Be the best man you can be Jow Forums

Be the best man you can be Jow Forums.

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And there I was thinking marketing couldn't get even more shitty, then we get tokenism.

I don't that what that is and I assume it's something Jow Forums related.
But I agree with the sentiment here. Yes, you gotta be the best. Be stronger, faster, fitter.

It's a Gillette ad that simply says "every guys are culprit of sexual harassement, we need to change that, respect women."
It could have been a great ad but they just tried to make males feel ashamed of someone they don't do, just like every feminist during the last 5 years.

Of something they don't do*

this, the point they wanted to adress was correct but they did it in a terrible way

>every guys are culprit of sexual harassement
Every white guy. Remember noble black man comes to save the day, twice

I just realized that Dr Disrespect has been sponsoring Gillette hard since forever. His character is what is now described as "toxic masculinity", I wonder what he thinks about this whole ordeal?

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I'll be changing my ways, Gillette. I used to rape bitches daily, but ever since this ad came out, I'm #Respecc

Where can I watch this ad without giving ((them)) any views?

Go watch Mad Men.
Women still do the shopping for their husbands in 2019.
This is a commercial by a woman, for women.
How many average joes know what "toxic masculinity" is?
Most if not all of my married friends' wives are veeery familiar with SJW terms and they also do the grocery shopping.

why everybody is mad about this ad?
nobody shaves anymore

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>every guy
its other men in the ad that are leading by example retard

Incels suddenly care about companies doing activist ads just because they are criticizng men lmao why are white men so much more fragile and insecure then everyone else?

most people can't rock facial hair that long

Wow wow, not cool

The ad isn't accusing all men of being sexual harassers, it's pointing out that a lot of men either don't care about the issue or make excuses for the men who do harass others, creating a culture where it is acceptable among men to be sexist. There's no grand conspiracy to take away your dick and masculinity is not under attack. All the ad is saying is "sexism is not ok, enabling sexism is something that happens a lot". If you feel you are not sexist and you don't enable sexism then that's great, the ad isn't talking about you.

Why are people so pissed off at this?

imagine a commercial about non-white men
In which they are portrayed as sexual abusers and rapist and portrays white men as the group that is correcting when they approach their own women
how would you feel?

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>t. street shitter

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fucking faggots are destroying humanity

>I don't that what that

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Well low T beta faggots with no or double/triple chins don't shave for sure

Same reason people would be pissed off with a sneaker ad that told blacks to step in when other blacks were going to rob a 7/11.
Better if it used lots of common white nationalist terms and phrases.

This ad is implying things are wrong that are not (rough play and approaching women) and it does it while dog-whislting bullshit gender theory. Made by an extreme feminist director.

Fuck them. Fuck all of P&G. I will not accept social engineering from corporations.

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As someone with a job and relatively minor insecurities, I really could not care less about this. Yeah, guys probably should call out other dudes being cunts. Was the commercial preachy? Yeah. Who cares?

And the people that are up in arms about it on Twitter are invariably ugly as fuck and weird.

I agree with a decent amount of policy on the right, but you troglodytes are so fucking easy to game. Right after this went up, you had a bunch of idiots with double chins promise to grow a beard to show how manly they are and a few people throwing razors and $25 worth of blades in the toilet/trash.

Good job of completly missing the point about the commercial

Because telling someone that they are "enabling" a negative behavior or "perpetuating a culture where it's acceptable to be sexist," is implying that they are agreeing with or complacent with something they think is a non-issue or even not worth getting into to begin with.
If I believe that not all Men are sexist, and that there are legitimate, genetic difference between Men and Women, such that boys act differently than girls because they are boys, and the response to that is "You're a rape and sexual abuse apologist," then of course I'm going to be pissed. That's a huge leap because it's assumed that the desire to rape and abuse is innately in boys alone or taught to them at an early age, which could not be further from the truth.
A great example is the boys fighting on the ground in front of the grill. To most guys, that's just how we have fun! Unless they where fighting over something stupid, rough housing is just a thing that boys do, but, because our culture is becoming increasingly more female sensative and doing the old public school thing of trying to make young boys act like young girls, people see something that's perfectly natural for boys, and freak out, because they fail to remember that these are children playing, not College age adults raping at a party. They're drawing a false equivalency between "Hey, my kid's a normal kid," and "Holy crap look at that un-adjusted mongoloid who's doing a bad thing," because it's somehow both the fault of the rapist and everyone they're related too, and society as a whole, instead of just the rapist, for committing crime.

