Horror stories from dates after getting Jow Forums

>be hkv for 28 years
>decide to work out, eat better/learn cooking on my 29th birthday
>almost 30 now, attracted a girl because of my looks a week ago
>just got back from a 2nd date where I kissed with the girl
>she called me a bad kisser
>I tell her I haven't dated in a while (a lie) and asked her to practice with me
>made out with her 6 more times
>tells me there is no hope for me
Yeah this dating shit ain't for me. Luckily I have a lot of hobbies aside from lifting that can keep me busy anyway. Nothing against women, some of them are fine, it's just...no.

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are you going to let a minor setback like that stop you?

Stop being a fucking pussy and get back on it.

Also, don't waste your time with stupid hoes, find a woman that you have that special connection with and your kissing is gonna be great

>get fit
>no dates
what's the point

Kissing hoes. Never gonna make it.

I feel like I'm going through impostor syndrome or something. Everyone I see in public seems to have their shit in order despite me knowing that everyone is going though one challenge or another. Even though I have qualities that a woman would like
>can cook well
>work out
>better style than average guys
>good paying job
>a not so old jeep
I still feel like a fucking failure.

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Ya bro.. girls can smell your insecurity and inexperience from a mile away

Keep going through dates eventually you’ll get laid dude

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The point to be a good kisser is kissing softly op,dont make your tongue too hard and dont force your tongue into her mouth,kissing is like valsa,you can take the lead or just flow with it,thats the secret,now tell me how do you kiss?

>not a good kisser
>after 7 attempts
Did you hit 1/2/3/4 after 7 attempts? Did you see any remarkable improvement whatsoever after a week of lifting? Son kissing is in the soul and the tongue. You gotta get in touch with that real soul, never mind the performance and also try mewing for a bit. Learn the rhythm of love and savor each kiss like it was your last. Boy, get in there and listen to some Barry White.

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>girls can smell your insecurity and inexperience from a mile away
fake it till you make it. I was khv not long ago and after made out with 5 women in a couple of weeks and not one of them thought I was inexperienced, in fact most asked if I have a gf and why I don't have one.

Shut up faggot, you know your "hobbies" are bullshit, you just sit and watch tv or game

What is it with dorky betas and their desire to “date” girls so much?

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Nah man I'm quitting dating for now.
In my first attempt she said I didn't do anything at all but I was mesmerized by the mouth contact. Afterward I felt like I just making like sucking functions.
I'll need to find a good female friend that could put up with my inexperience. I'm open to finding a female friend for this, but wouldn't know where to find one. And I doubt paying for kissing (not sex) is illegal so that's one route I can take. But I'm done dating for now
Yugioh/Jow Forums are my other hobbies aside from cooking and lifting.

Human desire to reproduce?

And you actually think going on “dates” like some corny faggot will achieve that end?

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Yes, you fucking imbecile.

It's part of the process to secure a mate user.

How do you think everyone else got that experience? Everyone was a bad kisser at one point.

Come on OP, are you a faggot? Are you a quitter? OR ARE YOU A GODDAMN MAN? I THOUGHT YOU MADE IT, OP!

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I’ve learned that no one will ever be able to love me because i hate myself.

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>See thicc girl around movie theater
>Bros tell me to go for it but puss out
>Eventually go back alone and psyche myself up to do it
>For some reason I turn into Leonardo DiCaprio and be the smoothest mother fucker alive
>She giggles a lot and even offers her number before I ask
>She asks to see me within like 5 minutes of texting
>No date planned, "Lets just drive around user ;) we'll think of something"
>We live in a small as fuck town with fuck all to do, especially late at night
>Wind up watching the stars, have my hand on her thicc as fuck thigh and am still uncharacteristically smooth as fuck
>Eventually drop her off, she texts me like 2 minutes after saying she had a good time and she wants to go out again
>"This time we should makeout and see where it goes user"
>Basically inviting me to fuck her, only an autistic fuck could mess this up and with how smooth I've handled her there is just no way
>In between dates she sends me some weird fucking poems, and gets mad I don't understand them
>Starts revealing all sorts of shit from past relationships, like that she got beaten
>Notice in snaps she sends me she is wearing Carolina hoodies, and we live in the north so that doesn't add up
>Turns out they are the hoodies of the ex guy that beat her up
>What the fuck
>Red lights everywhere, it was going so well
>Start losing interest
>She notices and gets mad I'm not texting her like I used to
>Still wanted to smash but start having second thoughts with how crazy she is acting
>Basically get caught in limbo, I'd cancel or push back every date because I couldn't decide if it was worth having a potential headcase after me if I smashed and passed her
>Broke contact
>She texted me like 3 weeks ago out of nowhere saying she was sorry, but nothing else
>Put up a pic on her snap story today looking thicc as fuck
I should've smashed bros.

