Hey Jow Forums. 21 years old Pajeet. 63.3 kgs, 5'11"

Hey Jow Forums. 21 years old Pajeet. 63.3 kgs, 5'11".

Wanted some program suggestions to improve my asthetics. Yes, I've read the fucking sticky.

Currently, I just go for a run (3.5-4.5 mph) for about 45 mins, every other day (to get rid of those love handles), crunches, planks and maybe I'll perform a full pushup, if I'm feeling lucky that day.

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Unironically SS

Yeah, figured as much. Gotta do something about those skinny arms.

Not only the arms, everything in his (your?) body looks fucked up.

He can't even do 2 consecutive pushups at 19-20 BMI. That's just sad. On top of that he only does cardio.

post toilet and I will give you good advice in return. now can you do this? Or you giving up alreaddy

Kay Pajeet, here's what you do.

First, catalog your current weight. You will do this on Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m after you have taken your morning shit before you eat/drink anything. Say its 185 pounds.

Next for the entire week (starting that Saturday morning you weighed yourself), you eat only the things you know for sure what the calories are. It could be a bag of chips/crisps,a can of soda, a chicken sandwhich from Mcdonalds, etc.) If you don't know the exact measurement don't eyeball the portion. (If it says 4 ounces cooked, or 1 cup rice cooked, bring out your measuring utensil and measure it out exactly.) Don't worry about anything else, don't even bother running or working out (we'll get to that later). You will write down, every night, what the calories were for that day.

When the next Saturday morning rolls around, 8:00 a.m after you take your shit, weight yourself. Write down the weight and write down the total number of calories you ate for the week.

Say for example you ate 21,000 calories that week, and your weight did not change at all. That means we know for sure you need to eat 3,000 calories a day in order to maintain your current flabby body (21,000 a week/7 days = 3000 k/cal per day). Now, a pound of fat is 3500 calories. So, if you want to lose fat you need to eat 17,500 calories per week to lose a pound of weight.

So, now that we know exactly how much you need to eat in order to gain/lose/maintain weight, now we get into proper macronutrient balance to maintain/grow muscle. The rule of thumb is .75-1 gram protein per bodyweight in ilbs to build muscle per day (depending on activity level). So, if you weigh 195 pounds, you need to eat 150-195 grams of protein per day in order to increase muscle mass. HOWEVER, and this is a big one, you can only absorb at most, 30-40 grams of protein per meal. So, if you only eat 3 meals a day, you will at most absorb 120-160 grams of protein.

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Knock yourself out, user

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>HOWEVER, and this is a big one, you can only absorb at most, 30-40 grams of protein per meal.

False and wrong

>HOWEVER, and this is a big one, you can only absorb at most, 30-40 grams of protein per mea

Gay and Wrongpilled.

read the sticky

Is there a maximal anabolic response to protein intake with a meal?

Nicolaas EP Deutz and Robert R Wolfe

Clin Nutr. 2013 Apr; 32(2): 309–313.

Go to the gym and LIFT THINGS. You don't have to have a perfect routine set up at the very beginning. You don't need to buy the best protein powder and supplements. You don't have to follow a strict diet. Just fucking start lifting. I have a friend who looks very similar to you with the wide hips and stomach + tiny arms. Everytime we go out with him it's just sad because he's so insecure and too afraid to take his shirt off at the beach or pool. Plus, we can't do any remotely physical activity since he refuses to join in. Don't be that guy. LIFT.

Based, can you join a gym? If not unironically start curling household items and do assisted pushups until you can do actual ones. Mostly change your diet to higher protein, stop eating candy and drinking soda. Only water, coffee and tea without sugar or cream.

>3.5 - 4.5 mph


alright, first things first. You need a diet plan.

I have picked out the lowcarb diet for you. Since you lack of muscles but have a bit of fat onyourself. you will be eating about 80g of protein a day and try to keep low on carbs, with vegtables for an example. Or by measuring up ~35g of carbs of pasta or rice.

you can easily get up to 80g of protein with 2 scoops and a bit of meat at lunch and dinner.

as for the workout plan, you will stop running, this wont get you anywhere. You will be lifting heavy weights from now on. First goal should be 1plate bench and 1,5plate squats. you will probably start somwhere around 0,5plate bench and 0,5plate squats.

add some curls, situps, chinups, flies, rows, deadlifts and you're golden. stay in the gym for about 1hour three times a week. Do this for 3months and you will probably dont wanna stop.

This means, Curry-Bro, that you need to eat minimum 4-5 meals a day in order to get the necessary amount of protein to build muscle. An excess amount of protein is fine, Studies say that only when you get near 2-3x gram/lb bodyweight do you experience kidney problems. Adequate protein also helps in recovery and mitigates DOMS.

Secondly, drink water. A whole lot of it. Get a 16 oz plastic bottle and drink it 4 times throughout the day. Water is critical for protein synthesis, metabolism, and many other bodily functions and is crucial to burning fat. Stay properly hydrated.

