How do little "men" cope ?

how do little "men" cope ?

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With no hope in his soul, a nope to his life, and a rope on a tree.

they roid?

As long as you're not sub 5'8" you're probably okay. You still have access to girls that are 5'4" and shorter. That said my wife is taller than you and we make fun of how short you are when you're out of earshot.

>mfw 5'8

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Is it sadder to be a manlet or get jealous of one?

Could it be that dyel lanklets make these threads to cope?

By being 6'1, it's the middle class, tall ones are weary and small ones are afraid. Do not fuck with this height class ever.

Correction: They aren't men.

I don't . I'm barely hanging in.

I've given up completely on relationships. I can barely even walk around any more without feeling like throwing myself into traffic. It is horrific seeing girls walk aorund and knowing that you will never have the opportunity to make them feel feminine and small when you hold them.

Being a short Male is like having down syndrome except if you say it sucks to be this way everyone just mocks you tells you to be yourself, saying that complaining about this issue proves you deserve to have it.

It is terrible having absolute confidence that my life will end in a suicide.

We don't give a shit, and wo does is a pathetic waste of space

i can't make myself taller so i make myself wider

Actually, its lanklets (over 6'7") who have to roid to get any meaningful gains
t. 6'6" King of manlets

/lgbt/ here, i'd just like to say that if any cute short guys want to go on girl hormones we will gladly accept you

how short are we talking, no memes

i'd rather be a faggot to the eyes of men than a faggot to the eyes of faggots

Why don’t you just be a super hero or something? You can be “The Manlet” and run around with an M on your chest and beat up black guys. If you’re going kill yourself you might as well do it pretending to be a caped crusader.

We made it fren

5'7" here
A tall person told me my height and proportions provide me an optimal range of motion for power lifting
That's the only validation I'll ever need
I hope being taller than me brings you as much potent joy, bro

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>im 5'8
>have a 5'11 fiancee


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>Lanklets will never lie on their tall GFs lap and suck her titties while she jerks them off.

I pity them.

Hahaha holy fuckin based.

>>Lanklets will never lie on their tall GFs lap and suck her titties while she jerks them off.
holy fuck that sounds hot lmao

they give no fucks

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i had a taller gf i thik bout 2 inches for a year, it was truly a blessing to lay on her.

we dont. bald at 5'3 and im going to kill myself within the next year because i look ridiculous no matter what i do. i wish i couldnt feel anything

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from my experience, the super-tall women don't actually care about height. Maybe it's because they subconsciously know that they're so tall that even with a manlet, they would still produce tall children or something. Maybe it's because being taller than the majority of men makes them not care, because otherwise their dating options would be nonexistent. Maybe it's because they're just used to being taller than everyone anyway.

Paradoxically, it's the shortest women who seem to care the most. It's the little womanlets doing the whole "you must be at least 6'2 blah blah blah swipe left" shit. Again, from my personal experience.

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I'll go ahead and tell you that no tall women care about picking a tall guy so their kids can be tall.

I feel you man, I'm 5'9 too

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That's not what I said. I said it could be a SUBCONSCIOUS tendency. Same reason we subconsciously find certain traits more attractive almost universally because they signify good genetics/health.

Olivier Richters is like fucking 2,18m what's your point? Dude on the right is most likely 5'9"-6' which is average

>The 5'7 :(
Is it over for me?

where did you meet him?

just get one, you have absolutely no excuse

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Fuck I have this old college picture of this turbomanlet wrestler teammate sitting on one of the volley ball girls laps making out with her. I’m gonna find it and post it on here.