ETMI thread: Estimated Time of Making It
We post body and tell each other when we're gonna make it based on current progress. Required: physical age, lifting age, height, weight.
25, 3 years lifting, 6'0"/183cm, 153lbs.
ETMI thread: Estimated Time of Making It
We post body and tell each other when we're gonna make it based on current progress. Required: physical age, lifting age, height, weight.
25, 3 years lifting, 6'0"/183cm, 153lbs.
Other urls found in this thread:
Took you 3 years hmm?
Your arms look more advanced than your legs.
I have a similar body but with less defined arms and more defined legs.
>25, 6 months gym, 147lbs
might as well post here as well
175cm 68-69kg 29 1 year of cutting
Do you even eat?
where the fuck is your body hair,nigga cmon
>never gonna make it
153lb? Wtf
Get on my level, twinks
I can now massage my prostate with my glutes. Did i make it?
You got wide hips but your face looks like it could be nice. No homo.
You could if you put in the effort.
You just started?
Started at 125lbs Auschwitz mode, so eating is new to me. But this is post 16 week cut, about to resume permabulk
More like 1 serious year, 1 bullshit lift whenever eat whatever year, then 8 serious months, 3-4 of which were spent cutting off the fat I put on the previous year. My starting weight was almost definitely lower than yours.
Face is top tier desu, which is why it took me until age 23 to take lifting seriously. Never had an issue getting girls so why bother? But got sick of being told to eat a cheeseburger, and sick of subtly being treated like a kid at work, which isn't the case anymore.
Just cut ~15lbs of fat from a shitty off year last year so lots of levels are low. Expecting a decent rebound when bulk resumes soon. Wanted to get down to single digit bf% first for shits and giggles
Less than 2 years till making it friend, wrap that cut up and clean bulk till D-Day, then final cut to drive the bitches wild
Already made it but cut for 10 weeks to eliminate wateriness. You're past the point of what normies think is maxed, appearance-wise. After that you're only impressing yourself and other dudes.
There's no way you are 70 kg. you are at least 78+ kg (170lbs). I'm the same height and I have literally the same body and I weight 80kg (176lbs).
82kg 172 cm or 5'8
Made it
Wtf shoulder bones
Made it
I‘m cutting, I think I need to cut atleast 10KG, maybe 15-20 to get aesthetics
nice, more legs though
Keep cutting m8
in the trash where it belongs, i dont wanna be a full on monkey.
how far would you make the cut? calculaters put me at 66kg for 10%. might go for 65kg for the nice number
maybe 1,5 year and a cut
cut and you'll be there. nice neck
no pump or flex in pic, let me know
hit or miss, i guess they never miss huh
nice gyno fag
21, lifting for 5 months now,1,86cm height (6"1"), 80 kilograms (176 lbs)
Currently aiming to gain more mass, especially on my skeleton arms..
how did you turn white?
Don't believe calculators m8, just go for what looks right. I'd say cut about 3%-5% more body fat, until you can see veins on your lower stomach. That should put you somewhere between 8-11% body fat, which is "ripped" to 98% of people. After that, lean bulk at 200-300 excess calories a day indefinitely until you get back to this amount of body fat, then do another cut to 8-11%, rinse, repeat. Where you decide to stop and maintain is your personal preference and completely depends on the visual, not the number. For example this guy:
thinks there's no way that I'm 153lbs., but that's what the scale said this morning when I woke up dry. That's due to a lot of things being at the very end of a cut, but the point is the number on the scale isn't that important for your visual appearance. Go for the look you want, fuck the numbers
haha manlet
In 16 weeks you will be in made it territory if you go on a strict 500 calorie deficit per day cut, lift heavy, and get your nutrient timing right (85% of your carbs before and after your workout, 15% for breakfast, 5% residual from your fat and protein sources throughout all other hours of the day.) Just cut properly and don't make excuses. Chicken, broccoli, sweet potatoes, olive oil, measured out, tracked in MyFitnessPal. Get started and we'll see you in Made It mode in 16 weeks.