Next, your meals. What you want to do is plan out your meals with about a 40/40/20 protein/carb/fat ratio. Don't fall for that Atkins diet bullshit of all fats and nothing else, or just go hog wild on protein without carbs. Carbs (now, good carbs, not carbs from a bag of crisps or mashed potatoes and butter, etc. A good rule is if it came from the ground that way, its good to eat. Bread is usually bad, rice is good. Since your indian chow down on rice to your hearts content). Carbs are necessary for proper brain functioning and energy levels so you can build muscle in the gym. No carbs=no energy = no workout time.

Also, get at least 7 hours of sleep minimum. Your body needs time to recover.

As for working out portion, this is what you do.

You do an upper body/lower body split, then you rest a day, then you do it again.

for example:

Upper body
Bench press 3*8-12
Overhead press 3*8-12
Dips 3*8-12
Pull-ups 3*8-12
Deadlifts 3*8-12
Hammer Curls 3*8-12

Lower Body
Squat 3*8-12
Leg Curls 3*8-12
Calf - Raises 3*8-12
Lunges 3*8-12
Ab Exercise
Run 3 miles.

The next day you rest.

This next week after you weigh yourself, you will familiarize yourself with the motions of the exercises focusing on PROPER form and SAFETY. Do not let your ego dictate what you do. You will have 3 minutes of rest in between sets (this is to restore energy and recuperate after lifting).

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I'm 5'10 63kg.

Why do you look so much fatter than I do and bigger than I do?
Granted I do work out.

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>Clin Nutr. 2013 Apr; 32(2): 309–313.

Thank you user, i was going to cite Journal of international society of sports Nutrition's position statement as of 2017, but yours works too.

This rest period of 3-5 minutes is to help build strength. A period of sub 3 minutes is if you want to build size, but comes at a cost of incredible muscle fatigue and overall strength.

This week is to help your body acclimate to working out, since you haven't ever lifted weights by the looks of it, you will have DOMS out the ass. For the next week or two, focus primarily on calorie intake, sleep, and water. Working out is secondary. The body that you want is made in the kitchen, so focus most of your effort on building the habits necessary to develop the physique you want.

After you acclimate for the coming month, you can then start working at it sincerely. At this point, you buy a skin caliper that you can use to determine your overall lean body and fat body mass, and you can youtube how to determine your target body weight to get to a certain body fat percentage to get more defined results.

Some resources you can use are:
Burn the Fat feed the Muscle by Tom Ventuo
Strength Training Anatomy by Frank Delavier
Encyclopedia of Modern Body-Building by Schwarzenegger
Internation Society of Sports Nutrition position statement (free pdf, just google it).

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If no gym or equipment, look up Recommend Routine on leddit but do get a pullup bar. It'll be pretty much essential. There's really no limit to calisthenics. You can do advanced shit and/or add weight vests as you progress.

And also try Couch 2 5k and actually run. Those are brisk walking speeds. You may be able to skip the first week or 2 since you're already doing light cardio.

There is more to it than that, such as which proteins your body cannot synthesize by itself that you need to get from external sources (isoleucine is an example), starchy carbs vs fibrous carbs vs simple vs complex. But at that point you need to read the book by Tom Venuto because i am not that fucking helpful.

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You're either propping up your height or downplaying your weight, I'm 5'10 and looked like a skelly at 65 kg before lifting

But going into actual advice, lift, and don't look back, your bf% is also clearly high, so maybe supplement it with another activity during your rest days, like running, cycling or a martial art (I did Muay Thai for a while before lifting and it served as a great motor and cardio training); and fix your diet

idk who you are user but this is the most based thread i have seen on Jow Forums, please post body to cap off all of this basedness

Are you sure you're only 63kgs?? Your fat distribution is pretty unfortunate. You look similar to me at 80kgs.

You want aesthetics? Run off some of that fat, lift weights for your arms and chest and do some sit-ups for your stomach. No easy way about it.

Running is good, but I think he wants to get a bit more aesthetic. He has super low weight already with 63kg but kinda "skinnyfat". He need to put on some newbimuscles to start looking good. He could do it easily in a couple of months with a bit of dedication to diet and training. OP can lose fat, gain muscles, and gain weight at the same time. This what he should do.

Stop doing cardio chutiye.
Start lifting weight. If you eat meat, start eating more meat. None of that fried stuff. If you can't hit 80g+ protein per day, go to myprotein and order a bag of whey. If you're veg, get that bag of whey.
Count your calories with myfitnesspal. Calculate your TDEE and eat 500 calories less than your TDEE and LIFT. Cut and lift. Faggots here will tell you to bulk, but don't.

>still have tits and a stomach
yikes, are you sure you're 5'11?

Lol faggot that study specifically says eat as much protein per meal as possible because there's no upper limit to protein that can be utilized per meal

Look at his arms. He has no muscle at all. He can't even do 2 pushups in a row. Skinnyfat 101

You didn't read your own study beyond the first paragraph of the abstract

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Damn I have tits and belly just like him and my LEAN mass calculates at 76 kilos while only being 2 inches taller.
Lift and eat as much chicken with curry as possible

Your body reminds me of my skinny fat classmate who always said ''only because someone lifts weights, doesn't mean he's strong you retards'' when we were talking about dudes who lifted and looked strong.
And he was always talking about how skinny he was and that he can eat whatever he wants and not gain weight. He was 5'10 and 140lbs, but he had very skinny arms and fat on stomach.

SS and read the sticky. See ya in 6 months.