I threw my proshield and switching now to hydro 5

fuck Gillette

Not everyone is a low T chinlet like you

I told my friend about this commercial and told him to look it up. He didnt think there was anything wrong with it and said people are overreacting. He said, "its sending a positive message". Have I been brainwashed to hate anything that seems slightly "progressive"?

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while men do have problems with suicide and depression the way to fix it isnt by telling boys to stop playing like boys or to tell men to become literal fags and never talk to women

Fucking snowflakes holy shit. If your masculinity was attacked by an ad, you had none to begin with. If masculinity to you, is beating and bullying and harassing, you had none to begin with. Is the ad virtue signaling? Yep, who gives a fuck. If you're conflating masculinity with being a shit head, sort yourself out. The message was clumsy but clear, masculinity isn't about being a dick to those around you, be better.

Yeah I agree. My friend has major social anxiety too and has problems talking to women. If anything this commercial is telling him to give up entirely

this is in an ad for a tool you use to cut hair off of your face

this, long beards are for redditors

You're making leaps and bounds here.

The kids are fighting over a toy and throwing hands. It's not play; it's a fight. That all the dads are watching and chuckling about. I don't really agree with making that seem terrible, but you shouldn't let those things go like that.

Everything else is catcalling or talking over/patronizing women.

And saying you participate in a culture that allows x does not mean you're an active participant or endorsing that behavior. The message is that inaction leads to the behaviors propagating. Nobody ever adjusts these behaviors without being called out on it.

And I've noticed the biggest pussies are the ones who do it the most/are the most upset by this. My manager does it all the time, and I've called him on it. He has no chin,a woman's hands, and is somewhere around 5'8". You get sick of it eventually.

>Hey user, I'll tell you, I'd love to have five minutes with that new chick
>Yeah Mike? What would you do?
>Oh, you know
>No. I don't. Tell me.
>Well, at any rate, I'm sure she'd love it, bud. Thanks for sharing.

The purpose of this ad campaign is to appeal to women, who are around 30% of Gillette customers.
Maybe Gillette wants to transition into a brand for women so they can charge more for lower quality razors?

THIS! Men need to stop calling each other names like, faggot, retard, small dick, etc. Its fucking toxic as hell. All my friends always hit on women at the bars too and i feel so bad for them lol. I try to talk to those girls and tell them its ok and that they are pretty, also they can do better than my meat head friends.

thank you. I thought I was taking crazy pills. men owe it women and their kids to be better.

>so fucking easy to game
how is losing a company money at the expense of making a poor ad insulting your consumer gaming them?

I rewatched the commercial and never saw a toy in the shots with the kids “fighting” at the grill

This ad is obvious.
This isn’t the first ad of its kind from that feminist anti-male trump-obsessed director either.

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>masculinity is not under attack

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Because they won't lose a single red cent, you mong. All they did was get all the typical right wing talking heads to throw a hissy fit, got people talking about the razors for a week now, and their actual base of customers doesn't give a damn.

By easy to game, I mean it takes almost no effort to rile up the right. And the personalities that yell the loudest are so divorced from reality from pandering to the fervent base, that they have no idea they sound insane to people not waist deep in this shit. They just see:

>Ad for razors encouraging men to be more sensitive, maybe speak up if they see a friend be a creep
>Right wing talking head: "And NOW they want us to all be faggots!"
>Doesn't invest the time to learn every side. Just sees that huge leap because we launched right to chapter 6
>Thinks, "That's the crazy side, I shouldn't agree with them."
>Galvanizes people against the right but the personality who said it gets to continue being the underdog, so they're happy

I don't agree with the left, but they are far fucking better at explaining their points in bite size pieces that your average Joe can understand.

That ad is complete fucking garbage mate, its stupid even
but yeah twitter wars are retarded too but dont come here pretending the ad is right at anything

Im glad, made me move to safety razors and im surprised by how good it is. Looks like it'll save me a tonne of money too. Cheers gillette.

