>dry look
>boulder delts
>receding hairline
and retards still think he's natty LOL
Dry look
this is easily achievable natty with a good program and solid diet in 6-8 months you loser dyel
Dude is in his 30s and been training 2+ h every day , also prob top 2-5% genetics.
Post your body
lmao just do SS and you’ll look like this
>thinking this is true
You're a fucking idiot if you don't think hes on anything
hope you wwe shills are getting paid well
He's also clearly an egomaniac from the way he's treated Alex yet Jow Forumsizens still suck his dick and think he'd never lie just because he's charming.
Leave the hairline outta this the man is 30. I see way worse ones on my uni campus daily.
Gr8 b8 m8
eric is like that kid thats funny at first but soon you realize hes a psychopath and obnoxious
I think judging by how much hes focusing on ohp recently, this picture is probably the best his delts have ever looked and hes full pump.
the worst part of bulking is how it always takes your facial asthetics down at least 2-3 points
>LOL easily attainable without gear
>just train for 6-7 months with GOMAD, vertical diet and you will look like that DYEL?
Fuck off he has most likely taken steroids and is just cruising. Since the coming of the internet somehow that 1% people talk about has become the new 50%, almost everyone who looks like this today is on steroids.
>there are people who seriously believe this nigga is natty
i know this thread is bait but anyone who thinks he's on gear is a retard
>receding hairline
probably hair transplant shills
Ericfags are fucking delusional
he literally refers to himself as juicedelhagen in his 1/2 foot chest pump video
gear or no gear (probably the former), he's an absolute unit. I'm actually in awe of how thick, tight, and solid he looks here
Daily reminder that Judenhagen is the biggest scheming snake in the online fitness industry. Just look at his treatment of Alex from AlphaDestiny
Speaking of Alex, does anyone else think he’s really hot?
Femanon here, I just want him to spot me in his arms as I squat
He's cute.
Like a doll or an action figure.
his physique looks pretty much the same from 2 years ago and his hairline is the same, stop with these retarded threads
We’ve reached schizoposting of the next dimension. Take your meds alex
I only wish for you, and every imbecile out there that believes that all these douches like Jeff Seid or Mike O'Hearne or whatever are natty, I only hope you actually one day make it natty and look like them.
It's the mirror. His face is wider too.
everyone ive known like this is half asian half white
Tbf he is not at all sub 10%
Fuck, you're all describing me. (But I'm really just 1/4 Korean)
Isn't Natty and fakes his lifts. Content seems aimed at insecure teens.
How so? Alex is constantly promoting people to buy his shit advice because he would never do an average 9-5 job, as he said. The only thing I got from Eric videos is to stay natty and lift hard.
He's been lifting heavy for almost 20 years. His lifts are not even that impressive for someone who focused strength for at least 15 years...If you actually look at him in the videos where he's not under that heavenly lightning, he looks normal.
seems to be on something post surgery. eric pre-injury = superior and natty
his recent flat bench series is sus
Actually it's called having elite genetics and training since the age of 15
Uh oh.
>Just prohormones
Big deal I've done a cycle of prohormones and kept my gains idk what the fuck he's talking about
it's 2019 and everyone is fucking balding like crazy without even seeing steroids in the first place and you think it's somehow an indicator of anything? kek
>lost it all
Absolute lie, once his test levels bounced back to baseline the increased androgen receptors in the muscles, CNS adaptation to higher weights and muscle memory in general led to him getting just as strong as on cycle
>after words
It’s nothing new, you’re just noticing it because it’s your age group.
>haha guys i started taking s o y protein so if i get gyno its probably just that lmao
why does anyone listen to him anymore
Roids dont turn you into Dorian Yates you idiot. Theres such a thing as doses.
Did he actually say this?
>being big and shredded and deadlifting lmao 7 pl8 is achievable natty in 6 months.
Actual retardation. I think its possible Eric is Natty. Possible. But if he is he's a genetic godsend AND he's trained a long ass time in some weird ass ways.
The only way the guy's gotten where he has is over a long ass time and training with an insane amount of intensity in unique ways.
Bro this t easily natty achievable bro. All u gotta do is 10 minutes of ab wheel a day bro. Also eat like 50 grams of protein bro. No higher though bro u gonna get liver cancer bro. Oh that dude benching 2 pl8s? Yeah he is juicing bro I'm telling you bro. Oh hey don't skip leg day bro. Yeeaaap Bros don't let Bros skip leg day bro haha yeeap high five bro wooo
God damn it Alex
damn, that hairline cope, I did the same thing for a long time, grew out my hair so I could sweep it over my receeding hair.
