Give me Instagrams to follow, wheyfus and thots for viewing pleasure and test boosts, yoked lads and shredded cunts for motivation
Give me Instagrams to follow, wheyfus and thots for viewing pleasure and test boosts...
Other urls found in this thread:
Girls name is Ana Cheri
Jon Skywalker for daily tren motivation
Karina johnson97
Thanks for these, will give them a look.
none of those girls are even remotely attractive user wtf
never gonna make it...
These pages too
Based Zoey
Yeah but she's a butterface.
What's with Americans larping as muh vikings?
I want to see more buttcheeks
much better than insta-thots
It's a unique phonemonen to fat white guys LARPING as what they wish their ancestors were. It's the classic "I"m 1/4 Swedish bro, practically biking. Doesn't speak Swedish or know anything about Swedish culture" 2nd/3rd gen guidos like to do the same thing with italy
nothing wrong in associating with your ancestors
grayscale + HDR, so tough and cool!
why would anyone follow the tough balding fatties cosplaying as vikings
who would want to see that on his IG feed
That's some hardcore cringe right there.
god i wish that was me
Swimsuitsuccubus, Bunnyayumi, Daniellesharp, arwensuicide
He said wheyfu, not roidfu
Bunny mogging swimsuit
I think susu is prettier overall, but bunny tingles my taint more when i want more thiccness
Check this one out. She might be my favorite one yet.
jon's a fag
go back to /pol
KatieSonier(flexible does handstands a lot)
Mirandacohenfit(good kind of thick )
Ellanewphysique(goodlooking roidfu;fun training programs)
Flowwithadee(if you are into flexible chicks)
Gainsbybrains(cute does non thot workouts)
greg pls leave
post stats and cb pic
chink whore who married a dubai oil prince and spends all day getting shit on by camels
she's got a great body tho
>married a dubai oil prince
fuck it, bros.
i'm gonna get filthy rich and buy a chink gym thot
quads confirms he brutalizes her asshole every night
can't really blame her. look at where she lived before
>millions of men died so that this thot could twerk like a baboon on social media for 600k followers
What is the QUICKEST natty way to get a insta thot body?
I mean how much do i need to work out, how much will i need to progress, and how quickly can i get it?
I already have a natural hourglass figure, i'm just soft and out of shape
Diet and exercise.
Do HIIT on the tread mill for 30min at least 3x a week and you can eat like usual but don't eat dinner.
>diet and exercise
I already do those, i just need a more streamlined workout
HIIT is good but i heard treadmill is bad for ass gains
If you don't follow this absolute legend already, you're doing something wrong
get really really lean, like under 55kg (assuming you're between 5'5 and 5'8) and train heavy squats and deadlifts, with abs every few days, don't neglect cardio or your legs will look like shit.
try get your squat upto an 80kg 5 rep max
>gf is an fitstagram influencer and this is basically what she did coming from being a dancer
If you squat heavy enough it should be fine. You can also do keto diet to help lose fat
I do meme machines, i'm too scared to lift on my own. I guess i'll need to get over that
I don't want to lose fat, i just want to refine what i have
Nice, thanks!
Holy fuck every single one is fuck ugly
Some of them have nice bodies but not one has a half decent face
lmfao this is so pathetic. Women are the biggest meme
Natty goals
Fuck off kinobooty
African Americans, Native Americans & Turks do the exact same thing
It's not something unique to white people
There's nothing wrong with that apartment though. Its not luxurious, but its standard.
And anyways, living with any normie would be a step up. Rather than being a cumrag for an arab.
that hair & beard is goals for me
user, I...
why are you so upset?
she won't notice you you sad faggot, hey i have an insta you should follow
>mfw I'm the same age as her but will never fug
>she will never pull the trigger
>tfw just bought $10 worth of lotto tickets
quads grant me luck