
How do I stop dreaming at night?
I keep having extremely stressful dreams and wake up tired from them every night

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I had a weird dream.
I was in a hospital for babies affected by radiation. Ha nuke went off or something it wasn’t explained) there was one little baby with his hands fused to his face.
He moved and actually ripped them away from his face. There was some screaming but it was better than if he had grow up with his hands melted to his face. Then I was an accountant for a company and we got audited but I wasn’t given the paperwork I needed so the company got sold by the auditors. My coworkers gave me a gun and cheered for me as I made my way towards our dickhead ceo’s Office.

Finish the dream. Push yourself to see how it all ends. It's the most effective way of moving past it. Keep in mind that dreams are often a metaphor of something troubling you in real life, so it's actually healthy to deal with it.

smoke weed it makes u not dream at all

everyone dreams every night, its just a matter of whether you remember them or not.
sounds like you might have some issues you need to work through, so they stop being bad dreams. find someone to talk to about shit your going through or have gone through


Waking up exited and upitty from a good/bad dream is only feel I feel that is not anger, depression or anxiety.

What is the dream about? Try analazing it and see what it means

I unironically have dreams of my waifu becoming real and when i wake up i feel so depressed i lose all motivation to lift

I lift anyway though, shit's better than drugs

Smoke weed before bed. Blocks out majority of REM sleep, so you rarely dream. Increases recovery sleep for extra miscle gains. Prolonged lack of REM can affect short term memory, increasing overall autismo.

Get into the habit of performing reality checks when you're awake.
After a while you'll start doing them while dreaming, and realize it's just a dream

1st dream
>In my apartment
>preparing to travel home to family
>place is clean, all my stuff is packed
>except a huge African Grey parrot, which is apparently my pet in the dream
>plane is in a few hours, don't have a place for the parrot
>I calling others to find someone to take care of it
>It starts screaming and yelling
>literally falling apart in front of me as I panic and try to calm it down
>screaming is so loud my ears are ringing
>wake up

2nd dream
>In some military base at night
>I was supposed to do some kind of espionage there, can't remember the mission
>sneaking through, tons of guards everywhere, I die if I get found
>I can't get past a choke-point, constantly stressed
>move back to hide

>see some African kid with a rifle hiding behind a mound of dirt
>sneak behind him
>he starts talking to some doctor who was passing by
>doc sees me but says nothing, assumed I was the kid's friend
>kid is asking doc for drugs, doc refuses and leaves
>I grab the kid and try to choke him out but the scuffle makes noise
>I stab the kid and he dies, doc comes running back after hearing us and sees me
>I try to chase the doctor but he runs past cameras
>extremely loud sirens start
>guards mobilizing everywhere
>I try to climb into a window but there's a cripple in there learning sign language
>sirens so loud my head is swimming
>I just sprint as hard as I can into the distance
>wake up

That's just 2 of the recent ones I remember, there's been more before
I used to be able to do that before but these "stressful" dreams tend to be somewhat grounded in reality and way too intense.

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1st year psychology student here
AMA and i will unveil your fucked up psyche

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In my dream, the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun, and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people. Suddenly, a small light glowed. A candle flickered into life, symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed and blew it out.

I wish I got to choke a nigger in my dreams

i love dreams, give me more.

Yeah, because it fucks with your REM sleep. You'll just end up more tired.

Listen to Ayat al-Kursi and remember to repent to the one and only true god Allah.


I have the following recurring dream:

>Wake up
>Curtains are closed but I can see that it light outside
>Look at clock to see the time
>It's early in the AM. I never remember the time, but I know it's early enough that it should be dark
>Approach the window to see why it's light
>Pull the curtains apart to reveal the fireball of a huge nuclear explosion
>Pic related and I wake up

I have seen our future. One day I will remember the time.

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This is the most boomerish/wagecuck er dream I have heard about

not really
its no worse then drinking before you sleep or smoking a cig
its the dream suppression thats the key

smoke weed op
it kills dreaming but if you make a habit of weed before be, the night you stop is the night you get crazy vivid turbo dreams

stop sleeping on your back, I start dreaming instantly if I try to sleep on my back

>I try to climb into a window but there’s a cripple in there learning sign language

Too many times I’ve dreamed of a peaceful night interrupted by a nuke going off over a nearby city. I’m far enough away not to be burned by the gamma rays or fireball, but moments later the blast arrives and I wake up. It’s never scary, just hopeless and sad.

hey OP, I used to have reoccurring nightmares every night that would give me schizophrenic episodes during waking hours. my situation is different but I found it was certain things I did during the day that caused them. In my life, I was watching a lot of porn and cucking a friend with his gf. This was really bad for my mind because I have a girlfriend and it ate away at my mind constantly causing the nightmares.
since cutting contact with those two and quitting porn my nightmares have stopped. you might need to find what's causing them for you. might be stress building up and coming out in your dreams

>tfw nightmares almost every night

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