>he wasn't roiding 2 years ago
Can somebody post the dancing gif
What happens when anons start hitting their mid/late 20s and experience hair loss for the first time, as many anons on Jow Forums now are, they become hyper-aware of hairlines far beyond what normal people do. Women and non-balding men don't immediately analyze men's hairlines and scrutinize the corners of their temples to determine everyone's Norwood score, but baldies do. And this overanalysis results in them being downright loony about things, to the point where the most insignificant thing becomes "LOL BALDING RIP IN PIECES"
>to the point where the most insignificant thing becomes "LOL BALDING RIP IN PIECES"
I know myself that I scan the entire surrounding looking at hairlines, a quick glance over people's heads tells me everything, I can tell when someone is already struggling before they probbaly notice it themselves, I can easily tell right away if someone tries to hide it by styling his hair a certain way, I can even tell more less if a hairline seems to just have matured or if it's aggressive hairloss and the poor fuck will be bald next time I see him in a year or 2
I remember how clueless about hairloss and hairlines I was as a child, whenever I saw some balding dude I didn't really understand that he was balding unless he shaved his head, I would always think he just has a shitty hairstyle and Zayn Malik's hairline is just a matter of a good haircut
oh boy how things change
>femanon here
Yeah right, then I guess this file wouldn't upset you or anything
>I've taken something in high school/college, almost like IGF-1 roids
>but I took it ONCE
>it just still has effects on me, I SWEAR
>also guys, I'm trying a soi protein diet
>if I grow bitch tits, I SWEAR IT'S THE SOI
>I swear guys, I'm not roiding
Lmao, anyone believing this nigga is natty is out of their fucking mind.
He's a manipulative egomaniac.
>claims insane weight on oddlifts
>never shows floor
>lifts become weak as fuck while recording videos with jujimufu
It's not a coincidence.
this. He is a complete and total fraud. I can't believe anyone could possibly believe he's natty.
why does he have to show the floor?
Why doesn't he show the floor? It's because he doesn't want to show that he is actually recording videos on the moon to make the weights lighter. The "weight" shown is less than 17% of the supposed Earth weight.
No he just said he was experimenting with s o y isolate he never mentioned possibility of gyno
How was he weak when trainingwith juji? Hes been recovering from a torn acl for awhile now
His hair isn't receding lmao. I do agree though, I don't think he's natural anymore. He probably was in his old videos but not now
Who cares? Steroids rule
No his physique is totally different. Before he had that "fluffy" kinda look where he looked strong and athletically lean but not dry or ripped. Now he's got that dry and full look at all times. He probably started messing with shit when he all of a sudden made massive upper body gains and said it was from his new "bodybuilding" training
I agree on him most likely being a fake natty but I don't think he fakes lifts at all.
>rack pulling 1,100 pounds on insta
Pick one
Every NCAA d1 wrestler roids hard (I am one of those D1 cheaters ),probably he juiced since high school like us in iowa
Wait, you're telling me Jeff sied isn't natty???
>thinking a rack pull of any amount of weight is impressive
50 % natty
>he never mentioned possibility of gyno
he absolutely did
I’m sure we’d all love to see you try even half that weight
the good ol 6-x months meme
Can confirm. Did six months of SS and GOMAD and look exactly like this. As the hollywood actor saying: "Eat clean, train hard and sleep a lot."
He’s natty, but took a type of steroid for 2 weeks when he was 21.
He doesn’t have a receding hairline, but he is also 6’1” and 230 lbs, and has been lifting for 20 years, and can ohp 260lbs
Nice one, retard
after words
For someone who has lifted for 20 years, this looks natty.
>elite genetics
>not super lean (but quite lean)
>not super vascular
>huge pump
>good lighting
>lifting every day for years
This isn't what he walks around looking like retards. Ever looked at yourself in a mirror with a sick pump + downlighting and thought jesus I look good, only to go back to looking like a natty lifter after a few hours? Well now imagine that except you've got the natural talent to be a D1 athlete and you're a highly motivated freak who does Bulgarian style training aka brutal intense workouts every day.
Reminder that "looking natty" and merely having a body that isn't IMPOSSIBLE to achieve without steroids is a really shitty test of whether or not someone has used steroids.
Remember that 1 percent of men 18-34 use steroids. Once you start focusing on actually fit people that are at the gym, you're at 10-20%+. If you start looking at people whose popularity and careers are dependent on their bodies (actors, fitness personalities, etc) what do you think the rates are at? I'd put it at 80%+. You may put it lower, but the point is if your test is so insensitive as to only dub pro-bbers as steroid users you're not going to be very accurate.
Fuck off.