Hello roastie toastie. How's that anavar clit?

The kids obviously aren't just fucking around. They're acting with animus. That's not cool. You break those up if they're in public. The message you're sending isn't "never fight or roughhouse," it's "don't fight like this in public; try and talk it out."

Imagine a drunk dad cheering it on. Now think about how that positive reinforcement affects the kid's perception of risk/reward on fighting. Now watch him get in bar fights all throughout college.

It's a fucking commercial at the end of the day. People can see what they want in that vignette. I saw a clumsy ploy to cash in on the current social sentiments. You saw the end of Western Civilization. I agree with a decent amount of the message, lift, have a job, a gf, and call pick up girls at a bar because I'm not a cunt. The razor company telling me to be nicer didn't really fuck up my life too much, as it doesn't apply to me.

your friend needs a punch in the nape

Had this "campaign" of theirs have any impact? Did they lose money, get money? Something?

>pay marketing company to do a spot about your products
>they turn it into a ideological cringefest
I ain't going to stop "raping" and abusing females because of this ad.

>the ad is right at anything
The ad is right about one or two things. Catcalls are fucking stupid. Guys know they are too, because if you call them on it, they get sheepish and stop. Kids fighting isn't in and of itself a problem. Kids trying to actively harm another and acting out of malice is. A literal mob of kids is chasing one kid in the commercial.

You can still approach a girl at a bar or in public. You just have to do it in a way that isn't demeaning or creepy. It's not that hard.

Also, want to get girls really into you? Do some of this shit in public. I've stopped a group of 12 year old kids picking on another in the subway. You can fucking FEEL the mires from grills. Hit on them with confidence and like you were trying to actually talk; it works.

Being a douche isn't what being a man is.

You sound like someone who is incredibly poorly socially adjusted and never had a childhood. Even 20 years ago it was considered normal for adult men to get into physical scraps at bars or after work, while still remaining friends afterwards. The kids very obviously were just fucking around, even if one of them through a punch, and if you can't tell that you're either a woman, or a man who is so poorly socially adjusted that maybe this ad actually is for you. Maybe you should see the aggression healthy men display in life as morally beyond the pale and check out of being a man entirely. Just commit yourself to your bug person job, dig your little hole in the dirt, and get plenty comfortable as a solitary worker with no real connection to those around you, let alone men who actually are in touch with reality beyond this haze of 21st century impotence. Maybe you just fundamentally lack the virility to engage with men on their own terms? Maybe it's you who is a defective unit instead of all of the other men around you, who you see as problematic for repeating the same basic selection strategies that worked for their ancestors for thousands of generations. They were forged by the evolutionary process into a giant dick, proudly thrusting itself forward into the world, and you sheepishly shrug away as if your father and grandfather didn't do exactly the same, as if that blood doesn't flow through your veins.

Tl;dr if you actually think there is anything wrong with anything any of the men did in this commercial, even the bullying and pinching of that woman's butt, it's you who has been socialized into a culture of impotence, not the men who are displaying their natural and healthy tendencies towards life affirmative action.

>look at a girls ass dont even talk to her
yeah being a faggot isnt what being a man either
this ad is just trying to cash in on the metoo shit and nobody lets kids actually harm eachother

The ad implies most of us are out there cat calling. When I never see it. Like ever.
I’m sure it’s more prevalent in some neighborhoods, but the ad switched the races up anyways.

This. I had absolutely blue pilled friends complaining about it, even though as far as im concerned it wasn't as bad as some ads. It was light on the race mixing push. If it got to the people i know then it got to anyone with a brain cell.

Literally no-one but niggers of the coal and sand variety actually cat calls. A white builder might wolf whistle but no-one cares about that.

>Have I been brainwashed to hate anything that seems slightly "progressive"?

>white people can do no harm!
>only blacks and Arabs do it!
>ok actually whites do it too but it’s ok

Catcalls aren't wolf whistling hence different names you idiot.

>Even 20 years ago it was considered normal for adult men to get into physical scraps at bars or after work, while still remaining friends afterwards
No. It wasn't.

I guarantee you that I work in and have been in more "male environments" than you. I've driven forklifts, done construction, played football, was in a fraternity, currently live with a roommate that is a surgical consult, and am in a pub league for darts. I've been in fights, had a gun pointed at me on several occasions, and I've been the dude pinching asses.

