How long do you wait after eating before lifting?
How long do you wait after eating before lifting?
2 hours
I plan about 1 hour
This is the safest option.
About 1 hour, and then 10min before workout i eat a banana
45-60 minutes. At least one hour on a heavy squat/deadlift day, but I’ll be a bit more relaxed on an upper body day
I bring ~1 L milk with 1 scoop protein and ~1 tbsp BCAAs to gym. Start drinking ~30 min before lifting, drink sparingly during workout along with my water, and finish after lifting.
I lift at the gym at work and don't eat anything else until dinner. Days I'm not lifting are OMAD.
>drinking milk before and during lifting
Absolutely why
energy. That's my breakfast basically which I normally don't eat. Preworkout nutrition is more important than postworkout anyway.
>Not working out fasted
Disgusting, when someone's drinking whey at the gym they stink up the place like a motherfucker. I hope you get dirty looks next time you're necking your hormonal dairy shake.
>not going to the gym fasted
>making it
pick one
It's one scoop diluted in a liter of milk. it doesn't smell, and it's in a 2L double wall SS bottle so it stays cold.
And I work out at our gym at work, so I'm there alone.
i eat super light 2 hrs before and pig out when i get home. it's the best way to overcome my skelly appetite
how the fuck is it even possible to wait this long? none of you lift in the morning
>wake up at 06:15
>eat around 06:30
>drive to gym at 06:45
>start lifting at 07:00
how the fuck do you manage to wait 2 hours after eating before you're gonna do something? fucking lazy fucks
I have 3 taco salads every day and I work out on my bow flex machine from 2:15 to 2:30 central time. This gives me time to take a bath before my afternoon programs start.
Waking at 5am is pretty normal.
Protein shake and a banana then a litre of water for breakfast.
Read a book, do a warmup and jog 5 miles to the gym.
Lift at like 7am then take the bus home.
Shower then drive to work.
In bed by 8pm for a nice /comfy/ sleep
how about if you work
>dont't eat anything else until dinner
>that's my breakfast
wut ?
About an hour if it's a carb heavy meal, 30-45 minutes if it's lighter.
>milk pre/intra/post workout drink for breakfast
>fast until dinner
>wut ?
He just said he works dumbass. If you want to get fit you need to make sacrifices. Stop playing your dumb ass vidya, go to sleep early and wake up early to hit the gym. It’s not hard, especially if you work. Just manage your time and make sacrifices.
30-90m depending on my work schedule.
Can't lift heavy at my 100%, if i'm fasted
This user is amazing
I cant fall asleep at 8-9pm at all
I couldn't imagine waking up that early and going to the gym at 5am. Truly amazing will power
Wish I could get my shit together like this
Truly amazing work
I drink a smoothie on my way to the gym. If you mean big meal, 3 hours
As long as it takes to drive to the gym.
I typically just eat 2 eggs with some toast for breakfast and a protein shake with like 2 cups of milk and 3 scoops of protein to wash it down with. Then I start driving to the gym and chug my pre workout and creatine on the way there
usually 6-10 hours, sometimes more
Not them, but I thought that I "couldn't" fall asleep until like after midnight, but then one time I went to bed at around 8 and instead of looking at my phone like a retard I tried to read or did something else that I didn't need to blast light directly into my eyes for. Turns out that I can fall asleep between 8 and 9 and wake up naturally like 5 am well rested and happy. Also if you live somewhere with short days this could improve your mood a lot as you get to see more daylight. Also also different people crave different amounts of sleep. If you're 18 you probably want to sleep like 10-12 hours,
Damn bruh where is the social time in all this
7 hours I work out after work and before dinner
90 min
Like 30 minutes to a couple hours. I usually take extra caffiene before lifting also
He doesn't have any friends or a gf. I've considered doing this routine for max health and gains but what is the point if you have nothing in your life?
>socializing in 2019
I just shitpost from my phone and watch TikTok clips.
you posted the shopped version
What's the point at all?
I can't get into tiktok it's too fuckin newage. It's like a not-as-good vine
I would kms I need down time, at least some vidya with friends or drinks after work or something
Who cares, but probably between 5-8pm
>Needing other people
>why arent you lazy fucks keeping with my dumb schedule
listen dumb fuck if youre not able to organise your time as best as possible thats your fucking problem
must be a fucking manlet kys my man
>1 scoop protein
>1 tbsp bcaa
you absolute fucking brainlet protein is a complex structure composed of amino acids
stop wasting money
somewhere between the time it takes to drive to the gym and 8 hours