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I thought so too user, I thought so too.

Look, I’m not the motherfucker here crying about being a lame virgin despite his efforts
Yeah...maybe if you’re a Mormon or something

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>fb saved images
that's going to be a yikes from me

How can you honestly give up that easily?
If you're depressed or just in a temporary bad mood, that's understandable.

But don't go lonely the rest of your life because you had bad experience with your first dates. That's fucking retarded.

You are responsible for your own livelihood and I promise you will regret it in 40 years with no children to comfort you, and no memories of lovers to look back on fondly. Don't quit now, OP, or you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

The fact that you were even able to attract a girl in the first place shows that there is still hope for you yet.

Are you trying to imply rape as a method of reproduction?

she is just messing around with you jesus. She wouldn't fucking practice kissing with you unless she's attracted to you. stop being autistic and ask to practice fucking her


In 2010 I flew to Kiev, Ukraine to meet a Belarusian girl I met online.
>meet girl at airport, she is drop-dead gorgeous
>taxi driver named volodomir drives us to our budget hotel
>he plays Frank Sinatra : Strangers in the night
>get into the hotel and immediately fuck. Epic sex.
>it's late and I hadn't eaten in about 9 hours. Went for a walk to search for food
>there are no restaurants, no grocery stores in sight
>stray dogs starting to come out, random babushka tells me I should get inside, decide to head back
>sex again that night, no food all night. Gains leaking away. Stomach in agonizing pain.
Next day
>go out again in search of food
>Belarus girl has no idea how Ukrainians get food.
>finally, 1 hour walk away, there is a small food store
>inside is only cookies and pickled vegetables
>stock up on пpяники (eternally stale Russian sugar bread cakes)
>get back to hotel, eat them all, gains 90% gone, incredibly weak
>belarus girl wants to fug again, barely able to get hard, microscopic amount of cum.
>she asks wtf, autistically explain that I neeeed to eat macros etc.
On the 4th day we found a market, where I bought so much meat and cheese from a kavkaz vendor that he shook my hand and blessed me with a poem.

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I feel it's just sadness, feelings I can't share with anyone else right now, that has built up over the years. What you say makes perfect logical sense, I'm just too down to take further action. Maybe I will feel better tomorrow. Thanks user for your words.
No, she was pretty disappointed. I'm not that socially awkward

God fucking damn Anri is on another level

that was great user

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Pics of Belarusian girl needed.

your post gives us hope user. I would ask where you found her but things have changed a lot since 2010 online so

The hotel has no food? You don't bring protein bars with you on vacation? You don't know how to use google maps?

>google maps

Found the zoomer

pic related to op pic

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Well...It's your choice

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Man, that makes me sad, things sure have changed

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I swear I wasn't this stupid when I was young

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>age 22 khv, get ripped during last year of college
>set up tinder with shirtless picture and start talking to Asian sorority girl
>take her home when family is away and watch a movie
>whole time spilling spaghetti, she often leaned in or got close to me and I didn't do anything.
>watch entire movie, and she asks now what?
>Just lean over and kiss her
>she gets naked, 10/10 titties, I'm sweating bullets.
>she puts a condom on me and gets on top
>heart is racing, she's super tight and it feels great, bust a nut in 60 seconds.
>go to sleep after awkward bad sex
>wake up in the morning try again, similar results.
>completely quiet and awkward drive back to her dorm.