If you need to belittle other people to assert yourself, that's sad. If you're too scared to challenge this sort of stuff, you're a pussy. Which I'd imagine you are from this insane amount of protection.

That's good, man. I see it a lot because I don't live in flyover country. And yes, it's mostly black and Latino dudes doing it. So if chiding minorities in public can get you laid, why aren't you all about this?

Pretty right on hating anything anti-white. Wouldn't be able to fault it.

I can guarantee that you're not nearly as socially successful as you let on, and a good third (if not more) of the girls that you've hit on over the course of your life thought you were a creep even if you were trying your best to be likeable and sincere. Cat calls are not a serious issue, and where they are an issue at all is in neighborhoods that women shouldn't be walking unattended in anyways. Even kids trying to harm each other really isn't a serious issue unless it gets to the point where permanent damage is done. It used to be pretty normal for a kid to learn about the consequences of their actions by picking a fight with someone larger than them and getting the snot beaten out of them. Bad things happen, and not every problem needs to be "fixed" (largely because many things we perceive as problems are well beyond our scope to actually address and it is through overcoming these adversities that we become strong and virtuous people).

I don't care if it makes women uncomfortable to be cat called when they walk alone through black/brown neighborhoods. They should be uncomfortable walking unchaperoned through dangerous areas, and if they don't recognize the danger to their safety posed by doing so, they are unlikely to take adequate steps to protect themselves. Women should feel uncomfortable engaging in intimate behavior with strange men, it leaves them vulnerable in a way that is beyond the ability of the well meaning people in society to protect them. There will always be bad in this world, and it isn't up to you to be the faggot who tells your actually socially capable friend to stop talking to those women. You aren't the hero those girls deserve, and in fact if anything you're doing nothing but reenforcing their irresponsible behavior.

>he’s never seen the stereotypical white construction worker catcall

Greetings from /tv/ with a better razor ad

>I don't agree with the left, but they are far fucking better at explaining their points in bite size pieces that your average Joe can understand.
You almost had me until that last bit.

Remember that video on new york catcalling and it was literally all niggers. Then they said it was part of a series of which the others showed whites did it too.

Then they never released the 'rest' of the series.

>flyover states
Imagine being this much of a conceited faggot to state this irrelevant fact about himself

in that video she walked for like hours and hours and only managed to get like 5 minutes of footage

I live in a rough area and the worst a girl i know reported was some van man saying "bouncy" as she was running past due to her great chest. Meanwhile in a club she literally had a nigger try grab her vagina. Actual harassment is pretty much a subhuman activity.

>catcalling is ok if it’s only a whistle xD
Fuck off. I don’t care if guys do it, but you’re desperately trying to find ways to demonize non whites

Rough play isn't just normal, it's VITAL to a healthy boy's development.
This was the point when I knew it was a feminist behind the camera.

If everyone in the advert was the same race would you guys still have a problem with it?

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Lmao ok. By the way, my white friend got arrested for groping women in public
>.t arab who you think is subhuman

What a seething roastie you are. A whistle is literally nothing, don't be jealous you never got one. Girls are complaining about guys harrassing them, not whistling as they pass.

The trouble with it is as easy as saying "next let's make a video about women's razors saying how women need to take a stand against gold digging and emotional manipulation; we'll say that some are already taking a stand but everyone needs to look into their own lives and see if they're doing enough".

You are right on the second sentence. Tick tock mehmet.

>The razor company telling me to be nicer didn't really fuck up my life too much,
Yeah, mega corperations joining the fight against masculinity is fine. Just keep buying their shit.

Don't you get it? Ads like this are good. It shows blacks positive male role models, that quite frankly most never had being raised by single mothers. You can't expect someone to grow up to be a decent man if they don't see others acting right. Stuff like this helps with that.

>calling out your friends for them bonding with you over a love of pussy

This is why it fundamentally misunderstands men. It's highlighting bonding behaviours (that aren't themselves harmful) as damaging and trying to break them up.

> desperately demonizing non-whites
Nothing desperate about that, would you like crime statistics, iq studies, history comparisons or scientific contribution?

