How much you need to mew for this

how much you need to mew for this

Attached: Golden retriever puppy kisses.webm (360x360, 656K)

Other urls found in this thread:

3 years + gum chewing

>tfw I've never felt so genuinely happy like the dude in the webm does

Delete this right fucking now

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getting licked by a dog is gross as fuck, dogs eat their own shit - they are disgusting
not jealous of this guy at all

1qt dog + 1qt gf
>tfw have 2 dogs and a wife and it's the two dogs I have doing this to me at once, not my wife and one of them

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Can someone come kill me you can have my ps4

Wife is doing it to but on tyrones cock

Fuck you man

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white people


who's filming

Jesus christ, this is what i lift for bros

PS4 is shit bro make it a one x and I'll kill you right now.

the girl will leave him in a year or less
the dog will stay

take the dogpill lads

the girl will cheat on him with the dog

the dog is not black so I doubt it

how many pounds must one lift in order to get this

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she is fat now so not much

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You know those 5 pound dumbbells that roasties lift? Yeah that.

prove it


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fuck the girlfriend just gimme two dogs

hot, I miss going to /b/

>that tummy
is it really a trap lads? I need to question myself if thats true

>tfw nogf and dog died

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Only small retarded dogs do this

Fuck this place. Nu-fit just makes me depressed. Goodbye forever. p.s. if you still enjoy Jow Forums you are ngmi

Loyal dog or loyal gf? Which one, Jow Forums? You can still have the other, but it won't be loyal.

good also rope your way out only chads are allowed here not beta pussy's

dam, 4channers be having the most negative attitudes. op webm just made me smile

Chad doesn't browse fit

projecting this much

It really hurts anons...

No, she just waits until the dogs are gone and then I fuck her in every hole.

most pathetic post in this thread

I'm serious. This place kills you inside. Everything is bait like this for depressed guys. I've learnt all I can from this shit hole, but the bait is just too much.

imagine getting triggered and baited from posts on a mongol papyrus posting website never gonna make it


Depression is the first state someone experience browsing Jow Forums, after that you transform into an immoral nihilistic cold hearted kickass motherfucker

Stop pls :-;

w-when does it change user?

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maximum cope


>tfw you will never feel so genuinely happy like the dude in the webm does

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lol sure thing bud
are you 15?


Its easy to fake in picutres
I experience this on a daily basis and it gets old quick

Id rather be out fucking randoms than that desu, the dog is a perk however

Do you guys think she gets cuckqueaned by the dog? That'd be a pretty funny thing if she did haha.

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wait what? isn't that a recent meme? how did she put on 30kg and aged like 10 years in couple of months? Is it really the same girl? Looks nothing like her

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After 10 years. You may speed up the process if you browse truly hardcore and degenerate boards like b, pol, r9k and mlp

I don't know. All i know i've been browsing Jow Forums since 2015, back then i was a depressed teen who find refuge on this site. After countless rekt videos i realized how fragile human nature is, we are not immortal, we are not gonna live forever we bleed and day like the rest of the animals, also back then i used to make r9k type threads but Jow Forums doesn't care about your feelings, no one is gonna pat you in the back and tell you special you are, he is gonna call you a faggot, a weak incel. All this degeneracy, the brutal reality Jow Forums makes you to see can be truly liberating and empowering if you are smart enough to understand that world is not sunshine and rainbows.
I remember watching a rekt video in front of my gf and laughing while see was in complete owe and disgust

Yes it's him

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I've been here since 2017. 2019 has had the biggest influx of bait threads like this. Not even bloat lord or boomer memes but pure bait. I hope a good meme comes out of here soon or I'm gonna an-hero.

>op wont delete this
>jannies are in on it and wont prune the thread

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It's called make up, you dunce

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Unironically projection.

What games you got?

>Five minutes of pure joy.
>24/7 dealing with insecurity, neuroticism and emotional rollercoasters.
>15 years cleaning dog shit.

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any games included?

You guys do know that mewing basically just means breathing through your nose and keeping your stupid mouth closed right?

Everyone acts like you have to chew leather 30 hours a day or something so you give up and continue living with your gaping maw like a fucking mongoloid


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that's the joke faggot

i feel bad for the little man
there is no mog more brutal than this

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can you please delete this

>the grapes are sour

We are 4channelers though

actually true and not cope

I just became hitler


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Other way around for me, except it was my fiancee

This but unironically

haha oh wow imagine someone actually liking you more than ''that nice guy that shows up sometimes''

Fuck man, how?

>tfw not even 'that nice guy that shows up sometimes' level

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I'd like the girl to do that but dogs are disgusting. Who cares if they're cute, they do eat shit.


i do wish i had the girl tho


yeah americans dont give a fuck about hygiene, they walk with outside shoes inside the house too

She looks cute

watch the video this user posted. it's actually a girl...

Car accident. She was on the phone with her mom talking about our wedding cake we picked out. A part of me doesn't want to cancel all the reservations we made. Like there's still a chance she'll come home.

Whoa you got me there bro, guess I'm REKT.
Seriously, I didn't imply relationships are not worthy, just saying if you are in for the snapshots of fun and joy you gonna have a rude awakening. It's a sacrifice we outta make to pay forward for our privilege to be in this world. That's why childless couples, gay or straight, who "parent" dogs and cats, are the scum of humanity.

I'm still convinced it's a man.

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>i've been browsing Jow Forums since 2015
you've just barely hit the "i'm allowed to post now" mark

>I've been here since 2017
lurk moar before posting. jesus fucking christ, newfags.

Sorry dad

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shit like that shouldn't happen, fuck this gay earth

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you dodged a bullet. marriage is a trash life. you can thank the jews.

i've been here for ~15 years now (kill me) and it's hard for me to imagine that there are anons posting right now that didn't experience the culture shift from chanology and etc.