The girl I liked the most and thought the most about in th ed last three years was the worst kisser and worst fuck of my life, however she gave head like a fucking pro despite only having had sex with one other guy. She was crazy, bipolar, bad kisser, normie, bad fuck, but I literally meshed with her so much that after things broke apart i was just dead inside for years and even when i was with other better (subjectively) women in all categories, I still think about bad kisser girl and am deep down unhappy. She disappeared off social media after moving to Chicago and then I moved there but still cant find her. Very sad tbqh.

But what I'm saying is that if you connect with someone they might superficially care but deep down no matter how bad of a kisser or inexperienced you are, you can find someone to love, as long as you compensate with personality/money/whatever. Just have one thing and you can find someone. I guarantee.

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literally me

I'm still fucked up and nervous to meet other girls. Wat do

Thanks user. I'm already feeling better reading the experiences you guys have shared and the words of wisdom as well.

user, you did the right thing

>first sexual experience
>tinder girl on her knees sucking after our date
>"hey user lets get on the bed"
>in my mind I think she just wants to change positions while she's sucking and wants me to lay down.
>"no this is fine"
>she looks confused but keeps sucking

I'm surprised she ever hung out with me again desu

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You did the right thing user.
I broke it off again yesterday with the girl I've been dating on an off for almost a year. I just couldn't stand it anymore and snapped.
>thicc as fuck 10/10 ass
>really sweet and kind, interested in everything I do
>amazing sex, open to anything
>same taste in food and same humor
>but sometimes she would get mad over the dumbest things, even things I don't do on purpose or can't easily change
>I chew and swallow too loud
>my nose is often partially blocked, causing me to breathe a bit louder
>I run my own business while also still in uni so I have to work a lot, and having a deadline means I'm gonna make that deadline
>but she'd get mad when I didn't respond to her texts or calls 'properly'
>generally would get mad if I reacted differently than what she expected, or if I had 'wrong' opinions
>once she got mad there was no arguing. It was like in that Bill Burr bit, she'd provoke me until I finally said something mean and then I was the bad guy

Basically she was the sweetest girl, until she found something to nag about. Got to a point where it felt like all she did was constantly get mad at me for things I can't even control, like my nose. So yesterday she provoked me again and I snapped and told her to gtfo, punched the wall, asked her why she treats me like shit all the time for things I can't do anything about.. She cried really hard, said she's been through the same with her abusive ex. I didn't tell her that maybe she is the fucking problem if this keeps happening to her because she was crying so much, and I drove her home because she didn't bring her train pass and stations are full of dindus at night. Even tried to apologize and make up with her during the drive but she was so fucking stubborn I got mad again. Dropped her off and sped away and deleted everything I have of her. And that's not even the first time this happened.
She was driving me so fucking mad and crazy man.

>i dont want no pussy i just want that top
alpha af

lmao based af

beautifully said. I think what most incels don't realize is that the more you go without interacting with women, the more you fantasize about an ideal women that doesn't actually exist and then one day you fall in love with someone you wouldn't even stare at twice because you just have this chemistry. It is literally more important than face, boobs and ass.

its nice when autism gets to the point you're unintentionally chad

This was 2010 and Google maps for Ukraine was not developed enough. Also, Internet on phones was not nearly as usable as it is today. My phone was a flip-phone from 2007. Only other 29 year old boomers will understand this.
I managed to find the market based on vague instructions from a hobo.
>the hotel
What i meant by "budget" hotel was a literal commieblock hruschev-style apartment in the outskirts Podil district with no Internet or food.

I found her on a language learning site called sharedtalk. Looks like it doesn't operate anymore.


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>Even tried to apologize and make up with her during the drive but she was so fucking stubborn I got mad again. Dropped her off and sped away and deleted everything I have of her. And that's not even the first time this happened.
lmao. so you acted like a vagina in your relationship and then wonder why she was being a naggy bitch?

as an american there goes my hope of finding a hot russian girl to sleep with and possibly give her the green card to marry me to take her to the US

I know the type you're talking about. Hot as fuck but they have personalities that always want conflict otherwise life is boring to them. Fuck them
You obviously have no experience with women

>Jow Forums


no. she wouldn't complain he was "chewing too loud" if he was a Chad, I promise you that.