Jesus if i wasn't white or asian I'd just kill myself.

nice anecdote faggot
arabs are waay over represented in sex crimes

You didn't address anything I said, and the only thing you did address is basically by holding your nose and saying "na uh". You can list your "manliness pedigree" all you want, but your response shows you as someone who is fundamentally uncomfortable with male behavior. If you're saying it was never considered normal for men to get in bar fights and scraps and still remain friends, I have no response except to call you a liar. There are still many parts of the country where that sort of thing is common place, and it was pretty normal most everywhere 20 years ago when I was a child watching my cousins and uncles and get in playful scraps with their friends and coworkers. I don't care that you've driven a forklift, you have the soul of a weak willed faggot, and you're calling me a pussy for being accepting as men how they are rather than trying to mold them into a more perfect effete worker unit. You can flex your surgeon roommate all you'd like, you're the pussy for bending to this bullshit.

Nurture lost hard to nature. It's all genetic. Whites orphaned or adopted have good outcomes, blacks adopted into good white families have black outcomes.

Yes, but it's an extra bit of intersectional feminism that white guys are being morally corrected by the most criminal race in the world.

I'm honestly with you on a lot of this stuff, man. But some of it is egregious. Women should take some responsibility, but so should guys. A lot of what this looks at is gray area shit.

Just because you don't see some of it doesn't mean it isn't happening, and that's the main message you're supposed to take away.

You talk about the glory days of fights in the school yard like it's such a fucking bygone era that imparted so much wisdom. I fought in school. When it was warranted. There's never going to change. But unchecked aggression is a terrible thing to foster.

And I know I'm incredibly socially acclimated, as I'm paid to be. I live in a major metro because I'm liason between a huge corporate entity and a bunch of municipalities that aren't particularly fond of us. I smooth all that over.

Have I been shot down at a bar? Absolutely. Did some girls think I was creepy? Maybe, but never on the opening, and I've legit been introduced to friends by accepting that she's not interested.

Maybe the Muslim ones. Also remember Brock Turner. Many such cases.

You sound painfully american


now he's cheating on the RULES too?
:cd: Clap

Because irl the people catcalling women in the street are mainly non white males, the add protraying white men harrassing women on the street and BLACKS OF ALL FUCKING PEOPLE telling them its not cool.
It insults the intelligence of everyone who has ever seet a foot outside.

Nope, all arabs are overrepresented. It doesn't vary based on their religiosity in western nations. It's an arab trait, not Muslim in so far as there's a distinction.


what does any of that have to do with shaving?

I wouldnt know I dont live in america we dont have blacks here but dudes are still catcalling

Jews don't have vast overrepresentation is feminist figures because they don't like men, it's specifically white nations they hate and are ultimately targeting white men, feminism is a tool in that as it weakens men, demoralized them, reduces birthrates, increases left wing politics and increases depression.

In media they only encourage non white men to be seen as masculine and praiseworthy, whereas the same traits are bigoted and old if seen in white men.

Yeah I’m a Christian Arab and I’m actually only half so I recognize that many Arabs are a problem in western countries. Just sucks that I look like the ones that are terrorists. People always mention how I look like the Boston bomber.

>If you're saying it was never considered normal for men to get in bar fights and scraps and still remain friends, I have no response except to call you a liar.
In some instances, yes. Dude, the last bar fight I was involved in saw one of my friends shot in the hip. That wasn't cool. The last bar fight I "saw" I had to push the four guys going at it out of my way so the scuffle didn't run into my girlfriend. A pint glass was broken on the ground, and one of the guys was thrown onto it. He went to the hospital in handcuffs. But yeah, it's cool. This shit has always been around; you're right. But the people involved in it have always been looked down upon because it's fucking stupid. Bar fights are not "mutual affrays" where two guys square up and then the winner buys the other guy a beer. What fucking sitcom did you learn that from?

>There are still many parts of the country where that sort of thing is common place, and it was pretty normal most everywhere 20 years ago when I was a child watching my cousins and uncles and get in playful scraps with their friends and coworkers
I'm aware. I'm in one of those places. I wrestle with friends regularly and I've broken my friend's nose by fucking around. I'm saying there's a difference between that and what you're saying.

boston bomber wasnt an arab im pretty sure

Half human, what a deliriously sad fate.