I'd also like to remind everyone that 175 lbs at 16% body fat looks worse than 153 pounds at 10% body fat to every normal person
Bruh you're like 18-20% body fat. You need to cut for 3-4 months before continuing a bulk. When your body is higher than 15% bf your muscle gains are severely blunted due to ruined insulin response. Cut, now.
ETA to made it: 1.5 years lean bulk plus 4 month cut starting now.
Cut before continuing bulking.
You too. You're at least 18% body fat. You're wasting your time bulking currently. Go on a strict 500 calorie a day deficit that you track with MyFitnessPal, measure out and eat only complex carbs (get all your carbs from sweet potato, lentils, oats), and lift heavy for 16 weeks. You'll be 60% closer to made it when you're done.
All of y'all fatties over 15% body fat need to do this and find how much you need to eat to be on a 500 calorie a day deficit;
post more ass pls
5'8 145lbs
How long until I make it
Cut 5% body fat then continue lean bulk for 1 year. Needs more chest.
1.5 years if you eat and lift correctly
29, lifting for 10 years, 5’7” and 270 lbs. currently pretty pleased with the bulk I’m on. Advice?
>haha I made it
So far I haven't seen anyone post anything good. Just a bunch of twinks with no bodyfat thinking it means they made it. or fat fucks thinking they're big.
Finally dropped out of obesity into skinnyfat mode. 20 more lbs and I can starts SS+GOMAD. How long until I get from "never lifted anything ever" to "sick cunt"?
26, 4 months of leancutting and lifting 5'10"/175 75kg/166lbs.
I think my noobgains will end soonish so i will just continue leancutting for summer.
85kg to 77.5kg at 184cm
Currently at 76kg
Cutting for the first time after bloating for a year and a half, it’s way easier than expected.
This cut is a trial run anyway that leaves me with time to bulk and cut again before I go to America in August.
How ripped do I have to be to pull sloots there?
kissless virgin
engineering student
own 3 houses, renting 2 of them
drive a vw golf
fell in love with my therapist
going to ask out a 5/10 girl who works at walmart
am i gonna make it bros?
6' 182
Trying to stay stronk while cutting
Once you get past a certain point it's about just dressing adequately and talking to girls.
I guarantee you, if you just went out in this condition in a good buttondown and don't let anything retarded slip out of your mouth, you'll go home with someone every time.
24, been lifting 2.5 years. 6'0, 165 lbs
23, 6 months, 6' 3", 238lbs.
Should I continue cutting? I'm eating 1700 calories a day currently.
Bench: 185lbs
Squats: 210lbs
OHP: 130lbs
Deadlift: 245lbs
dude ur a legend
Shit i forgot to blur my little dick my bad.
your dick would be longer if you lost all that pubic fat
holy shit what a madman
Try one of them meat slicers from the local deli.
You can keep cutting, yeah.
What the hell is wrong with your crotch, are your balls above your dick, lol
Stop being chuckle fucks. I need some advice. Cut or bulk? Given my numbers I'm concerned that maybe I should just bulk and then shred the fuck out. Idk. I feel weak.
How about just lift you fucking retard. 6 months of lifting is literally DYEL
well since u got abs already no point cutting
Cut, obviously. You're well above 15% bf still.
Ayyy same, do a quick cut down to 10% bf then continue bulking. You'll be glad you did.
Stop being a faggot, lift some weights, go on a strict 500 calorie deficit EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY NO EXCUSES, only eat chicken sweet potatoes broccoli olive oil, track it in MyFitnessPal, and lose all of that jiggly unattractive fat boy blubber, you fucking pork sausage
Keep cutting, lift heavy, SS is a meme. Don't stop cutting till you're at 10% body fat, stick to compound lifts, and push yourself. No excuses.
I don't think you were looking at the same image I was, user.
It was a joke desu
>SS is a meme
t. dyel. SS (by the book) is the fastest way to get your lifts up in your first 3-4 months of training
The reason why you feel weak is probably because you are right now. That's okay if that's your starting point.
