up

>look at your greasy sausage fingers, theyre probably thicker than your dick
based ayytalian poster

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I’m telling you OP give intermittent fasting a try. Wake up drink nothing but water and black coffee for about 5-6 hours then eat a lunch that you could fit in your hand NO BIGGER. Say like a peanut butter sandwich on 100% whole wheat. Then eat a decent sized dinner that actually satisfies. Repeat everyday and I promise weight will drop off at your feet. Do not eat anything but those 2 meals a day, no snacks no sodas no nothing.