What's your favorite bulk meal?

What's your favorite bulk meal?

Attached: 1546572525608.webm (640x800, 2.95M)

That looks like a horse trampled on it for 30 mins.

Taco salads

and I meant the steak, not Ribery's face.

fucking hell that looks nice

Wait, did Ribery fucking track down the salt meme guy to make a video with him?


Everyone want piece of fame. Even medicore soccer players.

downie this turk has multiples luxury restaurants in the world

This. The likes of Federer and Beckham have been at his restaurants before the meme.

heh heh heh

This guy is a tremendous faggot.

Takes one to know one.

Why all the gold? Just for the sake of making it more expensive?

I always liked Ribery and the way he plays the game.

I always hated him
>raised by nuns
>converts to islam

>not supplementing with gold

never gonna make it

disgusting if true

ribery is a bum, robben came over and took over his whole team. before that, madrid wanted ribery, god that team is run by retards.

>sell robben and sneijder
>they face eachother in the final of the CL at your stadium a year later

Having that gold shit on your meat is just autistic in general and i'd want to wash my head afterthat bitch kissed it.

This, can't think of a bigger waste of money than eating precious metals. Actually is an amazing marketing spin for idiots.

Mediocre? You're crazy

ribery is such a wigger

Nothing more retarded than gold covered food, makes me wanna hang vapid rich people


Saltbae tracked him down and invited him for a free dinner. He knows the importance of PR in this dy and age.