Nofap day 19

who still in

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Other urls found in this thread:

What does this have to do with fitness

kys kike

Me. Modern western civilization was a mistake.

>downloaded this video

never gonna make it

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Still here, but what even.

Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?


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Not gonna make it.

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>that pic
>doesn't realize Jow Forums is filled with gay guys who have low self-esteem

This video is kinda gross

Just masturbate goyim

Well we clearly know this is a Jow Forums thread.

Not fitness, fuck off

So far I have on fapped 5 times in 2019. I've already failed nonutnineteen but I can still keep my nut count as low as possible

This bitch needs SS+GOMAD. I'm not even into thicc nigger bodies, but her thighs are just gross

You kill yourself. OP pic and thread is clearly trying to break peoples nofap streaks and get them to fail. Why else would be post erotic material in a fucking nofap thread you literal colossal nosed heeb fuck.

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Haven't fapped since before NNN 2018.
Most of you won't be able to abstain without the power of God, good luck though. I also manage to cut down sexual thoughts before they get a chance to become a conscious thought.

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Guys I'm confused, I'm on day 11 of nofap and my dick is in complete hybernation mode. I don't wanna fuck or jerk off or anything. Should I look up lingerie to get myself horny or just keep to the goal(1 month) even though it feels too easy?

I'm on day 19 and the same. I get myself going momentarily just to make sure its all still functional, all good still. Amazing though how little I think about women though.

Two 4/10 white chicks softcore dyking out for the camera?
And are probably dyking out off of the camera but it's okay because they're totes straight and only experimenting but no they won't let a guy join in?

This is what gay broads use to try and buy positive feefees from men and sucker straight dumb girls into lesbianism


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>how little I think about women
I don't think that's normal, and that's what's worrying me. My goal was to get the drive to go after women, but instead I don't even care

going through a fucking flatline right now

day 2 :'(

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still here.

who is this skinny whore?

haha. gross!

Cool meme, thanks



Goddammit Jesus move! I'm trying to look at a thot!

I feel nothing for sluts.

Jesus failed her ass is still very visible

bout to start

Day 111 here

I’m not sure if I’ll ever go back. This is literally a cheat code to increase test and libido.

>increased libido
for what use?
t. incel

based. thank you jesus

Today I failed......

Jesus christ someone kill me, I don't even know why I'm doing this anymore, because I don't even want women anymore and I have a permanent salty attitude. All I do is work my job so I can quietly eat, lift and sleep. All day long. I've even turned down invites to go out or go in vacations and shit. I've became obsessed with numbers: best lifts, most days on nofap, grams of protein, calories, grams of food, macros, resting in between sets, rest days, dates.

>thought she had a dick
>it was a bottle

>I've became obsessed with numbers
no, you have depression. stop trying to make it look like some kind of motivation bravado bullshit and go outside you autistic faggot

Sacred and holypilled

I really want to look at some bimbos bros

this video was fuckin cringe kys

I fapped like 7 or 8 times yesterday after a 5 day streak. My longest was 15 days. I have to be talking with some girl to make a good streak otherwise I get too horny and lonely.

Aren't women pathetic?

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i get laid weekly my dude

Isn't no upper lip a sign of FAS

why is this so fucking aggrivating

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Quick reminder that she makes over 150k per m o n t h for existing

I hate this world so fucking much.

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Having a daughter is the ultimate and final cuck


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is this shit even work it?
didn't fap since last sunday and last night i came while sleeping... what's the point?

Day 22 here anons. Stay strong. Disregard THOTS, acquires WILL POWER

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Daily reminder that no fap is retarded. You should be no porn and fucking your wife without contraception to have 12 aryan offspring


reminder that this thot earns more than you ever will and dosnt need to play tax since shes a britbong

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More like thirsty men donate their hard earned money for nothing, don't hate the player hate the game kinda situation.

Just amazed no one has robbed her yet.

>break in after a stream
>transfer money to foreign bank account
>hide body
>leave to third world shit hole
>withdraw all money in cash
>move to different third world shit hole
>live like a king for the rest of your life

It's worked before

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you aint very smart eh pal ?

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based tim sharkey poster

How Pikachu. Tell me
I am religious too

Jesus christ. One of the weirdest consequences of the internet is the knowledge that beta males will straight-up give money to women for basically nothing in return

youre literally repressing your sexuality?
wew lad its only going to come back with a vengance

if u dont use it u lose it retards


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It's called controlling it you fucking degenerate faggot.

God Bless you, user.

Its also a sign of being a honkey


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>somebody calls someone else a jew
>muh Jow Forums boogieman
nigger that's just a thing people say on the internet. try r/fitness if you want a safespace

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i go outside every day when there's sunlight and it's not too cold, nigger. 20 minutes of laying on my stomach and 20 minutes on my back with my bathing suit on, kike

>failed on day 3
>longest streak prior was 9 days

never gonna make it, brahs :(

Cause she really reaally finds herself attractive and funny and a bunch of losers give her all the attention she asks for

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There has never EVER if the history of this pics existence(mine) been a more important and relevant time to post it.

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Man. I really hate dating with the current stand of women. They're either disgusting dopamine chasing sluts or "omg im so quirky."

A nigga is really gonna die alone out here.

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Current state*

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I aced NoFapNovember.
It didn't really do much of anything.
Fap in moderation.

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Thank you Based Breker.

Really gets my noggin joggin
Now I want to go for a run and deadlift. Too bad I'm at work :(

Day 223 here. You guys can do it, just don't watch porn, it makes it much easier.

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>addiction to porn is now considered your sexuality by porn addicts

The fuck is this degeneracy?

Day 21. Had blowjob about a week ago and it was pretty good. Other than that I don't really think about fapping that much anymore.

Kotel of text

>only Jow Forums hates the jews
Umm.. no.. rabbi sweetie

wrong, kike


how does anyone do no fap on this fucking board? as soon as i see a slightly pretty white girl with thot makeup on as a thumbnail i get a legit instant boner...

Ignore them. If you can't, just make sure that you NEVER have a hand on your crotch. Things escalate pretty quickly from there on.

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I do to but I just resist the urge.

What benefits have you experienced?

I don't care about women that much, I'm not horny 24/7 so I can focus on other things, because of that, I can pay attention for longer periods of time, read faster and lift more. but I'm not entirely sure if it's more of a correlation than a causation thing, prob a mix of both (I've changed a lot of my habits during this time), maybe it's just placebo effect, I feel overall better.

Also, I'm more talkative to women, I still have a hard time having a normie conversation with the people at uni that doesn't evolve into games or politics, but I'm trying my best.

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right there with you buddy, but this is my time, and it will be yours. if you fail you get the fuck up and keep going, no excuses

Just had to move my bowels
Was straining at the end, not really paying attention
>suddenly there's a large dollop of semen under my dick and a bit still stuck to the tip?

Wtf? Is my Vas Deferens so full of semen that it's getting forced out when I take a dump?