Cut or bulk, it's up to you, it depends on rather you want to be stronger or lose the extra pounds first. I would bulk, since it sounds like you don't have so much experience tweaking your diet, and bulking is harder to mess up.
I think 3 months of hard cutting you’ll be joocy af
Made it
Otter mode engage
Cutting for summer. Be gentle bruhs
Post body
I'm familiar with dieting. I was at 200lbs a while ago. I want to be there again. So if I cut, could I get to 200, and then slowly eat above my deficit and see strength gains? I'd prefer to lose the weight fast so long as I dont have to become a fat fuck again to get stronger.
Lift way harder than you're currently lifting and keep the cut at 500 calories deficit daily - no more, no less. Eat a shit ton of protein. Need at least a year of lifting well from this point to get anywhere notable. stated before, Starting Strength is a meme. lmao
You look good user
Proof that SS is not a meme.
Good job user.
>So if I cut, could I get to 200, and then slowly eat above my deficit and see strength gains?
Yeah, pretty much
One thing to note, there is some research that suggests cuts over really long time frames are not so effective. So if you've been going for 6+ months, maybe think about bulking for a couple months before going back in a cut.
it might be a meme to someone who only hangs out on fit 12 hours every day and doesn't do much else with their life...
but its actually a lifting program that uses linear progressive overload and frequent lifting in the correct rep ranges to make progress as a beginner lifter.
its pretty simple, if you do the lifts, and you keep adding weight - you get stronger. why does a beginner program need to be more complicated than that?
but yeah, it is a meme - as well as being a training program.
how big are arms?
>says a strength program is a meme
>asks for body pic
Here you go brainlet. Ask me how I know you're a DYEL?
Btw this is 1 year of training. I lift for strength only.
Deadlift: 450
Squat: 380
Bench: 275
OHP: 180
Now post body
is this question a meme? I've seen it posted in this exact format before in other threads...
about 15.5 - 16 inches.
3 years (and 4 days) training
Currently cutting, trying to drop another ~6kg bodyweight down to my initial training bodyweight.
This photo is kinda cheating, got pump from end of training and slightly tensed.
7 months of lifting 180 cm and idk how many kg I am
Do I have potential?
if genuine natty, you have top tier delt genetics
congrats user
what is max overhead press? and rough 5 rep max?
wut do you do for lats?
i'll kick your ass and steal your girl, bitch!
Max I've singled OHP is 70kg (didn't get this on first attempt after I'd maxxed bench, had to get it at start of my next gym session). I've always trained with a very close grip though.
Yeah, I've got very lucky delt genetics as far as I can tell. My arms also lean out long before every other part of my body, which is kinda good seeing as theyre the most visible part of me.
This photo is from start of my cut ~2 weeks ago, pump vs no pump
Please by my bf
thats cool man
your delts and chest are light years ahead of mine, but i can ohp 90kg... and 60kg for 12+ reps.... and I weight 90 myself...
so congrats , u makin it
are you british?
Age: 26
Lifting: Two years in April
Height: 5'10" / 179cm
Current weight: 175 lb
Starting weight: 135 lb
My last year or so OHP (and bench) training has been following Hepburn A power phase, so I don't really have reason to test 5RM, last set it in June 2017.
I finished a meso at 62.5kg (final session was [email protected]), on a strict 4 mins rest between each set.
Yes, the timestamp of my photos gives that away. Sending them to my computer via telegram.
Weighted pull-ups 3x5+ and then two BW sets of about 10+
Recently switched to chin-ups though because my biceps are smaller than I want them to be
Currently doing +32kg 4x3 followed up by +10kg 10x2 nice and slow
Also do heavy DB rows after, sets of5 reps
How much caloric deficit?
Should read 2 (sets) x10 reps
buy underwear that didnt go out of style 100 years ago
>5'10"/175 75kg
5'10" is 178 - you are 5'9"
you own 3 houses at 3?
Live in a place where wealth aquired before wedding isnt touched by divorce or never marry
When you get wider lats and bulgier obliques to balance out those child-bearing hips (no bully, i'm there with you).
ffs cut