Lifting for anything besides Jesus

>lifting for anything besides Jesus
Never gonna make it.

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>not lifting for Odin

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>lifting for a kike

What should I lift for Jesus? I always thought he carries the cross himself?

>gets btfo by a couples of hebrews

Pagan filth

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>believing (((their))) lies
Never gonna make it.

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My soul belongs to Jesus.

You are correct, but striving to emulate Christ and his teachings will place you closer to God.

Good man.

>worhsipping a dead kike on a stick

European gods teach us honour, to better ourselfs and become stronger

Heil Odin

dubs speak the truth

based and Bible-pilled

>European gods teach us honour, to better ourselfs and become stronger

They sure were some remarkable Gods to have the whole of Europe abandon them en mass for our TRUE Lord and savior.
>tfw you realize you're worshiping Gods that were c u c ked

The gods are still here.

Just look at Catholism, its full of pagan elements. We never truly abandondem them even though we dont realise it. They still live in us.

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>lifting for a marvel character

it's the animalistic leftovers and they need to be purged with iron body and pure soul

Odin was actually a fuckin selfish bitch

> lifting for some pussy who’s father was a cuck
> lifting for some pussy who couldnt even defend himself
> lifting for some weak bitch who got crucified
Man no wonder you christians are such pussies

They cant be purged because they are part of us.

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Allfather bless your gains, brahs.

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macciavelli said that prophets that don't use swords won't see their faith prevail (for instance his case Savonarola and Mohammed) - now that christianity is weak and liberal, guess how fast it falls apart.. sort of a Rome parallel, I guess.

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>actually lifting for odin

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this guy gets it

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>slave morality
Fucking vile. Free yourself.
Reply to this post "I UNBIND MY SOUL" or else you are CURSED


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this I have published this little book, so that I might be found among those who
opposed such poisonous activities of the Jews and who warned the Christians to be on their guard
against them. I would not have believed that a Christian could be duped by the Jews into taking
their exile and wretchedness upon himself. However, the devil is the god of the world, and
wherever God's word is absent he has an easy task, not only with the weak but also with the
strong. May God help us. Amen.

Listen carefully, hard Science...
1:58:16 to 1:58:38

Scientific method
First 50 min of each


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I do it for all the deities of europe

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I mean, he does a good job mowing my lawn and such, but i wouldn't say i lift for him

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Good goy, pray to our Jewish boy so we own your soul as much as we own your money

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